Hesitantly Introducing Myself

As you can see, I'm hesitant about introducing myself here. I'm not the type to open myself up to a large group of people that I don't know. I'm a cynic by nature and wonder how effectively a group of strangers can support one another... but I'm willing to give it a try because I'm desperate, and I'm willing to admit that my current way of thinking isn't working. So, please prove me wrong!


  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome aboard and friend me up if you dare muuuhaha! :)
  • mirenner
    mirenner Posts: 205
    we bite
  • bigwill5
    bigwill5 Posts: 77 Member
    I was the same way, I am nearly three weeks and MFP has been great. You start looking forward to the encouragement and advice. You are not alone. Feel free to friend me.
  • Hi, this is my first time to introduce myself also. I like having some where to get on and keep track of all of my workouts & food I eat. I have been working out for about 8 weeks now and really watching what I eat and staying at my calorie intake goal for about 2 1/2 weeks. I have only been keeping track of my weight loss for about 3 weeks & in that 3 weeks I have now lost 9 pounds. I can totally tell my weight loss in my stomach and I feel so much better and have tons more energy.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    I was sceptical too, even joined a challenge thinking - there is no way they'll even know what I do. Oddly, this has been the most supportive and encouraging place, and its working for me. Good luck - hope you find your mojo here with us :)
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    we bite

    But it feels so wickedly good! :devil:
  • I understand I took me a while to do so too. But it is totally worth it, the people here are very nice and very supportive. Feel free to friend me. :)
  • bahorne74
    bahorne74 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome, I know how you feel. But I do believe MFP works; If you let it and let others help you.
  • i just joined today as well :)
  • vscheffel
    vscheffel Posts: 11 Member
    I just joined yesterday and I understand how you feel.
  • JennyJacobsen
    JennyJacobsen Posts: 72 Member
    Oh we aren't bad I was just thinking about face book and how I don't have people on there that I don't know personally and with this site I have 25 some people I don't know that I AM friends with. I like it alot and am confident because we are all doing the same thing here losing weight :happy:
  • MFP is the best thing I could have done. I started in January and had lost 30 pounds until I hit a plateau in Aug and have been stuck on the scale since...BUT!!!!! I've lost inches! So make sure you measure yourself and take pictures. Because when the scale stops you need to keep going and so will the inches! Good Luck. Add me if you would like.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Hey Buddy! Welcome to the site!

    You can use MFP as much as you need it. For me, I keep everything private and lurk around the posts to see if I can assist anyone or post something if I need someones assistance.

    You'll find that with MFP's recent post feature, replies just POUR IN! So you're never alone mate, unless it suits you and thats fine too!

    Welcome again!
  • Welcome, I have been on MFP for a couple weeks and am just now introducing myself too. My name is Rachel and I am a sugar addict. I have a serious problem with self control. I unfortunately have been over my sugar intake each day that I have been logging. I am slowly improving, but have MAJOR relapses at least 2 times a week.
  • BrendaPetersen
    BrendaPetersen Posts: 69 Member
    I joined back in October and have lost 12.6 pounds already....it is the best site I have ever found and the support on here is awesome! If anyone want to send me a freind request I'll help you with support!
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome!! I think we're pretty friendly here. I've made numberous new friends!! Feel free to add me if you like. You're gonna love it here!!

  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    We all are here trying to lose weight and know that encouragement helps us stay on track. I hope to see you soar and do well.
  • Good luck - I can totally relate, so sure hope it works for you =)
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I am sure that you will get to love it here. I have met pals on here and I truly consider them my friends. They support me when I'm down, give me feedback when I need it, and tell me when they know I am making bad choices. I wish you the same!

    Feel free to add me.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I know how you feel. Friends on the Internet are transient and don't have a vested interest in anyone online. Nonetheless, any support is better than none. And very often, it doesn't take much to give you enough encouragement or challenge or whatever to get going and meet your goals. So give it a go and see what happens. You've nothing to lose but weight. :noway: