

  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    edited December 2015
    Just want to wish everyone lots of love and best wishes. Love reading all the posts on here. Prayers to those who need them. Support to those who need it. Strength to those feeling week. Thank you everyone, for being there.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hello ladies: I have to go today to find the church where we will be practicing next week for a combined Christmas cantata. I am still learning my way around here and I must admit I do not particularly like driving winding mountain roads in the dark. I guess I got too used to those long straight roads on the prairie.

    Barbie - Hope your appointment goes well.

    Heather - Your vacation sounds wonderful!

    Rori - I am with you on the caregiver role, not my favorite.

    Betty - My favorite exercise is water aerobics or just plain swimming laps but I have not found a pool to join here in WA yet. I use my Ipod when I walk.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,380 Member
    edited December 2015
    Mary - as you can see from the coats people are wearing it's currently around 56° . The sun was out today. :D At night it's around 42° DH gets cold very easily, especially his hands, but it's just about OK for him.


    The cup in his hand is mulled wine. I've already drunk mine! >:)

    Love to all, Heather in the Languedoc :D
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member

    guess who got his neck brace off!!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 406 Member
    So many delightful pictures! And thanks for the exercise advice. I should try the pool again as I do love to swim. I got sidetracked from the swimming idea when I had a deep wound from something the dermatologist picked at. Had started in the spring but never got back to it. Now that that is better I should at least take an occasional break from the elliptical and go swimming.
    I will also try the music idea. I think if I try to listen to a book my stride will get slower. Music would be a nice break from Wolf Blitzer and all the other Donner and Prancer people on TV trying to make me feel scared to be alive. If I could find an elliptical with its own TV screen I could at least watch old movies. If I had a tablet I could watch my own movies, too. I will scout out the other machine setups at the Y.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Good morning and it's Friday. I am off the weekend and going to be a busy one. Got some news last evening and have been up most the night with my mind racing. My DN is a deputy in Western Nebraska and yesterday him and another deputy were serving a warrent and the guy shot the other deputy. My DN then had to shot the guy. The deputy was lifeflighted to Colorado. My DN has been a deputy for about 4 years, he is only 24. Please keep both these men in your prayers. Thanks.

    Rori--Sending HUGS!! I understand it is not easy being a cargiver just take it One Day at a time and keeping you both in my prayers. Know that we are here to listen anytime.

    Joyce--I do think it is a grandma thing. I have toys for the grandkids. Downstairs one of the extra bedrooms is a baby room for DGD's baby. Has everything a baby can use and I do believe she has more clothes then most real babies. We go garage saling for them. I did get a couple sets of lego's this last week as realized I only have a couple little cars for the boys.

    Karen--Congrates on the new size. Great NSV.

    Baribe--My prayers are with you at the doctor. Hope you get the answers you need to feel better.

    Heather--Love the picture of the Christmas market. Something that would put me in the spirit for Christmas. Good picture of you and DH with Santa. What a fun place.

    Katla--Sorry to hear DH is having a bad day, hope it gets better.

    pip--Way to go Kirby!! He is looking pretty chipper.

    Well ladies I am caught up and time to get some work done. I will try and check in this weekend, but a lot going on. Have a funeral tomorrow afternoon, cutting down the Christmas tree, Sunday we have our CMA Christmas party and two of the DGD's have their dance show. Atleast this year they are in the same program so don't have to spend all day there. Take care and Remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    December Goals
    1. weigh less end of the month then at the first.
    2. log my food, every bite
    3. Take each day as it comes.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Pip, so glad for Kirby!
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Gayle - this is the apartment :D

    Otherwise just go to Trip Advisor Montpellier vacation rentals and it is Place Canourge Luxury Apartment in a 17th century building.
    I negotiated a deal with the owner as we are staying for two weeks. We are paying £100 a night. It sleeps four in comfort.
    I think we got a great deal. ✌

    Oops lost some of my post and pics. The first one is me with a man with golden pecs! The second one our apartment. We are two floors above the wine shop. :D

    Off to the Christmas market this pm.

    Heather in Montpellier
    Gayle - this is the apartment :D

    Otherwise just go to Trip Advisor Montpellier vacation rentals and it is Place Canourge Luxury Apartment in a 17th century building.
    I negotiated a deal with the owner as we are staying for two weeks. We are paying £100 a night. It sleeps four in comfort.
    I think we got a great deal. ✌

    Oops lost some of my post and pics. The first one is me with a man with golden pecs! The second one our apartment. We are two floors above the wine shop. :D

    Off to the Christmas market this pm.

