When did you start gaining weight?



  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member

    I've always been overweight.

    I was born a month early, and that was the last time I was ever underweight.

    (Seriously, I was a chunky kid, a chunkier teenager, and now a fat adult... I don't know what "normal" is.)
  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    I have been chubby all my life, but I was generally pretty active, loved riding my bike around the neighborhood all day and being outside.

    But when I was 15, A LOT of stuff happened with my life and family, I got very depressed (diagnosed with depression and anxiety) and got put on a medication called Paxil. I was tired all the time, didn't want to ride my bike anymore, slept a lot, ate a lot, stopped going to school because I just didn't want to get out of bed and I ballooned up to 265 lbs from probably around 180 in the span of maybe a year or less.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I put a lot of weight on in my twenties, but that was a good thing and it was mostly muscle mass. When I was 20 I weighed in at 5'10" and 135-140 Lbs and pretty much borderline underweight...by the time I was 25 I was around 165 Lbs and pretty lean with some good muscle.

    I didn't become over-fat until my 30s when I finally settled into a desk job.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I starting using food to deal with being molested when I was 8. I never felt being fat hindered my health. Most of what I have is linked back to genetics since losing weight hasn't "cured" me.
  • maybe99
    maybe99 Posts: 8 Member
    I have never ever been a normal weight.... Sure I sabotage my weight loss, i am so not sure what to expect when i am no longer obese.... I do get excited thinking of the possibility
  • angiez93
    angiez93 Posts: 63
    My junior year in high school. I was quite depressed and preoccupied with my education... so I packed on about 20 pounds. Funny to think back on those days - I thought I was super fat at my lowest weight. I would love to be that tiny again!
  • angiez93
    angiez93 Posts: 63
    This is definitely an interesting thread. So often we are completely focused on our journey to wellness that we fail to reflect on its origins. It's a healthy thing to do sometimes, looking back - it makes looking forward that much more meaningful. Thank you for posting, OP!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I thought I was super fat at my lowest weight. I would love to be that tiny again!

    I've had this same relationship with my weight as long as I can remember. When I lose a pound, I also remember how fat I felt when I got UP to that weight. I've been aware of "dieting" since I was very young (probably 2 or 3) since my mom was very insecure about her weight, too.

    My dad started calling me "Tubby, tubby two-by-four" when I was nine. Looking back at pictures from that time, it's pretty clear I was healthy rather than fat. He was trying to encourage me to be more active in a not particularly encouraging sort of a way.
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    I've been pretty heavy set my whole life, but I think my problem was that I just didn't think about how much I consumed and what I consumed. I also think (though I've played many sports through my life) it is due to not exercising enough to compensate. I use to think it was depression, but when I was depressed I actually weighed a lot less, lost weight, and looked pretty healthy. Now I'm having such a good time I don't think about it! So MyFitnessPal is ideal for me as I need to track my calories and other things. That's my 2 cents.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I've actually been "chubby" ever since I was little. My parents liked to feed me a lot...and it wasn't healthy food either. But my "highest" was during junior year of college. A year before--during my sophomore year of college--I was so busy writing a paper one night, I barely ate anything, rushed to class after the paper was done and nearly fainted (flat out collapsed in the library) due to low blood sugar. I freaked out and thought, "Oh sh**, I need to eat more," and after that, for one year, I ate tons (just to be sure I never fainted ever again like that) and gained quite a bit. It wasn't in muscle too, just fat, and it showed. I lost the weight and more while studying abroad in Japan partly due to the lifestyle there and also due to one horrendous food poisoning experience (from oysters). After moving back to the US, I gained back half of the weight and that belly fat is still there. Actually, it's been increasing since I started an office job a little more than a year ago. I commute to work, sit on my *kitten* all day, commute back home, ate and slept. When I started school again last fall while working full time on the side, the stress was at an all time high and a few months ago, I looked in the mirror and realized "omgah, I need to do something about this."
  • angiez93
    angiez93 Posts: 63
    I thought I was super fat at my lowest weight. I would love to be that tiny again!

    I've had this same relationship with my weight as long as I can remember. When I lose a pound, I also remember how fat I felt when I got UP to that weight.

    This is exactly how I feel!! Sometimes this idea can make it crazy hard to be excited about losing weight. So sorry to hear about your parents... they can be a huge factor in our health and attitidues
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member

    So sorry to hear about your parents... they can be a huge factor in our health and attitudues

    My parents did the best they could with the tools they had and were pretty wonderful; I've just known I was fat since I was nine. I appreciate the support, but it's not a wound, just a reality.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I started gaining weight at conception. More seriously I started to become visibly fat at the onset of puberty ("it's just puppy fat" - I was just a bit chubby though), by the time I was 16 I just looked older instead of having a svelt teenage body, I didn't look overweight really. I thought I was very fat though and tried to diet many times.

    First major ballooning after that was my first go at university where I lived on fast food because I was too shy to use the shared kitchen. Second major ballooning was after trying to lose weight after that one and having major rebound weight gain. Third was when I did my dissertation and was too panicked to cook and again ate take out food daily and sometimes twice daily.
  • stuart160
    stuart160 Posts: 1,628 Member
    When I retired from the Military a couple years ago and took a more sedentary job.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I was 10 when first remember being teased for being overweight. I think it started around age 8 though. My Dad became disabled and confined to a hospital bed. My mother had to go back to work. I was the one cooking for myself and my 3 siblings and of course I had no idea what healthy was :) I made stuff I was allowed such as sandwiches/hot dogs etc. I am sure that is where it all started :) It has been truly an eye opener learning what healthy really is and changing my lifestyle :)
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I am curious as to when/why/how everyone started to gain weight. Was there a specific trigger? Were you in your 20s or 40s? And when you realized it was a real problem to your health.

    I'm pretty sure I started gaining weight just after conception :laugh: Seriously though, I've never gained enough weight to ever be outside the healthy range for my height and gender. I lost a few vanity pounds as part of my fitness plan, got to ideal weight for me and then down a few pounds from there. I have never had weight related health problems so part of my goal is to ensure I never do.
  • Rocio956
    Rocio956 Posts: 20
    I started gaining weight when i started school which was in october 2013. My school is next to a gasoline station so me amd my friends would eat from there all the time chocolates, hot cheetos, tacos, sodas etc etc. i gained around 30 lbs. Went from a size 9 to a size 16 :(
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    I just hit my highest weight (outside of pregnancy) a few weeks ago. I was very careful in my last pregnancy not to gain too much weight (only ~15 lbs), since I started out overweight (BMI of ~26). I'm a breastfeeding mama, and though I BF / pumped full-time throughout my daughter's first year, I didn't stop eating at that increased caloric intake when she slowed down on nursing. This, I was up 20 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight when I joined MFP a few weeks ago.
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    Menopause. I was fine until then - though I've always watched what I ate and exercised, so I was never one of those "I could eat anything and never gain weight" kind of people.

    Hardest part for me is trying to figure out what to do now since I was already living a healthy lifestyle. Grrr. Very hard to get anywhere when what you've done your whole life successfully is what they tell you to do - except that it no longer works!!!
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    When I bought my first computer.
