nuttylou Member


  • Can I please join in :-) x
  • I have had my mirena in since last September and have had no problems with it what so ever! I have not had a period since then and it has been fantastic. Personally, I have not put on any weight from the mirena, only from having a rubbish diet and lack of exercise!! Can you honestly pin point all your problems down to when…
  • The times I have got cramps have been when Ive not eaten before Ive worked out. I only had it twice and both times I had gone to the gym at 11am and I normally have lunch at 12. I like to go at 13-14.00 or 18-19.00 evenings an hour or so after Ive eaten and then I find im ok x
  • Are you in Uk or US hun. what is size difference as Im uk x
  • I disagree actually! I am a size 18-20 at the moment and at my lowest I was an 8 which just looked plain stupid as I had bones poking out everywhere! I would set your goal at maybe a 12 and see how you feel at a 12, it is not about weight or sizes it is about how you personally feel. Some people carry off an 8 easily…
  • There is an NHS one on itunes hun, I just searched couch to 25k on the actual itunes site and a few came up. I have completed day 1 today and I felt it was ok, I carried on walking once it had finished to 30mins and then did the cross trainer (25 mins) and bike (10mins) something tells me it is going to hit me in the…
  • Ive always found Next to be generous with sizing :-) x
  • Can I join also>? I will do mine on the treadmill in the gym until I have got a HR monitor and then I will start to go outside I feel this will allow me to build up some confidence in my own abilities before going out there on the street! I can run on mon-wed-fri but I may have to juggle my days around a bit as I am a…
  • How did you guys get your dates etc under your ticker? April 10th - 213lbs April 24th- 218lbs May 08th- 213lbs Im fairly pleased with that as I had a fall at the 1st hurdle when I had a mcl injury to my knee :-(. Thankfully Im now back on track so hopefully Ill be seeing more losses yay :-) Good luck everyone xx
  • Personally I think it is petty to say that somebody shouldnt post pics of themselves in underwear. Its whatever floats your boats. Im not about to parade around in raunchy undies my pics were a genuine plain undie ones for the purpose of motivation for myself and to be able to compare at a mid-point and end point. Im…
  • Clothes can change a figure end of. You can dress your figure and make it look different. My starting pics are in my underwear, its not like they are ann summers peepholes or anything so what is the big deal? If you dont want to look you dont have to, why should one adult have more say or opinions be more worthy than…
  • all the time, check out my blog today lol :-) x
  • Thats excellent news you have done sooo well you should be very proud of yourself. It gets better & better I promise :-).,, you will probably have times when you could scream etc but get through them day by day, minute by minute. You have proved to yourself already your body does not 'need' them that it is simply a craving…
  • I have posted a pic in my underwear although I dont feel it is revealing/showy as such because I have shorts style underpants on and a bra so it is no more revealing than a bikini. Im not the type of person to be bothered by other peoples opinions and I am not ashamed of my body im afraid even though I have an extra 5…
  • Well done girl that is FAB news, your doing brilliantly!! Try to exercise if you can to let out some stress and keep going its tough I know but you CAN do it! xx
  • Sarah I am a 3rd yr midwifery student with 5 children I can totally relate to the grab & go but you can make healthy choices! I seem to eat eat eat and still not get to my calorie levels! Feel free to add me & check out my diary x
  • hey everyone, Im from the UK & recently joined MFP last month, I was doing fab with the gym/eating and lost 9lbs then my knees were out of action for a week and a half-2 weeks. Im now starting to get on track & Ive been for my 1st cycle ride this morning and walked to collect the kids from school. Im hoping to be gracing…
  • Well done huni that is brilliant! I went through lots of boiled type sweets in the early stages! You will get through it and your doing totally fab! Keep it up and keep me posted how your getting on xx
  • Ive joined Nuffield health gym for £40 per month as a student and they have a good range of equipment, 2 pools, over 50 classes per week and the instructors are all very helpful. You also get a health check up x
  • Im from the Uk too and it would be great to have some UK based friends feel free to add me also :0)
  • How have you guys got on today?? x
  • You can all do it, I did and never believed I would!!! My partner also smokes 20 a day and alot of my friends smoke- when they smoke around me it makes me even more proud to be a non-smoker & not smell of *kitten*. In fact I used to smell the ashtray when I really had a craving- that was usually enough to put me off. All…
  • mmm ok they did not tell me to go back at all, maybe I should just get a check up before I do start again! Thanks guys x
  • Personally I would take some time out & maybe go for a walk etc instead if the muscles are aching! I say this as you are just starting out exercising and at that time when it is easy to override any aches as normal and continue working out as I did 3 weeks ago & ended up with a Medial collateral ligament tear & hopping…
  • Hi there I am currently: Height: 5 ft 6 Weight 218lbs UK size 18
  • I gave up smoking in December cold turkey. I Have a stressful lifestyle (5 children & studying a full time midwifery degree!) and Id like to wish you every success in giving up! The hardest part was the first month and I still got the odd craving until around a month ago and now I do not even consider it an issue, it is as…
  • hi guys I missed weigh in as I have had a medial collateral tear to both knee ligaments!!! eeeekkkk too much to soon with the exercising I think! Ive put on 5lbs in that time and Im now back on track so my current weight is 218lbs which is +5 :0(......looking forward to trying to get that back down now I can at least walk,…
  • Can I please join also? I have started my journey 5 days ago but only just realised that I started with the wrong number of lbs due to using a site calculator so although Ive lost 9lbs in doesnt show in numbers!! Im just going to change that in a mo! Ok my starting weight is 213lbs (15stone 3lbs) id like to be 183 by the…
  • I would stick to the calories the site gives you but choose healthy choices not filling up with empty calories and high cal foods for the sake of it!! Im finding it hard to eat my calories allowance tbh and Im not using my exercise ones neither which is not meant to be great but hey ho no point in forcing food down if im…
  • Hello there, I gave up smoking on 11th December cold turkey. I found that sucking mints helped me as it helped to keep my breath smelling fresh and I didnt want to ruin it by stinking of smoke.. I can honestly say that the 1st two weeks were hell. I have 5 children and I am a third year student studying a Bsc Honours in…