

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good morning!!

    Pip - So glad to see that Kirby is out of his neck brace. I'm really curious about your PT to see how much like mine it will be.

    Speaking of PT...Beginning next week, I am down to once per week. We're to try that for about six weeks to see if I can improve enough just doing the exercises by myself.

    DJ - Alex is hanging in there although he is still in ICU and considered in critical condition. I think the emotional part of it is really beginning to hit him. His girlfriend (I think) took her girls' Elf on the Shelf to the hospital so that he can report back on Alex's condition instead of watching the girls' behavior. The staff agreed that was something that could be kept in his room since he is still in ICU. My second date went well. We met at Starbucks again and talked for about 1 1/2 hours. He's fun to talk to and listen to. As for the details, I got a platonic kiss on the cheek with the first hug then a quick smooch with our second goodnight hug. We talk on the phone just about every night.

    Barbie - Although I'm sorry you are still in pain, I am glad that there are some things the doctors think will make it better. Since they prescribed a vitamin, did they ask you about the foods you eat?

    Heather - The pictures you've posted are beautiful and so very European to me. I still have hopes of visiting there someday.

    I'd like your opinion on this...I received a gift card for my birthday and used it to buy a Kindle Paperwhite for myself. (Blame Heather for putting the idea in my head!) My parents are incredibly hard to shop for and I was thinking about giving my old Kindle to my mother for Christmas. They don't have Internet but I will leave it loaded with books (after I take off some of the racier ones) and she can take it to the library periodically to connect it with wifi to download new books. I can look for free books that I think she will enjoy and have them download to just that Kindle. She loves to read and she can increase the font as needed. What do you think?

    I have had a productive morning so far. I have unclogged two drains, done two loads of laundry, and cleaned the bathtub. And, let the blooming cat out and in about six times!! I still need to empty the dishwasher, vacuum, dust, sweep, mop, and clean the rest of my bathroom as well as the other two. By evening, I should be glad to sit on the couch and stuff 200+ envelopes! I don't know how I ended up being the official letter writer for my church's Finance Team!!

    Well, I guess I should get started on the rest of my cleaning. Maybe I will even have another go at completing the replacement of my kitchen faucet handle!

    Have a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri - good luck! Wouldn't it be amazing if you hit!

    We are busy pull up the floor. I am on nail patrol. Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Thank goodness you were able to get your PT appointments scheduled at the same time and place. I'd call that a major NSV. :flowerforyou: This has been a difficult year for you both. Sleeping in the same bed is something to look forward to in the New Year. DH & I had to be apart due to his surgery last year, and sometimes I leave the room because of his snoring. :ohwell:

    Beth: Both of my kids went through a black phase while in HS. I'm glad those days are behind us. I wonder how DD will handle it when her kids reach the age of black. :bigsmile:

    Chris in MA: I love the photo! What a lovely place to walk. We have the river in front of us to enjoy, but the ocean is far enough away that we only go there a few times a year instead of every day. Isn't that a little lighthouse I see on the island? :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: Our Christmas decorations are also still in the garage. We usually put them up Thanksgiving weekend. :embarassed:

    Becca: I'm an only child with no first hand experience with siblings. I'm sorry about your middle sister's situation, but mostly sorry about your grief over being estranged from her. Put her in your prayers and perhaps she will eventually come around. :heart: :broken_heart:

    Barbie: I hope the B12 will help. I've been astounded and thrilled by the impact of shifting my supplements to increase D3 and decrease calcium. :flowerforyou:

    Mary from MN: We have enjoyed wii bowling but it has been quite a while since we played. Maybe that would be a fun way to spend time with the neighbors this winter. I'll have to think about that. Thanks for the idea. :wink:

    Alison: I hope you enjoy your trip to FL. :flowerforyou:

    Leonora: I bought a new pair of boots for myself this year after avoiding wearing the ones I'd had for ages. Imagine my surprise to find out my feet had grown half a size. No wonder the old ones hurt! I hope you find some that suit you. :flowerforyou:

