

  • Good luck - I can totally relate, so sure hope it works for you =)
  • Thank you guys =) We have him seeing a psychiatrist, psychologist and nutionist regularily. It is just tough - no other words and I just want to get myself back on track. Am feeling a lot better the past week so hopefully this is the best time to start. Look forward to sharing our journeys =)
  • I stew up some rhubarb and apples - seperately - no sugar - measure out a cup or a half of each add a couple of tablespoons of no fat natural yogurt and a small sprinkle of toasted museli. I tell myself its homemade crumble and its super filling. Hopefully make you crave something besides the chocolate. Good luck =)
  • You'll look great no matter what. Using MFP makes losing weight soo much easier. Since I have been counting calories my eating has changed dramatically and this program helps so much. It s way better than those diet plans and keeps the money in your pocket. Good luck - and have a fantastic wedding =)
  • Thanks so much for that - you have all definately given me inspiration. I will get the pins out soon and wont have to have it elevated so much so I will be able to try the upper body stuff - and I think the rowing machine. Hopping on the crutches is hard work - I didn't realise how weak my arms were. I have never worked…