anorexic son is making me fat!!

Hi I am back to try again! I was here a while back and did quite well but have let the kilos pile on again.

Our house is struggling with an anorexic son. I have been overcompensating for his lack of eating and eat more foods just to prove to him that it wont kill him. It hasnt done me or him any good and is still a very emotional and stressful time. I was really struggling with the whole fitness diet regime because he took it a way too far and found I couldnt log on here where it seemed to promote what he was doing to kill himself. He is a compulsive excercisor and because of what it is doing to him it really put me off. I know this is not rational but nothing about the disease is rational and it really takes over to destroy a home.

I am hoping I can put him and all those issues aside and focus on getting myself back to a decent managable weight and be healthy. I look forward to making some friends to give and get moral support from. Heres to making it work this time.


  • ebahde
    ebahde Posts: 89 Member
    Well good luck in your journey.....maybe your son could do this with you (only have his setting at maintaining or gaining weight). Having someone in your life who struggles with such a complex issue as anorexia is not easy (i've been there with 2 close friends), but you also have to do your best to help yourself too!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    sounds like you guys would both benefit from talking with a professional. It seems you both have deep rooted issues that need professional treatment (especially him, but you can work though better understanding his disease and how it affects you also). I would highly suggest that as the best route. I think it's far past the point of thinking a quick fix will do the trick. Good luck!

    edit: but I am not saying you shouldn't use MFP also. There is a great supportive community here and everyone will give you support and tough love all the way!
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    hey there,

    i totally understand your situation.

    in my case, i was the anorexic daughter and my mother ate more to "set a good example" for me. during my years of struggle, she probably gained 15 pounds. anorexia is very hard on the entire family, not just the person who suffers from the disease.

    my best advice is to try to maintain a healthy balance every day and keep an open atmosphere - until i was able to feel i could open up and share all my thoughts (even the frightening ones) with my family, i could not heal.

    i am adding you :) i will give you as much support as i can!
  • Thank you guys =) We have him seeing a psychiatrist, psychologist and nutionist regularily. It is just tough - no other words and I just want to get myself back on track. Am feeling a lot better the past week so hopefully this is the best time to start. Look forward to sharing our journeys =)