    Irish Terri: Smaller undies was one of my best ever NSV's. :wink: What are Hogwarts Challenges? :huh:

    Janetr: I worry about your knees hurting, especially since you just had one replaced. I also hope it is just the colder weather. When I take spin classes, I don't do the stuff that makes my knee ache, which is usually when the instructor wants us to stand up to pedal for a sprint. I haven't actually been to spin class for a few weeks due to travel & holidays. :ohwell:

    DJ: A workout buddy is lovely. I was working out with my neighbor a couple of times a week, but we've been otherwise occupied for a while. I don't know whether she'll want to get back to it or not. She is getting ready to move, and I don't know when the target day is, but she'll still be in the area. They're building a house across town. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I wonder whether the French in big cities expect the same courtesies as those in small towns. We live in a small town and getting to know the people who work in shops and restaurants is commonplace. Remembering names is my personal challenge. :embarassed:

    We have a rainy day today & I'm considering starting our Christmas decorating. We are behind schedule. We usually get it all done Thanksgiving weekend. I lack my usual enthusiasm. Part of the reason is a self-pity party because we'll be on our own for Christmas this year. DD will be moving to IL and DS & DDIL will be in KY with DD's family. I guess it is time to create some new traditions. We have done some planning and will have lunch with dear friends on Sunday. We haven't seen them in a couple of years. There is another lunch with a dear friend on Monday. I hope she is well enough to come.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good afternoon!
    Well, we had a great afternoon, first visiting an antiques fair in a nearby church. (Deconsecrated) I bought an antique sugar sifter spoon and a wonderful tiny ladle/pourer that should be very useful. I will try to take a photo of them.
    Then we found a postcard and book shop and I bought five old postcards to put in a frame. There was also an old sporting magazine from 1948 with Tour de France on the front so I bought that for my elder son as an extra present. :)
    Then we walked through the shopping centre to arrive in the "Antigone" - a social housing and office development built in a crazy, grand, neo-classical style - very bizarre. We arrived at the riverside with its jogging and cycle paths and stopped for a drink. Then we marched home.
    This is a pedestrianised town and I'm sure it does everyone good to walk everywhere or cycle. I've seen very few fat people. The streets are very busy with folks walking about. Of course, the Antigone and the shopping mall are for less well off people who eat more junk food, but still I think they are slimmer than the British of the same economic level. The French tend to eat at meal times and don't graze as much as we do.
    The British tend to stay indoors a lot watching TV and playing on the computer. Doesn't burn a lot of calories! The weather helps down here of course, but people are out and about. Mind you, French TV is pretty awful! :laugh:

    Sausages and lentils tonight with French beans. Their sausages are pure pork and slightly cured. None the less fattening though, so I might be going out for another walk later. >:)

    Love Heather, down in the Southwest of France.

    PS - Here's my photo of the pierced spoon and miniature ladle. The bowls are gold plated, but the shafts are not real silver. They are French from the beginning of the last century.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Carol in NC - I don't see anything wrong with giving your Mother the old Kindle if it is still working properly. That's a nice gift for someone who likes to read. I'd like to have one; but, family not able to afford one (DOS); and I think my DDnL#2 has already decided what she is giving me and I think whatever it is, she's made it (or put it together). Last year they gave up a framed picture of themselves and I love it. That would never occur to DOS and DDnL#1 to give me; even if they just gave me a picture of the family and I had to frame it. She told me the other day or the week before that she had finally gotten the pictures that her SnL had taken last Fall. Still have not seen them. DGD said she would reload my digital frame to take off some of the pictures that are not flattering to her and to add some new ones.

    Katla - I have not decided what kind of boots I want. Friend of mine has some of those ankle high boots and wears them with skinny jeans and they look 'cute'. At first, I did not like them; and, I would like to have some knee high boots in a camel color that I could use with just about any color. Got to see how my $$$ goes in January when my health insurance goes up by $54. It already takes more than I receive; and definitely will be something I will have to get use to. Since I pay most all the insurances we have out of my SSD check and my car payment; I must ask DH to give me $$$ to do so; but, with a new car, payment went up just a little; had our house re-evaluated and that meant it went up another $50+.

