

  • Dont get discouraged. it sounds like you have come to a halt.. your body may be used the activity that you have been giving it.. Switch it up every week.. from brisk walking one day. to a run the next. lifting weights , zumba , yoga. It challenges your muscles more. and re boots everything again.. lots of change.. changing…
  • i eat a organic " HOney Boy " granola in the morning.. with a little bit of honey on it. i is very filling. Maybe a low fat yogurt. some have a alot of sugers.. do you use sauces on your meat.. bbq sause ect . tones of suger in thoughs... good luck though
  • The same thing happens to me within the first couple of months of running. Im not a expert or anything but i do know that i have to really limit how much i run. It is really jarring on joints ect. I also think personally for myself my quads and calfs r quite strong but i am quite week in my ankles and hamstrings. Maybe…