When did you start gaining weight?



  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Pretty much since I was a kid, but it really started getting bad when puberty hit. I lost 50 pounds when I was 19 and kept it off for quite a few years but it slowly started creeping up. Being an emotional eater didn't help matters.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    When I started working at Sonic and Chili's in undergrad. I had no idea all that delicious food existed before that bc I was way too picky to try anything new unless it was given to me for free.
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    21 first pregnancy
  • Tigre_Lily
    Tigre_Lily Posts: 26 Member
    When I moved to Florida maybe it was because when I lived with my mom I never ate. Then I move over here to live with my now ex I started gaining weight. After 7 years I said enough was enough and now I am down 5lbs with 10 more to go.
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    When I got pregnant. Just last year.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    10 or 11, when I hit puberty and turned to food for comfort
  • chescaatherese
    Senior year of high school. I gained 20 pounds to be exact from the amount of free time I had and all the social eating with my friends. I knew I had to make some changes when my clothes were not fitting properly and my pants kept ripping. I would go to dance rehearsals feeling out of shape. Once I started college and had easy access to the gym and healthy foods I started progressively making changes. Lost the 20 pounds I gained and am now trying to exceed goals :)
  • tattooedillini26
    tattooedillini26 Posts: 48 Member
    I did well through my first year and a half of college, but I started dating a guy who had terrible eating habits and went out a lot more than I was used to. So I started eating the junk that he ordered, going out and drinking more calories (which also triggered drunk eating), and then was usually to tired to go to the gym. I developed a very lazy and unhealthy lifestyle, and it continued for a while after we broke up, now I am getting back to my healthier self!
  • jimiller25
    jimiller25 Posts: 6 Member
    I was always a "healthy" size, played volleyball, ran track, but when I went to college and wasn't playing sports I gained the dreaded freshman 15. By the time I graduated, I had lost most of it, but then that first job after college and having a boyfriend who also liked to eat I went and piled it right back on and then some. I spent from 23 to about 30 carrying 60 extra pounds. Rediscovering the athlete in me, using MFP regularly and making some new fit friends has made all the difference...oh and learning how to cook and eat clean!
  • jamesryanfletcher
    jamesryanfletcher Posts: 128 Member
    I believe that I started gaining weight (above normal growth) at around 6 years of age after we moved from a farm environment into a city. It was at this school that I started being bullied and became socially isolated. I soon there after got my first games console and then computer and was never really an active child either. So in the early nineties I was one of the earlier cases of childhood obesity.

    I really became aware of the health consequences late in high school and have tried to lose weight intermittently for the last ten years. I actually weigh less now than when I finished high school and am almost two thirds of the way from peak weight to goal.
  • Lettee4
    Lettee4 Posts: 81 Member
    i was 8 years old.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    20's after a violent/controlling relationship...then the weight just struck around til I decided to work through some stuff at 35.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I was about 40 - just stopped breastfeeding my fourth child, changed from nursing (job on my feet) to a desk job, gave up playing squash - so all of that combined to start a gradual increase of weight that just didn't stop. Then when I was in my 50's had some distressing family issues (husband's accident) and it piled on even more quickly.

    I never thought I would lose weight again, but thanks to MFP and my friends, I have.
  • cootason
    cootason Posts: 59 Member
    Started gaining weight in my teens as I was more into computer games and not very active it was a tough few years fighting a bit of depression at the time and things went from bad to worse. it took me years to finally decide to just get out and do something and I have to admit the decision has been the best one In my life I am not out of the woods yet but I have lost 30 Kilograms 66 lb its getting a bit tougher these days I try not to let the scales bring me down I maintain my 5 days of fitness a week and put in a solid effort my health club friends think I am doing well but I keep pushing through it seems I am getting smaller still so somethings going right :).. my motivation is to get those years back and do the stuff I could not do as a teen. and most of that has come true. I am getting a stand up paddle board this year so i can get out on the water. :)
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    As soon as I got control over what I could and couldn't eat. So age 15, when I got my first job. After that, it was an easy matter to stroll on down to the store and buy whatever the hell I wanted.
  • Medusaboyd18
    Since I developed depression. I'm 20 and haven't been at a healthy weight since I was 8 years old. Hoping to finally do it this time. I have PCOS it's really important to my health to get to a healthy weight.
  • marinadanielle
    marinadanielle Posts: 127 Member
    I've always been slightly overweight, but I really started to pack it on at 17 when I went to college. The combination of delicious dorm food and a bad breakup halfway through college that left me holed up in my room snacking all day ended up being a recipe for disaster. That segued into meeting my current boyfriend who loves me no matter how I look and me gaining "happy relationship weight" and getting lazy and I gained another 25ish pounds in the last year on top of the 40+ I'd gained in college! Just restarted my journey, but it's reassuring to know I'll be cared for equally now and when I reach my goal weight. [:
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    high school, I was about a size 6 as a freshman and a size 20 dress by my junior year
  • bv109
    bv109 Posts: 83
    gaining weight was always problem. dem ecto feels
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I was a major Jazzerciser in my 30's / 40's and never had a weight problem. Probably to thin at times. I then quit exercising, and refused to get in a scale a let 25 pounds sneak up on me. In fact I got so bad I would tell the nurse at the doctors office not to tell me how much I weighed. But my doctor finally got thru to me, so I rejoined my class took off about 18 of those pounds in the first 9 months, then got stuck on a plateau for a very long time. Joined MFP and bought a Jawbone UP and started losing again. Now just a few pounds to go.