    Love my new Honda Accord. Has as much pep as my 6-cylindar did and it is only a 4-cylindar and the gas saving mileage is wonderful. When we went to Louisiana we only spent $75 for gas; but, I would also say that the dealership filled it up for me. Basically we spent about $100 in gas the entire time. We might have put another $15 in it to get home. But it is still about 50% less than we spent when we took the old one with us.

    Cracker is not liking having to stay in her 'crate' as the vet had said she should to give her foot a chance to heal without her favoring it. Thankfully, the Ibuprofen (dog's dosage) works by putting her to sleep. Last night she crawled into my lap for a little scratching and loving on her. DOS and DH said that I spoil her too much; but, she crawls up and stays still and quiet. But, she really isn't a 'lap dog'. She is a Rat Jack Terrier, long legs of a Rat Terrier; and the face of a Jack Russell with a 'broken' coat and weighed 19lbs when I took her in to have her leg checked. Said she would not get any larger (probably) and 25lb at the most. She was still and very sweet for him, until he had to hold her down to get a good x-ray. Thankfully, she did not have any other injuries. I think maybe she actually ran into the tire because that is the only thing that I think would have been done since it was her left foot. I guess she could have run under the truck and got hit by the wheel when she did. That might have been why DYS said that he had 'run over her'

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi friends. I had an interesting week on "eye rest" due to an allergic reaction to my contacts. I couldn't read, watch tv or use the computer for 48 hours and was using steroid drops every 2 hours during that time. It's better today but still on the drops 4 times a day for the next 2 weeks. It was pretty awful but at least it's going away to some degree! Hope you all have been doing well and thanks to Barbie for keeping the thread going!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited December 2015
    Heather- it sounds like France is a very fun place to visit. People watching can be a very interesting activity. When I go to different places I love to look at antiques. The picture of the spoon and ladle reminded me of my DM I L's she has several that she inherited from her mother and mother-in-law from Sweden. My DH brought a silver ladle out at Thanksgiving time.

    Lenora - that is great gas mileage! Poor cracker! It's a good thing that dogs sleep most of the time. I hope she feels better soon.

    Katla - Have fun decorating! It's OK to have a pity party! It is hard to get used to change around the holidays. I have decided not to decorate this year because of the demo. We go into the cities and rent a hotel suite and decorate that for my immediate family Christmas! I will bring my tree this time.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Meg - i'm sorry to hear about your eyes! I am glad that it is getting better.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Katla, Mary, etc - One year, shortly after first getting married, Christmas was during a time that I was unable to travel because of work, so my parents and youngest sister came to Winona for a few days. My sister was about 19 at the time, and was upset that she had to spend Christmas in a Hotel. Late on Christmas Eve, I went to Kmart and bought a 4-5 foot tree, flower lights, and candy canes and set it up in their room before they arrived (I was working in the bar at that hotel at the time). My sister was SO thrilled to have a decorated tree in the room, I let her keep that tree and the decorations. The whole thing (during the late 1980's) cost me less than $20. We never did it again, but it easily could have become a new tradition. It's all what you want out of it and put into it. May we all have lovely Holidays ! ! !

    BTW - Hanukkah starts Sunday or Monday this year, right? Happy Hanukkah to everyone celebrating ! ! !

    Almost done with work, so time to wrap up my projects and get ready to head to the bowling alley.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Meg, ouch! Functionally blind for a while is NOT fun!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    smiley-happy026.gif Joyce, looking back on the pain I had before the Gabapentin, I think it is helping but I was still supplementing with ibuprofen which is not a long term solution. The doctor increased the dose of Gabapentin with the goal of decreasing or eliminating the ibuprofen. Increasing the dosage is a gradual process so I won't know about it for awhile.

    smiley-happy032.gifLillian, how big a house do you have that 11 people can stay with you?