    Heather in Montpellier

    Thank you so much for the info, great deal n looks beautiful!! Hope to meet you someday, my moms family is from Cromwell n London. Hillary is the family name. She's 93 loves eastenders, downton abbey, anything masterpiece. Look like you are having a great time, enjoy!!!!!! Peace to you n your family! Gayle Minneapolis
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,380 Member
    Phew! Managed to drag ourselves out into the streets and marched around for 70 minutes. The Christmas market was still going strong at 10 pm and the streets were thronged and buzzing on this Friday night. Most people sitting at outside cafe tables in their padded coats! We didn't stop as I was trying to work off calories, not drink them!
    So I'm back in maintenance zone, thank goodness, but only by a squeak. I'll have to be more careful tomorrow - lay off the mulled wine. :D>:)
    Last night I was wide awake at 5 am, but after reading all your posts I did drift off again. I migrated to the other bedroom though, so as not to keep DH awake. Hope to sleep longer tonight. :)

    Night, night all.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: What a lovely picture of you and hour DH! Thanks for sharing! :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Three cheers for Kirby's beautiful photo with NO NECKBRACE! :heart:

    Betty: Can you listen to audio books while on the elliptical? :huh:

    I made an appointment with an attorney to write new wills for us. It has been WAY too long since we did this. The last one was written when our son and daughter were still teens living at home. Now they are adults and DD has children of her own. Many of you have inspired me to do what is necessary and quit being stupid. If our kids lose us, they don't need a mess left in their laps.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Great news about Kirby getting his neck brace off. It had to be miserable feeling. I'm very claustrophobic and if I had to wear something like that nearly all the time, I would be screeching like an owl. Cracker had to wear a bowl around her neck when she was spayed to keep her from pulling at the stitches; she was one miserable little puppy. Now that she has it off, she'll stretch out and hang her head off the cushion and lay it right on the floor. Got to keep her totally crated for 2 weeks with exception of eating and potty runs. Vet says that is the only thing that is going to keep the weight off her foot and get a good healing; so today is the start .., moved the crate in here by my chair so she won't whine in the kitchen.

    Several years ago, a friend of mine gave me a portion of a manger scene, missing the important pieces (Joseph, Mary, baby Jesus, 3 kings, and donkey and cow and angel). Had not done anything with it, thinking that I'd find the other part of the set at some other department store some time. I'm not much of an online buyer; but, I measured the pictures and googled the size and what they are made of and found a set that contains all these figurines; so I ordered it. Put my personal info in and expected for it to show that the sale had gone through. Nothing. I thought, oh $#*T, I've just put my information out there and the day before there had been a scam running about calling a number to verify information (which I did not do); but, thought -- oh, dear, this was not a good thing to do and I could not find anything to show a phone number to call. Two hours later I get a confirmation email that the sale had gone through and that it would be shipped in a couple of days. I'll feel a lot better when it shows up at my doorstep and will be 'thrilled' if the sort of matches. I had bought a Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus; but, the were too big; so I put them on the bookshelves in my MBR and left the rest of the stuff out. I am so glad that I came up with a way to use the macramé Christmas Tree as my 'actual' tree by threading lights through it. Sent a picture of it to my sister who wanted to know where I got it. Then when I told her, she said, 'send it to me'. "No, No, No, No, Nooooooooooo! It's mine now, you had your chance to get it." Just enough lights on it too. Four strings of the LED colored lights and it plugs in right next to it. So besides that I have 4 Manger Scenes and a fireplace wreath that DH will have to take the picture down that is hanging over F/P to hang it. Ladder out. I thought about doing it; but the picture just got larger and larger as I got up to it; so I decided I did not want to fall or drop it, so manger scene on the sofa and ladder in dining room and I need to get the wreath out so he will do it when he gets home.

    Cracker seems content now that she knows we are in the same room, making having to put her in her crate a lot easier to do. Medication keeps her mellow. Having to take her out on a leash at night a couple of times especially since the weather turns cold after dark, is not something I am looking forward to; but, maybe taking her to a certain spot will make her realize we don't want her to do her business on our deck. DH is going to take a piece of plywood and block the main part of it off, so she'd have to go around to the other set of stairs to get to it. Then we will know that she really does know she is doing something wrong.

    Talked to two of my friends today (both have birthdays today). They said I was just rubbing it in about turning 65 and 66 and I am still just 64 (but, not for long). It was so good to talk to both of them. One lives in TN and the other lives in AL.

    Found some beer steins that will work for our daily glasses. DH likes the handles on the glasses; and for so long, all I was finding were canning jars with handles as glasses. Found these at Wal-Mart for $1.97 each. Found one box of 6 different ones at K-Mart; but, needed to have enough for when we have company. I forgot that I had a few in the freezer (for beer); but, they are pretty small. Had a set of thick plastic ones; but, over the years they have cracked from putting them in the dishwasher and leaked very badly. Need to go get them out of the car and put them in the dishwasher.

