eastbaygal Member


  • Cliff: how are you doing? Hope all is well. I wanted to ask a question, as you seem to have mastered this: what do YOU do to get back into the gym and it's been a while. I can't believe how much I am resisting this! I spend all day thinking "I really ought to go" and then I don't :/ ! You'd think I was going to the dentist…
  • It's worrisome that your GP just offers pain pills and rest. We have such a problem with opioids in this country. There are all kind of suggestions on this board that are a much better choice. Good for you for looking farther.
  • Hi, Cliff! I am also in search of a support group as my other one, which was absolutely key to my weight loss, sort of fell apart. I've had some pounds creep up over the last three years and I have started logging again, and trying to get back into exercise. Geez you'd think I was heading a nightmare instead on heading…
  • If this a new pain, then you should see your GP for a referral for physical therapy, for no other reason than to diagnose just what is triggering the pain. You have to know what is causing the problem before you can start treating it. Take care.
  • Greetings! I have been all over the internet looking for a support group that is active. I had gastric bypass surgery in 2007 and did really well - mostly because of an online support group. Well, the group fell apart and three years ago I was overwhelmed by many stressors and put back on some of the weight. My life has…
  • Greetings! LisaM was kind enough to tell me about your group. I am 63 y/o and had successful GBS in 2007. I feel the reason I was successful was because of an online group ( unfortunately, it fell apart). I have done well except for the last two years: retired, bought a new house and moved, went back to school, changed my…
  • Greetings! It is also helpful to know what your basal metabolic rate ( BMR ) is. This tells you how many calories you need to maintain the weight you are now and then you can adjust downward. Let me tell you, it's an eye opener. My BMR is 1400 cal. It makes sense; I have the metabolism of a slug. But I have to go below…