wine anyone?



  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Trader Joes is the place to go for wine if you have one local.

    Tres Pinos - Makes a great red and a great white, $5 a bottle. Seriously yummy. This is my go-to.
    Freixant (sp?)- Sparkling wine, my favorite of this variety. $12ish a bottle.
    Trader Joes Reserve Pinot Noir - great red, $10 a bottle

    Pinot Noir is my fav red (really my fav wine) by far. If you want to go expensive for a treat, I love Joseph Phelps wines.
  • srich1062
    srich1062 Posts: 1
    If you are a beginner wine drinker, the best and sweetest red would be the Pinot Noir, then you could work your way up to the drier ones, but this one is my favorite. Something with a little more woodsey taste would be a Malbec, the best ones are from around Argentina or Chile
  • BlueSkies_12
    BlueSkies_12 Posts: 74 Member
    If you want to try a red wine, merlot is a good red for beginners. Merlot is like red wine 101. I would recommend going to a wine tasting. If you would like to try a white wine, you might want to start with Sauvignon Blanc.
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    My plan is to buy a different bottle every time I go shopping just to see what I like. Thanks for the suggestions Im going shopping today after work : )
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    If you live in an area that has local vineyards, I would suggest going to a few wine tastings. There you can learn about the wine, meet the makers, discuss the differences in wine, and try many different types. No one can just suggest a wine for's all about your personal palate. For example, if you like light, fruity tastes then start off with a sweet white wine like a Riesling. Chateau St. Michele is a very good one. If you like a heavier, dryer, more complex taste, try a red wine. If you're not used to red wine I would suggest starting off light like a Merlot. Bogle makes a good Merlot. The more wine you drink, the more you will discover about what you like :-)

    Here is a link that will take you the the California Wine Getaway guide. Even though your not actually planning a visit to wine country, this site has a lot of facts....

    I now am dying to get back to Napa. Best.Vacaton.Ever.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I love dry red wines (my favorite is cabernet), but it is kind of an acquired taste. I like whites OK, but not as much as reds. I also like sweet reds and white merlots. You might like those if you like fruity drinks.
  • doza13
    doza13 Posts: 7
    I love me some wine! I don't care for red wine. I like pinot grigio and chardonnay the best, but I do not enjoy a buttery chardonnay. Moscato and riesling are too sweet for me. I don't need the very expensive wines... Yellow Tail, Woodbridge and Mondavi are nice.

  • Wine is my favorite! I don't really like sweet wines. Pinot Grigio is my favorite- it's a white wine and very good for summer. I just tried the red Menage A Trois wine the other day and it was pretty good! It's a mixture of Zinfandel, Cabernet, and Merlot. They also have a white one that is a mixture of Chardonnay, Moscato, and Chenin Blanc!
  • pearlof69
    pearlof69 Posts: 80 Member
    All this talk of wine.........mmm I can taste it on my lips now. ("A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips")
  • wendix
    wendix Posts: 74 Member
    i'm definitely a rose drinker although i like wine in general. white zinfandel is my favourite.
    try medium/sweet white wines instead of drier ones if you're just starting to drink wine since they are usually preferred by people that like sweeter drinks
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Savignon blanc is the lowest carb/sugar/calorie wine (and my favorite) but I hardly drink red. When I do, I like a pinot noir that is light and fruity. A "beginner" wine is pinot grigio, easy to drink and delicious!
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    I started with reds and still am usually not a white fan. I like Sebastiani for a solid, inexpensive brand.

    Also, I like to keep a bottle of San Pelligrino handy. If I don't like a wine, I can't bear to waste it, so I add a dash of sparkling water and maybe a little fruit juice--instant "sangria," minus the extra sugar.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I like fruity cocktails, but when it comes to wine I like the middle of the road reds.

    One of my favorites is actually dirt cheap - Barefoot Merlot. Their Cabernet is decent too, I'm just not a Cab fan. Chateau St. Michelle makes an amazing sweet Riesling if you want sweeter, and I've never had a wine of their's I didn't enjoy.
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    Red wine is healthier for you. It helps with hypertension and other heart related issues. White wine has a little more sugar in it. I find that I love reds over wines.

    My favorite red would have to be a shiraz or a malbec.

    Maybe go to a wine tasting in your area and see what types you like. They are a lot of fun and you get a suvenier glass sometimes ;-)
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    Red wine is more heart healthy and contains Resveratrol which helps to burn fat... in moderation of course.
    I like the dry reds, like Merlot or Shiraz. Add a little ice in the warmer months and it is refreshing!
  • Leanitra
    Leanitra Posts: 18
    It depends on what kind of wine you would like. If you are a girly girl drinker then a sweet wine will be good for you to start off with. Start with an Arbor Mist which is a good fruity wine with different flavors. You can try Boone's Farm they are good. there is a wine named Verdi that I just tried and thought that it was very nice. It's only 5% by volume and it taste nice. There is a clear one and a raspberry one. You can try a Moscato they are nice. Also Wild Vine have good fruity wines. I love the Blackberry one. If you need anymore suggestions just let me know. I am still kinda new to the wine arena but it is nice trying different ones.

  • 2coolboyz
    2coolboyz Posts: 7
    Mondavi Pinot Noir is nice
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I love wine - has to be dry and white for me. A nice Pinot Grigio always works for me.

    However I have hardly had any wine since starting here as it's pretty calorific... The odd glass is fine but one of two every night soon adds up!

    I tend to go for a vodka and low cal mixer if I drink now, althoug I am currently not drinking any alcohol
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Definitely red wine, it actually has some 'good for you' properties. But how do you like it? Dry, sweet, frizzy...? There are so many different types.
  • cdoane
    cdoane Posts: 11 Member
    I love wine, but I have cut back a lot since i like the sweeter wines that have a lot more sugar. My newest favorite is Berringer's White Merlot. I love White Zin as well, Berringer for that as well (they make good wine!)
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