    Hope all y'all have a wonderful weekend. It seems like just yesterday I was saying that it was "Friday" already and here we go again. Where has this year gone to? Seems like it has just flown by! Hope that everybody is getting ready for Christmas. I have not done any shopping. I have a few things that the kids can unwrap; but with the exception of the little ones, I am getting 'gift' cards. In January, I am going to start buying along. I say this every year; but, then don't do it. Hopefully the closer it gets to Christmas the things will go 'on sale'. I got a stocking to hang on the F/P for DSGD, even though she will probably never be here for Christmas. It's rally cute and it hangs straight (unlike the two in the middle). One in particular hangs toward the opening in the F/P. Haven't given up my two sons' stockings that their grandmother made them about 20 years ago. If I had it in me, and had the pattern, I'd make one for all of them. It must have costs my Mother a small mint to make them. Needlepoint and they are about 2 feet long from hanger to the toe and satin lined. Bought Mallory's stocking for about $11 from Sears on sale. When I can replace the ones I have now for the other girls, I'll keep in mind that it is 'red' and the others are either blue or green. I'm sure that my DDnL#1 will have some comment to make about it; but, maybe she'll just stay home. She got DOS to call night before last and ask if I had anything she could take for a migraine. I sent her a couple of things and told DOS that 'if' they did not work, he probably needed to take her to the hospital ... something is wrong when someone has migraines almost daily. She is 'stressed' at the job she has that she hates it; but, several job openings have fallen through for her. It'd be nice for her to get another job; but, to do so she is probably going to have to settle on less take home pay (especially if she expects to get any sort of benefits). She needs some health coverage but nothing has been affordable for them and then it is like catastrophic insurance (with a high deductible). I can remember when DH and I went for about 4 years without any health insurance. The company we had during my first pregnancy put up a fight about the treatment and did not want to pay. They finally did; then when the boys were little we went without insurance. Did a lot of self doctoring and self medicating; something I don't do any longer though.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited December 2015
    Today's workout

    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85/95/105, 5X5X 115
    Sumo squats-5X5X100
    BP- 1x55/65, 5x5x75
    BR- 5x5x80
    Everything felt good, so, I will start adding weight.

    Heather - you and your DH are one Good Looking Couple! It sounds like you have beautiful weather and really enjoying yourselves! Thanks for sharing!

    Pip - I'm so happy for Kirby! I hated when I had to wear one. Healing prayers for both of you!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    well peeps -

    FINALLY got his ot and pt appointments scheduled and when I was going to schedule mine (wanted to make one trip for both of our appointments at one time) they said my referral expired so they couldn't schedule me. called the doc and they faxed over another referral and I got our first schedule therapy appointments for both of us at the same time and the same place! FINALLY..... that was a chore!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Terri ... Wishing you luck in the tickets!

    Pip ... Yay for Kirby!

    Heather ... Looks like you're having a wonderful time. I'm like DJ... Love to travel vicariously through you.

    I am plum warn out tonight .... Worked this morning and then hit the department stores for clothes. My younger son will only wear black or navy because he has an excessive sweating problem exacerbated by weight and medication. He thinks the sweat stains are less noticeable with very dark clothing. I felt like I was shopping for Johnny Cash!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri- yeah! I can feel the win! You are always a winner!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Beautiful day in MA today. Jake the rescue dog and I really enjoyed our walk today. Awesome weather for December.

    Wishing you all well
    Chris in MA
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Logged in, clicked the star. Yay! Only 18 posts behind. Then I remembered I was still in November and hadn't even started December's thread. I'm only 8 pages behind! Needless to say, I probably won't be commenting, but I'm going to read.

    My Christmas decorations are still in the garage, but my financial report for a Latino mission church I advise is finished. I've been working on it off and on for a month, but did a marathon session this week. They are almost ready to be pushed out of the nest and fly alone. If can't come soon enough. I love them, but that is one responsibility I will be glad to drop.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    B) Heading to sunny Florida tomorrow!

    While I was gone over the Thanksgiving holiday visiting my family my husband decided to "clean up" our extra computer in the den. And clean up he did!!!! Not remembering that HE LINKED THE COMPUTERS he got rid of ALL MY BOOKMARKS!!! And he upgraded the computer to Windows 10 after saying he wouldn't because it still had my Omron pedometer program on it that wouldn't run on Windows 10 because it is so old. GRRRRRRRR then he didn't understand why I was so upset. Long story short he was able to help me regain most all my bookmarks. And to make up for the fact that I could no longer download my pedometer information he bought me a FitBit Flex!!! I need visual information to keep me on the straight and narrow. Love the Flex and the graphs of information it provides for me on this journey.

    Any FitBit Flex users here?

