

  • Try the Fitbit...I don't have a lot of time either, but at least it measures your walking throughout the day and syncs with myfitness pal! At lease you can see that you are making some progress without even really trying!
  • Not sure that I have it on WII, but I have it on Xbox....would love a challenge to get re-motivated!
  • Dr Oz's Green dring is actually pretty good. I peel the lemon now, it was a little bitter with the peel on, and I cut back on the lemon a bit for my taste. I also only used 2 stalks of celery (I hate celery!!). All in all though, not bad for someone who loves the fruit juices, but is still trying to find veggie ones that I…
    in Juicing Comment by 2coolboyz March 2012
  • I'm in!! I just turned 40, and have 10 more pounds to go! I am 5'2" and am currently at 144.7.... I have been off the forum for a while, and am ready to get back in it....we should start a group to keep track. Any ideas on a name?
  • I also have hypothyroidism, and there are many symptoms including fatigue! Most docs won't test for it normally, but don't resist if you ask for it either. Dry skin, hair loss, constipation, and fatigue are just a few symptoms. If you end up on meds I'm sure you'll feel a lot better! I've been on them for over 10 years,…
    in Thyroid? Comment by 2coolboyz June 2011
  • I have the fitbit and I love it!! It is very motivating, and you can always share dvd's or get them pretty cheap (Costco had Jillian Michaels ones for $8)
  • Mondavi Pinot Noir is nice