FEMALES - Looking for a weight loss buddy - Read below.

Hello all. I am looking for someone who is in a similar situation as I am. I am 5'4"(-ish) and my current weight is hovering in between 152-154. I was at about 167.5 last summer. I started MFP in January 2012 at 158.8. So I'm making progress. My ultimate goal is 140 (or less), but I can't get under 150.

I recently got a treadmill, and just need the motivation and accountability to use it every day. I am fortunate enough to have a home gym in my basement that my husband and I have slowly built up over the last year. It includes the treadmill, olympic weight bench, adjustable hand weights, hanging punching bag, ab lounger, a stability ball, a pullup bar, and a small tv with dvd player for workout dvds and such.

I'm basically looking for someone to be a TRUE FRIEND and workout buddy. To help motivate me and to put me in my place when I need it, and someone I can do the same for. Someone with similar goals. Looking forward to your responses! :)


  • Hi Tiffany .. I just startted and weigh about 138-139 , I am 42 and will be 43 in April and want to loose about 10 pounds by the summer . I will be your motivation buddy and friend : ) I need some motivation too !
  • I'm in!! I just turned 40, and have 10 more pounds to go! I am 5'2" and am currently at 144.7.... I have been off the forum for a while, and am ready to get back in it....we should start a group to keep track. Any ideas on a name?
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    I'm pretty new to this, so I may need some help with starting a group, but that is a GREAT idea!!! I'll think of some names, or have my hubby think of some, and post later! :)
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
  • hi,
    I just joined mfp and I swear, you were describing me! Last year I weighed 164, and started here 3 days ago @ 157.5. My goal is around 138ish, and I am also 5'4"ish :) maybe we were separated at birth!
    i am pretty new to this site and note sure how to join a group...if you have even figured out how to start one! i'll keep my eyes open for it.
    i usually am active and enjoy working out, but have been in a slump that i desperately need to get out of.
    we can all help each other!
  • I need a weight loss buddy too! My first goal is 138, and my second goal is about 120 or less. I'm 5'3. I've lost weight only BECAUSE of this site.
    If you ever need some motivation, we'll ALL give it to you :D
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
  • lfcartz
    lfcartz Posts: 20
    Definitely add me! Joined this site because I'm starting TEAM Training at my gym tomorrow to lose about 20-25 pounds. I need all the motivation I can get! Everyone feel free to add me as well!

    By the way I'm 5'2 and currently 140 pounds, looking to get to 125 pounds.