

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    December 8th already?? Well, better late than never. My goals are the same as Nov. I didn't lose weight but stayed the same. I shouldn't be surprised. I have a very difficult time losing weight and it takes extra extra vigilance which I can't say I've done. But my exercise was pretty much on point.
    - Be under 200 by Jan 1
    - Track food daily
    - Keep the house stocked with my kind of food
    - Exercise: 1 day Yoga, 2 days swim, 2 days misc. cardio/strength, 2 days off
    - Check in on this board most days

    Mammogram and bone density tests today. All routine (I hope).

    Kimses in MA

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Elaine ... Why buying new ornaments? My second favorite thing,behind teacups, is old ornaments!

    Alison ... So sorry you're feeling poorly.

    Barbie ... How did your legs hold up with the performances?

    Karen ... I've been in premature maintenance for a year now ... Hoping I can change that after the holidays.

    Joyce ... Chocolate chip cream cheese monkey bread would derail all my health efforts in an instant!

    Have a good day ladies!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!
    Just a quick check in. Got back from my weekend in NJ visiting my mother and staying with my best friend. It was beautiful weather and we got an awesome walk by the beach yesterday. Good food choices but not so much on the beverage front.
    Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends.
    Heather...just love your travelogs.
    Best thoughts to you all.
    Chris in MA
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Beth, I inherited all my aunt's old ornaments. One year I hung them on ribbons in the window. The spring loaded rod didn't hold and I lost a bunch. I cried. I also hang them from the chandeliers. I am thinking of making a wreath of just old bulbs, but haven't decided.

    I also have family that escaped Hitler's Germany. My mom's third husband was 16 when his parents sent him to the US to live with an uncle who was single. The parents did manage to get out later. Luckily they saw the writing on the wall and left when their business was converted to the state. So many did not want to believe what was happening or lacked the resources to leave or there were no countries willing to take them in (sound familiar?). We cannot allow people to be judged by their religions! or skin color for that matter. So many people do not study history so do not truly understand what has happened or how easily it could happen again. I study history every day in my reading. There is so much that is not taught in textbooks or discussed in the media. One thing I wish everyone understood was that Fascism and Nazism which we all basically know were wrong, were supported by big business and the wealthy. So much of the rhetoric we are hearing in politics today comes straight from the mouths of the Fascists and Nazis. It really scares me. Years ago it was the Jewish people under attack. Today it is the Islamic. Jews were "babykillers". Muslims are terrorists. Neither statement is true. Sorry. The stories of people having to flee for their lives triggers me. There are good and bad people in all religions. There have been just as many terrorists and killers that are Christian. It isn't the religions that are the problem- it is angry young men who lack access to resources such as jobs. That is the cause of terrorism. Believe me. I have made intensive study of this subject since my college years when Otto joined our family and I started to hear the unsanitized version of history.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Ah, Beth, premature maintenance. Don't I know what that is!

    Michelle, I used to have to take my glasses off to read or do close work, too. Then I needed reading glasses. Then I just had the magnification put into my glasses with progressive lenses. I've been tempted to take up cross stitching again, but I gave away my collection of thread and books in a serious decluttering mission. If I decide to give it a try, I will probably buy a kit. I thought the kits told you what color to use where, or do you like to break the rules? I'll bet you used to color with untraditional colors when you were a kid, too, didn't you? LOL!

    Allison, I am so sorry you are sick. Please take care of yourself.

    I had the weirdest sensation in my wrist (the one I broke two years ago that has a plate and screws) yesterday. It felt like electronics feel when they get overheated. I thought my Fitbit was going crazy on me, so I took it off. I could still feel it. Not all the time. Just when I moved my arm a certain way. I asked Dr. Google about it and self-diagnosed myself as it being something pressing on a nerve. It wasn't painful. Just weird feeling. It eventually went away, so I guess I'll live. If it starts to be a common thing, I'll call my hand/wrist doctor and make an appointment.

    I still haven't put up my tree, but all the other Christmas decorations are in place. The tree is on the agenda for this afternoon.