    Have a good one.

    Cheri in chilly NE Ohio heading for sunny South Florida
    csofled wrote: »
    B) Heading to sunny Florida tomorrow!

    You've gotta love a man for trying to make amends. You will love your flex. I have one, too. I resisted for a long time, but am totally addicted.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    Did 50 minutes of Greg Sims Cardio Metabolic Circuit DVD. I didn't realize it was on the rebounder, but that's OK since I haven't used the rebounder in a while.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do the Karen Voit Sleek Essentials DVD.

    Cathy - welcome. Awesome loss

    Wrote out my Christmas cards last night. We'll take them to the post office Monday right before we go to bowling

    Vince has a men's lunch to go to and I'm thinking that I may go to one food store. They will double coupons up to $2 for the next 3 days, so I may go and buy with my $1 off coupons.

    Sylvia - I'm sure kids will come to the party. It's been a while since they've been swimming and I'm sure they won't want to miss the chance.

    Terri - oh, I have fun at bowling. Let's say this -- I'm enthusiastic and expressive. when I get a ball that doesn't do much (doesn't hit many pins), I'll turn around and maybe stick out my tongue. Sometimes I talk to the ball "stay on the lane, stay on the lane". And when I get a strike, well...let's just say that someone gave me a towel that says "I only bowl so I can do that funny dance thing when I get a strike". Another person has described me getting a strike (since it happens so infrequently) as being a chiropractor's dream!

    Betty - I agree that the TV will make the time on any piece of cardio equipment go by faster. Just be sure you don't get so involved in the show you're watching that you unconsciously go slower (I've been known to do that, which is why I listen to podcasts or audiobooks or sometimes music). Sometimes I will do HIIT on the elliptical. If you don't know, HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. To be honest, when I first did it, I thought for sure I was going to die. I only did it for 15 minutes and that's IT. Then I worked my way up, started sprinting for 30 seconds, recovering (a slower pace on the elliptical) for 1-1/2 minute, then 30/1 minute, then 30/45 seconds recovery, now I'm working on 30 second sprint 30 second recovery. But I only do that for 1/2 an hour. Interval training burns more calories (which I can use, especially at this time of year). I've also done things on the treadmill where I will use an incline of 3% for a few minutes, then 6%, then 9%, then 12%, then 3% and repeat. I hate when the music is too loud. There is one instructor who always has her music very loud (lately, she's toned it down). whenever she was teaching, I have a pair of earplugs that I wear.... That might be something you can have and then be able to take the zumba.

    We need to take Loki to the vet to have his blood checked so we'll go later today

    Chris - safe travels to NJ

    barbie - hope the doc has good news for you and can give you relief without a drug

    pip - kirby is looking better and better all the time

    Vicki - I'll keep your nephew in my thoughts. How scary,

    Took Loki to the vet, came home and fed the cats, then went to WalMart. The picture frame I got should really be a bigger size so I'll probably return it early Sunday morning (when there aren't a lot of people in the store). Had dinner then cut some of Bonnie's mats out of her fur

    Tomorrow Vince was saying that we'll start putting out the decorations.

    Michele in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    [bMFP Advent Calendar[/b]
    Dec. 4th- And people wondered as they looked,
    if this might be a sign.
    That God would work a miracle
    to show his hand divine.

    Tomorrow taking a pic of what I have on it so far:-) (1st weekend)

    a bit heavy hearted today. Yesterday on a whim I looked up my cousin (on my fathers side) to see if he was still in the WA area. The search showed an obituary for my aunt. I found my cousin on fb and sent him condolences. My Aunt and Uncle reside in Vancouver, and I have been sending Christmas cards and she always returns ones. So last year she sent out cards early maybe, because I had rec'd a card from them. So the obituary states that she passed away on Dec 18, 2014. I am saddened that it came and gone. I was not told by that side of the family. No one on my side was. So I sent out a card this year to them already, so I am sure if my Uncle still can think clearly (in his 80's) then he must think of me such an uncaring niece... I called my eldest sis, and we cried. Then I called my middle sis, whom I never get to communicate with due to her never calling me back. So I leave messages, saying there is some sad news to tell her, to please call me back. Nothing last night or today. So then I tell her daughter, who lives with her to relay a message to please have her call me. Nothing. So then I call and leave another message. I state that I am so mad that even with news to share to her she still won't call me back. Am I even in her thoughts, does she even love me? My heart hurts. I then told her the news, and said..."If I was named Grant you would be calling me back". Grant is a married guy she sees when he has the time for her. Ok I am done venting. I have no family left to vent to. My oldest sis has shared to me that she would rather not discuss my middle sisters life and problems..I just stresses her out too much. I agree, but its hard to just let it go. Do I think of her as dead and just stop trying?
