PaulVLJ Member


  • I would advise you to walk. Set alarms on your phone, I try to get 1/2 mile each hour. It only takes about 7 minutes. You can use MapMyFitness to keep track. Good Luck!
  • I just ate 2 boxes of Popsicles.
  • Can I ask if you have children? Those that do have children will understand why they are their greatest accomplishment and those that don't won't understand. My son without a doubt is my greatest accomplishment. Every day I watch with amazement as he gets closer to being a good man.
  • I did this one but not for weight loss. This is the Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead video also good. Even if you’re not interested in a detox I recommend the video.
  • I’m a programmer/analyst. Easy, take your food with you for the day. Don’t buy anything but coffee.
  • I get the same feeling when I’ve been working hard for days on low calories. Hope you get an answer. I agree with most post on here about your weight. Might consider a Hydrostatic Body Fat Test to see if you are going too far. It will accurately tell you how much fat you really have. I’m in central Texas which has a…
  • Things that have worked for me: Not only set a max calorie (ex: 2000) limit but also a minimum (ex: 1500) never go above or below. Instead of one big glut fest at the end of the day have 5 or 6 scheduled meals (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and snack) throughout the day. Strict rule if you can’t measure it you…
  • Hell No!
    in hcg diet? Comment by PaulVLJ April 2014
  • Peanut butter is an excellent protein source. 1 oz. of peanut butter has 7 grams protein versus 1 oz. of steak only 5.8 grams of protein. All fats are not equal it is the saturated fat that is a problem. All nuts are high in total fat but low in saturated fat.
  • I’m kind of right there with you. I started the year out at 222 lbs am now at 190 lbs. I have the digital scale and weigh everything, I do nutrisystem, Have the fitbit wifi scale, do the Garmin vivofit activity tracker, 7 days a week in the gym and more. I seem to be stuck.
  • I disagree. Why would you enter a post clearly titled "Bible Verses for Motivation" other than to start trouble with the posters. I think this is the perfect place to make the post.
  • Wish they had a like button. That was great!