I have been on here for a while but have not introduced myself. My name is Anita and I am a 38 year old mother of 3, who are 13, 12 and 11. I have struggled with my weight for most of my life especially after I hit my teen years.

10 years ago I even had the gastric bypass had lost 100 lbs with that. But never dealt with my eating habits and why I got so big in the first place. Then when I got my divorce, I turned to the food for comfort again. And last Christmas I found myself right back where I was before I had the surgery. 280 lbs. So embarrassed that I had let myself get back up there and started with my fitness pal Jan 2nd 2014. I started off really well. Then in June I found out that my real dad was dying. 3 weeks later he passed away. So for the passed 2 months I have been off track. I gained 6 lbs back. As of Thursday August 14th, 2014, I decided to make an honest effort to get back on track. So here I am. I have already lost 4 lbs of the 6.

I have a long ways to go. I want to lose a total of 140 lbs by the time I turn 40 which is a year from this Oct. I want to be truly healthy for the first time in my life since I was a kid.

I have a lot of people watching me too. So the pressure is on. But I would love to have more friends on here that will help keep me motivated and going. To get on me when they see me slacking. Will you be willing to do that?


  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    That's brutal.

    I went off the rails for six months after my mum died.

    Sending supportive thoughts.
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member
    hi Anita,

    Quite a roller coaster ride you have been on but you are at the right place for motivation and support, would love to help encourage you towards your goals.

    Feel free to add for support.
  • coachfeliciad
    coachfeliciad Posts: 54 Member
    I have been on here for a while but have not introduced myself. My name is Anita and I am a 38 year old mother of 3, who are 13, 12 and 11. I have struggled with my weight for most of my life especially after I hit my teen years.

    10 years ago I even had the gastric bypass had lost 100 lbs with that. But never dealt with my eating habits and why I got so big in the first place. Then when I got my divorce, I turned to the food for comfort again. And last Christmas I found myself right back where I was before I had the surgery. 280 lbs. So embarrassed that I had let myself get back up there and started with my fitness pal Jan 2nd 2014. I started off really well. Then in June I found out that my real dad was dying. 3 weeks later he passed away. So for the passed 2 months I have been off track. I gained 6 lbs back. As of Thursday August 14th, 2014, I decided to make an honest effort to get back on track. So here I am. I have already lost 4 lbs of the 6.

    I have a long ways to go. I want to lose a total of 140 lbs by the time I turn 40 which is a year from this Oct. I want to be truly healthy for the first time in my life since I was a kid.

    I have a lot of people watching me too. So the pressure is on. But I would love to have more friends on here that will help keep me motivated and going. To get on me when they see me slacking. Will you be willing to do that?

    I hate you've gone through all that you have but I'm proud of you for wanting to change your life and get healthier. The fact that you've been through so much and fallen off the wagon so many times and STILL keep trying to lose the weight says a lot about you. It tells me you're strong, dedicated and a mom who loves her kids and wants to be around for them as long as possible. I'm really sorry about your dad and I experienced a loss myself in 2008. My little brother died in a car wreck and I turned to food to deal with it. It took me 4 years of off and on diet yo-yoing before I finally committed and I've never turned back. I'm still trying to complete my journey and have about 30 lbs to go and I can't wait to reach that! And I would love to help keep you from slacking and be here for support. Let's be teammates!! :)
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm here for you !!
  • Hi, anita. I m helena. 31 years old, married with a twelve year old son. My doctor put me on an anti depressant called remeron a few months ago and I gained 36 lbs in the first few weeks. I m so miserable with my size I don't bother getting out of pj's or put make up on. I decided I had do something so here and I am looking for supportive friends as well.
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    Hello, I'm Kate. I successfully lost 75 lbs using MFP then got stupid and forgot the fundamentals of weight maintenance and gained a lot of it back. I'm back on MFP because it works. There are awesome people here but it only works if you put in the hard work (accurately logging, exercise, eating within your macros).