    Have any of you heard of the Kon-Mari method of organizing? It comes from the book called The LIfe Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. She shows you how to fold your clothes so that they stand up in the drawers. I did my pajamas this morning. I keep my pajamas in the small drawers in the nightstand beside the bed. They were taking up a drawer and a half. Doing them the Kon-Mari way, they fit exactly in one drawer, with the summer ones on the left and the winter ones on the right. Perfect for the one in, one out rule. If I decide I need a new pair of pajamas, I have to decide which one of these needs to go. I'll post a picture from my iPad later, if you are interested. I'm on the computer right now. MFP finally fixed the problem I was having with Chrome that nobody else seemed to have. I'm excited about that since it is so much easier to type long posts and quote small portions of another post from the computer. Anyway, my husband thinks I'm crazy with the vertical folding. I can't wait to do my tee-shirt drawer. I've been doing it with tank tops for a while. She suggest doing all your clothes at once, but I can't do that. My clothes are pretty organized into categories already, so I'm going to do one category at a time, make each category fit in one drawer and declutter any extras that don't fit. This is going to be difficult with my workout tank tops, but I will be strong!

    Enough for now. Later.....

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Beth, so sorry your DS is having the problems with headaches again. Could he maybe just audit the classes they want him to drop?

    Barbie, your dancing sounds like such fun and I’m sure the residences enjoyed it.

    , I am rooting for you to hold that plank for 2 min 46 sec. I know you can do it. I’m not the grocery shopper but when I do go I like getting there early in the day when there are few shoppers.

    Heather, such interesting information about the bread. I agree that it is sometimes nice to just get to do things alone without worrying about our other half. I hope you try on the shoes just for the fun of it.

    , as much as I’d like to lose my last 20 pounds, I’m also happy with just not gaining for the time being. I think sometimes our bodies want to get used to a new weight for a while before they lose more. At least that is my story and I’m sticking to it.

    Chris, it sounds like a nice weekend getaway. I hear ya on the beverage choices. smiley-eatdrink004.gif

    DrKatie, I would love a picture of your new folding method. Glad to see you posting as we miss you when you are gone. (((Hugs)))

    I slept great last night thank goodness. Now I need to get moving and get packed up for my sleep over at friend’s house. I told her now she gets to see just how lazy I am and that I’d be sitting on the couch while she does whatever exercising you do right after hip replacement. DH is pretending that he and the dogs will have all sorts of fun while I’m gone for 48 hours. He’s so cute. I saw this quote on FB and thought I’d share it with you:

    Keep calm and be crazy,
    laugh, love and live it
    up because this is the
    oldest you’ve been andold.gif
    the youngest you’ll ever
    be again.baby.gif

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,721 Member
    morning peeps -

    exermom - but i don't like lemonade L:0(

    b4 I forget. after my fall, I ended up buying a front clasp bra because I couldn't put my hand behind my back. today was the first day that I tried it and I did! also, I am still able to put up my own hair in a ponytail. I cheat a bit by resting my elbow against the wall so I can keep my hand up there while I tie it, but I'm doing it, it hurts but I'm doing it!!!

    carry on...
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    My pj drawer. It is so pretty! nv44udzj1ujp.jpeg
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    Katie - It looks wonderful - like a posh shop! !
    I can't imagine having that many pyjamas! I've got three odd trousers and any old t shirt from the cupboard. I haven't got much of anything in fact - a minimal wardrobe. But then, I do have masses of kitchen equipment! :laugh: >:)

    I had a nice afternoon shopping without DH, but all I bought was a lettuce. :D I took the opportunity to have a drink in the square, under their heated canopies. DH won't sit outside because he hates the smell of smoke, so we always have to go indoors where I have to put up with the music. :* So it was nice just to sit and write a couple of silly postcards to the grandchildren. <3 Unfortunately the "Tabacs" have stopped selling stamps, so you now have to go to the post office. Annoying.

    Beth - I love your new profile pic! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce - my trainers are Skechers and I wear my arch supports in them.

    Missing a few people - Kim? Rori hasn't been on for a while? Hope everyone's ok.

    Love Heather
  • eastbaygal
    eastbaygal Posts: 7 Member
    Greetings! LisaM was kind enough to tell me about your group. I am 63 y/o and had successful GBS in 2007. I feel the reason I was successful was because of an online group ( unfortunately, it fell apart). I have done well except for the last two years: retired, bought a new house and moved, went back to school, changed my antidepressant, you know the drill. I have put back on 40 lbs and I want to get it off. I am a committed poster especially when someone responds to my post, and I finally feel motivated - I don't want to "lose the moment"! Your group is pretty big; room for one more - or suggest a different board? Kathy Boyd - "EastBayGal" Concord, California
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member

    I like the looks of that drawer with the vertically folded clothes. You can see every thing so clearly. I may have to learn how to fold my clothes differently.