    smiley-sleep012.gifPip, Jake and I have mostly slept in separate rooms since he injured his shoulder a long time ago....we nap together, but some the bed sharing problems have to do with the restless cat and the dogs who hog the bed

    smiley-happy032.gifnccarol, how great that your physical therapy has gotten down to only once a week....that is such a time consumer....will you continue with exercises at home? My doctor knows a lot about the foods I eat because she has asked so many questions in our earlier visits. I get B12 in some of what I eat but not in the amount she prescribed.

    smiley-happy032.gifKatla, my doctor also suggested that I add a vitamin D supplement. I thought I'd been getting enough with what I eat, but the blood test she ordered said that my level was low.

    smiley-happy032.gifLenora, sending hugs to Cracker..it is such a challenge to care for our pets when they are recovering because they don't understand why they are being restricted and not allowed to do the things they want to do.

    :'( Meg, OMG, how hard that must have been to not be able read or watch TV or use the computer.....could you see well enough to go for a walk?

    t79010.gifAbout holiday decorating--we don't celebrate Christmas and others that I know, don't decorate even though they celebrate. The Elks Club where we dance decorated three trees and put lighted garlands and ornaments all over the room where we dance. We asked one of the women who works in the office who was part of the decorating crew to come to the front of our class yesterday so we could thank her for the beautiful decorations. I told her that many of us don't put up trees so we consider the trees in our dance room as "our trees". She looked a bit embarrassed but also very touched by our applause.

    t31235.gifI walked the dogs this morning, but have decided to stop riding the exercise bike for at least the rest of the month. Jake built a fire in the wood stove and I have a list of projects to do around the house. I have a great movie recorded on the TV in the room with the exercise bike and it is only with great self-discipline that I'll stay off the bike while I watch the movie.

    t110007.gifBarbie from windy NW Washington
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    edited December 2015
    Barbie - I really feel for you. <3 It must be sooooooo hard to restrict your activity. :'( If you had an adequate explanation it would be easier. :*

    Meg - likewise. <3:'( What a trial! Sending hugs. :flowerforyou:

    Janetr - I've been reading about your plans for the holidays and your subsequent trip. Wow! That takes some serious advance planning! I think I would be having a breakdown! :laugh:

    Pip - good planning on the PT. Being so proactive pays off. :flowerforyou:

    Love to all.

    Oh, by the way, I was queuing up to buy the very last croissant in the shop and the old lady before me nabbed it! :grumble: They take their Sundays very seriously around here and a lot of places are shut, including the baker. I bought a pain chocolat for DH and half a brioche for me. Well, it is Sunday! >:)
    One way to be French is to always wear a neck scarf. They call it a "foulard". When I was in Menton the greengrocer lady told me off for not wearing one. She said I would get a cold on my chest. :laugh: Nearly all French women wear a bright scarf. At home I rarely wear one unless it is freezing - here I always do. :D

  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies
    I haven't read at all, sorry no time at present maybe I can catch up after work tonight. Update on DD just got her into an intake at a voluntary ward in Brockton Ma. Totally unhappy about placement. Later...she stayed about five hours. It was a terrible place compared to tx facilities she has been to in the past. She is not suicidal just depressed and anxious w thoughts of cutting. We have been down this road before sadly. Monday she is hopefully going into a day program that is well known and home at night. Unfortunately that means she can continue smoking pot. Again I reiterate that I think pot is useful for some but she is heavily addicted. I have contacted her work I hope she can stay on she has been there almost three years. Meanwhile I went to work while she was at the crisis center and everyone was really supportive. I have a great job as far as jobs go at this level. Presently the assessor is here snapping outer pics of property for a refi on my small mortgage that will help me greatly financially. I am extending my loan to thirty years and rolling my credit debt in for a lower rate than the existing mortgage. I did have some moral pangs about extending my loan as to "if I kick off before its paid my kids won't get as much". But I have decided to SKI? Sc**w kids inheritance? As I have given my blood sweat and many tears to them and my long suffering parents..I feel I shouldn't have to struggle this hard with their potential inheritance as a goal. After all, I am STILL providing shelter for them and their needy friends!
    As to my health, I continue to lose slowly, five pounds in Nov, another in Dec so far mostly from dietary changes. My excersize commitment needs a swift boot girls! Having considered a detox last week as I had five days off in a row ..I decided to study the quality of my nutritional intake first or should I say lack of quality? Not to say that my eating habits haven't improved since starting MFP, but they are far far from good. I have been getting ten or less grams of fiber a day on average bc I routinely skip eating produce..in fact my intake has been revolving around mostly carbs and fat. So this week I have revamped my choices and presto my tummy feels better I am no longer constipated and I am losing hooray! I am anemic and not able to take supplements bc I am always constipated bc of poor diet..so hopefully by getting things moving normally I can supplement and help that issue. I was hoping to fix it dietarilt but do you know there is more iron in a cup of rice than three ounces of steak? Jeez! Lastly I have a drs checkup on Friday and I can't wait! I am close to twenty five pounds down and am really curious how this has affected my bo and my cholesterol levels. Hoping I can ultimately join the group of you who have been able to reduce or even forgo meds!
    I m going to treat myself tonight to a long session of catch up reading. I am soooo looking forward to it! Hope everyone is doing well..but knowing life is full of struggles hugs to all who need them.
    Love Mindy
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    Mindy - sending you hugs and good thoughts. <3 You are doing so well. :love:

    Just posting a pic of the lights they have put up in the square in front of our windows.


    Love Heather
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Mindy - sending you hugs and good thoughts. <3 You are doing so well. :love:

    Just posting a pic of the lights they have put up in the square in front of our windows.


    Love Heather

    O m goodness that is so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes! Thanks for the kind thoughts.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Meg - sorry for your eye problems. That'd be hard for me to do. Reading would be the worst; painting would come in as a close 2nd. I think I would just have to veg with TV on and just guess what was on the screen. Like having a book read to you. But, I'd have to put blinders on to rest doing that.

    Finished my decorating. Now to try to get pictures here. Guess I will have to find them first (Windows 10); if anyone knows a easy way to do this with his program, please let me know.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Never mind; they did not get saved to my laptop; apparently still on my cell phone. Just a few did; but, not the ones of my Christmas decorations, you'll just have to imagine how pretty they are. Big wreath over F/B; china manger scene on mantle; off white ceramic manger scene that I made in class on trunk, Daddy and Mother's first present - a 20 piece manger scene that was Mother's Christmas gift from Dad. When they put it 'on sale' the Christmas of 1943 (for $10) he bought it on Christmas Eve. He always went shopping for her gift on Christmas Eve. This manger scene at $10 almost 70+ years ago was a 'lot of money'. Never a broken piece until it came to me; broke 2 pieces, and still was able to glue them together without being able to see the cracks. I have another manger scene that I have ordered the pieces I was missing. This was given to me by a friend and did not have the 'important' parts; so I googled it and found them on sale for $19.95. Can't wait for them to get here. I consider myself extremely lucky (blessed) to be able to find those exact pieces in a set. YEAH! They might not be exact matches; but, they are the same size and same material and I know they will suffice. Looked like the same figurines.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Mindy - you're a good Mom and you need to take care of yourself. Refinancing is a great idea. Especially if it helps you out.

    Heather - beautiful lights! Too bad about the croissant! Nice to know about the scarf! Interesting customs.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! This morning I took the oldest DGD to her choir performance, and when she was standing there waiting to sing she looked SO sad. I asked her about it later and she said she was disappointed that NOBODY came to see her sing. I knew she meant her dad and mom, so I told her that I got the whole thing on video and would put it on YouTube so they could see. That cheered her up a little, but now I can't figure out how to put it on YouTube. It keeps saying upload delayed or something. I'll try again later.

    Hubby checked the mouse traps last night and found that the peanut butter was gone of every single one. Licked clean! Without snapping the traps. We have some smart mice.

    Time to go walk the doggies.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,740 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog - 8.16min, 7.0-10.0spm 145ahr, 8.16ap/min mi, 1mi = 120c
    ski machine - 20min, 4incl, 15-20resist. 138ahr, 1.23mi = 217c
    jump- 10min, 142ahr = 156c
    total cal 493