Where am I going wrong?

I eat around 1500- 1800 calories per day with very little carbs (porridge in the morning, maybe a pitta at lunch) and I exercise every week around 5 times. One week I'll go to the gym 4 times and yoga and aqua tone. The next week I will do aerobic classes, boot camp and aqua tone maybe with 2 gym sessions. I haven't lost a single pound in over 7 weeks I have lost a dress size within the first week but I haven't lost an inch after that. Where am I going wrong? It's so frustrating and I just want to quit I need some help :-(


  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring all your food?? ALL of it? Like…peanut butter, do you actually weigh out the grams on a digital food scale?? If not..start there and make sure you are actually logging your food accurately.

    If the answer is a yes….then you need to either eat less or move more.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    also…..log everything. Even if you pop a handful of pretzels from your kids' lunch in your mouth (I do that all the time)…..log it. It could be worth 100 cals. And you do that enough times in one day, it'll add up and suck up your deficit real fast.
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Keep at it, sometimes the body takes a while to get the hang of what it's supposed to be doing, holds on for a bit, then lets go in a whoosh kind of thing. Just make sure you are weighing and logging every little thing (drinks included) and your calorie counts are totally accurate. Are you eating back exercise calories? Have you readjusted your calorie intake as you've lost weight? As you get lighter/fitter you will (a) have less wriggle room for calorie error to still lose weight and (b) burn less calories when you exercise. It's hard to say more without seeing your food diary/knowing more - height, weight etc.

    (You don't need to limit carbs to lose weight by the way.)
  • anniep1991
    The app take calories off when I need to adjust them to my weight. I weigh everything on scales, I exercise until I'm practically having an asthma attack and my fitness instructor is baffled she has told me to get my thyroid checked out as she has seen me work out and food diaries but doesn't understand why I'm not losing anything either. I log every ml of milk that I have in my tea. I've cut out coffee due to the amount of milk I put in. All I drink is water throughout the day and I have two teas in the morning. I really really have no idea what I can do :-( I would understand the lack of weight loss if I wasn't being so strict but I am. I don't usually eat back my exercise calories no.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    The app take calories off when I need to adjust them to my weight. I weigh everything on scales, I exercise until I'm practically having an asthma attack and my fitness instructor is baffled she has told me to get my thyroid checked out as she has seen me work out and food diaries but doesn't understand why I'm not losing anything either. I log every ml of milk that I have in my tea. I've cut out coffee due to the amount of milk I put in. All I drink is water throughout the day and I have two teas in the morning. I really really have no idea what I can do :-( I would understand the lack of weight loss if I wasn't being so strict but I am. I don't usually eat back my exercise calories no.

    Maybe run a bit more of a deficit and don't eat back all of your exercise calories to see if that jumpstarts things. In terms of the cardio work you are doing, what Heart Rate zone are you in when you "nearly have an asthma attack"? Not knowing your maximum heart rate, but just for example: can you sustain 150-160 bpm for 60 minutes?

    Can you use "bonk training" to fire up the fat loss?

    All about bonk training: http://www.superskinnyme.com/bonk-training.html

    1. Upon waking, drink 2-3 cups of coffee, up to 45 minutes before cycling. Don't eat.
    2. Ride at endurance pace- 60-70% of your max heart rate, or a casual pace that doesn't make you pant when you talk.
    3. Keep it up for 20-90 minutes.
    4. You can do this on consecutive days, but mix in at least one normal breakfast per week.
    5. Eat your typical breakfast as soon as the ride ends.
    6 . Watch the blubber ignite!!
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    If you're truly maintaining a calorie deficit and not losing weight or inches, go see your doctor and have things checked out.
  • PaulVLJ
    PaulVLJ Posts: 13 Member
    I’m kind of right there with you. I started the year out at 222 lbs am now at 190 lbs. I have the digital scale and weigh everything, I do nutrisystem, Have the fitbit wifi scale, do the Garmin vivofit activity tracker, 7 days a week in the gym and more. I seem to be stuck.