    Mia in MI
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,721 Member
  • dimae72
    dimae72 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all...I'm new to posting here but not to myfitnesspal. I have been fighting this battle and not getting anywhere but decided I am not giving up! At least I don't gain when I'm trying to loose. We have our Christmas decorations up....looking very festive here. I should pack away everything we're not using and get rid of it before I think about it too much. My husbands cardiologist just called and said she wants him to work out more. He did 15% less then the average person his age does on the stress test. A little about me: 72 years old, sleep with a CPAP, meds to control afib, type 2 diabetes and arthritis that aches all the time but I've found moving feels better than not. Next year will be our 50th wedding anniversary. Have two children, two grandchildren and one great-grandchild with a second great-grandchild on the way. My mother just passed away in August with advance dementia.....very nasty stuff. Years of stress over with and I still can't seem to get my act together. But I am starting again today, posting my meals and my exercise. I am interested in your night time snacking prevention methods fancy0626....that is one of biggest problem areas. Guess that's all for now. Dee
  • dimae72
    dimae72 Posts: 3 Member
    Ok...I'll learn how this works yet. Just posted my first post on the Dec. 1st page. I'm new to this group. Just saying hi.
  • dimae72
    dimae72 Posts: 3 Member
    ooopps....it posted on the right page. sorry.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi Dee! WELCOME!♡☆♡
    Stick with us and you will soon get it licked. :)

    Kathy - also hi! Sounds like you know how to do it, so you just have to DO IT. :laugh: I feel this group sitting on my shoulder all the time when I am tempted to be a sinner. >:)
    Today when I was out by myself I was sorely tempted by the cheeses. :'(:'(:'( Years past I would have bought one and eaten the lot so DH wouldn't find out. Today I didn't as I knew I would have to "fess up" to you lot. Thank you. <3

    The rabbit stew was to die for and we were able to leave half to have tomorrow. So no cooking for me! We have spinach and broccoli to go with it. The Aligote potatoes were so gorgeous I had to have 2 teaspoons. Masses of it left. I looked it up on Google - it's half cheese to potatoes! :sad: Good job I only had a taste. o:)

    I rang a local restaurant to book for Saturday night after our long day of guided tours. :) Comes recommended.

    Joyce - when DH brought the bread home this morning it was piping hot. Good job I have willpower. o:)

    Love to all. We're off to the seaside tomorrow to Maguelone Cathedral. Tram plus bus plus walking over a long foot bridge. ;):* Wish me luck.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Miriam - please keep this a political free zone.

    Very busy today DGS Birthday party and choir concert at 5:00. I had to drive 2 hours to take DMIL for her perm then 2 hours back hopefully in time for the party.

    Exercise today was Kettlebell swings. Single arm, 10 pounds for 20 minutes. I found a 25 pound Kettlebell at Walmart that was smooth on the handle! I won't start that until next week. I go to the cities tomorrow so I can take my DD for her bone graft surgery early Thursday morning.

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2015
    Beth So far I'm not feeling better. I called my doctor's advice nurse and she recommended tylenol or advil. I prefer advil, so that is what I'm doing. She says I have a virus but not the flu. :ohwell:

    DJ: I'm pretty sure the group here is safe from my germs as long as you don't type on my keyboard. :wink:

    Barbie: I'm glad you had a good time dancing. :smiley:

    Michele: Your grandmother faced horrible times and separation from her family. She must have been a very strong woman. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: You are not alone. You sound worse than me though. I'm sorry we both have a bug. :grumble:

    Heather: Enjoy looking at the "boot bling" :bigsmile: I also have three pairs of pajamas. I buy them at a local department store because they are comfortable. :flowerforyou: I love going along on your travels vicariously through your posts. You are a delighftul correspondent. :heart:

    Kathy Boyd: We always have room for one more. Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Dee: Welcome: Three pieces of advice: 1. Count every calorie and log it every day. Measure portions whenever possible. I always chose good food but my portion sizes were too big. Measuring taught me how much I should be eating. 2. Move more. Find exercises you enjoy. The movement will gradually build muscle and muscle burns more calories. Plus you'll feel better. Choose exercises that are easy for you and convenient. Walking works great. Some people are swimmers. I like to ride a stationary bike and do yoga. 3. Last, this takes a lot of time. Be patient with yourself and the process.

    Mary: I admire your work with kettle bells, and the results you're getting. Congratulaitons. :flowerforyou:

    Kathy & Dee: I forgot to tell you to bookmark our group by clickin on the hollow star at the top of the page. It will turn yellow. Then you can find us again by clicking o the gray star at the top ot the forums page. :smiley:

    I've been in bed all day and have cancelled my attendance at a meeting this evening. They don't need to be exposed to what I've got, and I don't feel good enough to go. Advil has knocked the intensity of my headache back far enough for me to post here. I hope this goes away soon. We have plans for the weekend!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