    I welcome supportive motivated friends. :flowerforyou:

    Sláinte :drinker:
  • vettim16
    vettim16 Posts: 97 Member
    I also have 3 children, which are older then yours. I would love to help get you to your goals and support you! Feel free to friend me! You can do this and get on the right track!
  • Livingfreetoday
    Livingfreetoday Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome back. I'm glad we'll be able to do this together!
    I too have gone through death of parents, divorce and have 3 kids.
    My latest increase in weight came after surgery, quitting smoking and stress from work.

    It's a hard but beautiful journey if we do it together!
  • Mine_Time
    Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support. It helps knowing I have some people that understand. For right now I have to get ready for work. I am looking forward to getting to know you all and working on this together. Have a great day. Talk to you when I get off of work. Be Bless!
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    My god you've had it tough. You must be so strong to be getting back on track. I don't know what to say...well done doesn't seem big enough!!!

    I'm also back to lose some weight that I put on after having my last baby (7months ago). I've 3 kids too and know the pressure of people looking to see what will happen with your weight.

    Feel free to friend me...same goes to anyone else. I'll be logging daily and love to chat.

    Laura (from Ireland). xx
  • trishacord
    trishacord Posts: 3 Member
    Howdy y'all! I am Trish... 43 mother of 2. One in college and the other in 3rd grade. I like you had my father pass a couple years ago. I gained 25 pounds without realizing it! I have been trying to lose those pounds for what seems like forever! Been to several weight loss support groups and have realized that MFP is really a great tool!

    Have been back to MFP for about a month now! Love this place! Training for the Tough Mudder (Dallas) in October! My son has taken on the role of my personal trainer which is nice!

    Would love to have some new friends in this journey as well!
  • Hi Anita, I have also struggled with my weight and know how hard it is to get through emotionally difficult situations without turning to food. I started last year eliminating certain food from my diet. For instance, french fries. I haven't had a french fry in over a year and do not even miss eating them. I ordered one last, small, order of fries and when I got down to the last one I took a picture of it. I printed it out, wrote the date on it and put it on the front of the refrigerator. M&Ms, tater tots and onion rings were also eliminated last year. Candy bars and donut holes were eliminated this summer. For some reason, having these reminders on the refrigerator helps me stay away from those foods. I can see my success every time I open the refrigerator.

    I've also started asking myself "what is that food going to do for me if I eat it?" Will it help me with my weight loss goal?

    I have to learn how to add friends, but when I do you will be the first one I add. I am a grandmother of one awesome 12 year old boy. My girls are 29 and 33, so I don't have the stress of raising kids. What I do have is an ailing mother-in-law who I am very close to. She is no longer able to live alone, but has 24-hour home care, plus her family. I don't work outside my home, so I am with her most of the time.
  • Hi, My name is JoAnn and I am starting again, but had a different act. originally since 4/28/14. I have an ED but working on this
    to eat bealthier. I have no friends. Please Add me.........If you think I will be triggering, then please dont. Please Add Me!
  • Hi, My name is JoAnn and I am starting again, but had a different act. originally since 4/28/14. I have an ED but working on this
    to eat bealthier. I have no friends. Please Add me.........If you think I will be triggering, then please dont. Please Add Me! :smile:
  • livhig82
    livhig82 Posts: 14 Member
    Add me please would love new buddies for support :)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Sorry that things are rough but I admire that your making the effort to get where you want.

    Feel free to
    Add if you want...same for anyone.
  • Hi! I lost 38lbs on weight watchers a few years ago, but gained it all back after my grandfather passed away, so I know what that is like. I am starting today and came across your post. I would be happy to join you on this journey :)
  • If you are going through a bad place, keep going as the only way out is through. Kudos to you for putting one foot in front of the other on the path forward.

    I lost 75 pounds but then got very sick and gained 30 of it back during the recovery. I'm starting from a mid-point with lots of tools and knowledge that it can be done.

    I am happy to support you on your journey if you choose.
  • Mine_Time
    Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think I have added you all to my friend's list. Be bless and we can do this all together. Big hug
  • scott1080
    scott1080 Posts: 109 Member
    hi I to am restarting this journey after putting everything back on I lost two years ago so feel free to add me and anyone else I am also looking for daily supporters