

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member

    Remembering my talented middle son this evening. A pic of some of his many doodles that adorned his bedroom wall. :-)

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Betty I like to turn on some fun music and dance! Richard Simmons dvds are fun to dance/exercise with and you might be able to get them from your local library. I like to use old music like Dance to the Music, We Are Family, etc. Or new like Happy by Pharell Williams. Even my grandsons get in the fun and dance then we end up lauging and being goofy. smiley-dance004.gif
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @GloworminWA I like to strut to "Brick House" by the Commodores!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    want to make a correction, the lump isn't under her paw, it's under her arm, more like her chest area
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    want to make a correction, the lump isn't under her paw, it's under her arm, more like her chest area

    Oh, poor girl. Sending positive vibes for all of you.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    @janetr7476 Hey Janet, could you pluuuuease send me a snapshot for my felt advent calendar. I need you up there! Becca

    OKAY! I did try and just couldn't get it right. Some how my photo shop program is gone. Will get Jack to help me. I'll get something printed out tomorrow and get in the mail. Thanks for the nudge. Lol.

    Janetr OKC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    edited December 2015
    Sylvia ... Your mice are probably small and not heavy enough to trip the trap mechanism ... But don't worry ... You're Fattening them up with peanut butter!

    Terri ... Thanks for the information.

    Katla ... My son would wear other colors, he's just embarrassed by the sweating.

    Heather ... Thanks for sharing more of your trip.

    Made a gingerbread village from a kit tonight. First and last time. Older son (physically disabled) bought it for me to make so he could eat! Horrible directions! A royal pain if you ask me ... But he liked it.

    Went to a Christmas bazaar and a few estate sales today. Bought a few old tea cups. I love them and should stop
    buying and, really, I'm running out of room...but I have an old soul and they speak to me of a kinder more genteel time.

    Some decorating tomorrow after church I think.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pip, I am so sorry another of your family is under the weather and may need surgery.

    Heather, I was reading an article the other day on customs in foreign countries that we need to remember. One was about some of the Asian countries. Some countries, or i hope part of the countries, don't use toilet paper and just use their left hand. So it is very important not to shake their left hand, give a gift or anything to the left hand. It is insulting to them and not so hygeinic to you. Love your discussions on your travels.

    Sylvia, is there a U-tube video on how to put a video on u-tube? My SIL has found that anything he needs to learn how to do there is a u-tube video for him. Due to their financial status he has to do a lot of work on the car and home by himself and he just finds a video and it is done.

    When my oldest daughter was in high school, she was diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome and was given a script for Vit B 12 shots. Being a nurse I gave them to her. No problem on my part but a huge problem on getting her to cooperate. But close to time for her to go to college I knew she had to be doing it herself. On her first night on her own, it was a wEdnesday night. A big church night for us, youth group, prayer meeting and choir practice. So we started well enough in advance that we could get this done and get to church. I don't know how many needles she contaminated by starting to give the injection, getting the needle right on her skin and then couldn't make herself puncture the skin. I just had to leave her at home, she had her own car to get to church but when I got home she still hadn't done it. I have no idea if she gave her won injections at college or not. She knew she could go to the infirmary for the nurse to give them but she needed to learn herself.

    Saturday is my early to bed night in order to get up for Sunday school in time so good night. Sleep tight, watch out for the little baby mice!!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    Beth - I too love teacups. I'm always picking them up in all sorts of shapes and size and colors. I love to go to "tea" at our tea houses and pretend :)

    Oh Joyce you sly one, throwing in that last quip. Poor Syliva :)

    Heather I have so enjoyed your pictures and descriptions of the south of France. Thanks for taking time to share with us. I'm really trying not to stress. I'm going to start cooking and baking and freezing for both the holidays with the family here at home and for the trip to AZ. I can't possibly take enough precooked food for a month so I am just going to do some things that I would not normally do in the motor home. Other than that, it will be simple meals made in the RV. That's when I really have to watch the food tho, it's so easy to eat things not particularly good for me and to snack on junk. There is a heated pool at the RV Park we're staying at so I will be taking a couple of swimsuits and my water hand weights and plan to go most every morning. I'll have to be careful for sure.

    Janetr OKC
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    edited December 2015
    YYAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! I caught up! Wow! A lot going on! Forgive my CRS but let's see what I can remember.

    Becca. LOVE Brick House! Glad you connected w ur MS. Thank you for sharing daily verses. They are so beautiful.

    PiP. I thought it was your ten yr old girl doggie w the boo boo? Hope it goes well.

    Heather. Cool stories! Candied chestnuts sounds better to me than fat duck liver!

    Ohhhh, before I forget.....laughed myself silly over a typo in my post...at the drs I am interested in the change to my blood cholesterol and my BP! Not my BO! I DO NOT have BO! Good God how embarrassing of a typo!

    Mary. Your amazing w your demo

    Mirriam. MiMi was MY little girl Nickname! How funny!

    Sylvia. Too funny about the mousies snacking on ur pb traps!

    Sunny girl, Chris and Heather. Nice pics.

    Okay, afraid I will lose this if I switch pages sooooo

    Mindy page 11

    Okay re skimmed a few pages back...

    Mia btw I collect glass pumpkins. I'm not surprised you sold all of yours. I went to a glass blowers once and while it was amazing and beautiful I was really afraid of the potential injuries you could get! I hope you never get hurt.

    JanetR congrats on the weight loss! Sounds like you earned it!

    Carol about the kindle..my mother would have loved a nice gift even though it was used. Our family venerated recycling and reusing or repurposing almost anything we could figure out!

    I'm not sure who commented to Carol I think that they were brave didn't give up and tried online dating even after two ex husbands and found the right man the third time...but thank you. I consider myself Jaded and hopelessly ill fated in the romance division but you have given me pause for thought.

    Goodnight all
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Mindy - never give up! I was also lucky the 3rd time around!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Becca I feel for you about your sister. I don't think you need to consider her dead but sometimes we just have to turn it over and give it to our Higher Power to deal with. This is one of those times I think the Serenity Prayer is applicable. We all love you and would call you back! <3<3<3

    Heather thanks for traveling for those of us who never get the opportunity. Everything looks and sounds wonderful! You and your husband look so at ease together - I hope it's not just the mulled wine panda-lol.gif

    Barbie I can't imagine having that pain everyday. Everyday I think about how lucky I am to have good health - my grandpa would say it is my Greek blood - my only problems are my knees that need to be replaced but not causing me unbearable pain and chronic eczema & psoriasis which I have pretty much had my whole life. I can't remember if your docs have ruled out neuropathy or if that is one of the things the nerve conduction test was for? I hope they figure it out soon and you can get back to you normal life. <3

    Pip you and Kirby have certainly had more than your share of crummy stuff this year. You are so lucky to have each other to get through it all. Next year's crummies had better look out and stay away from you two! So happy that you are both on the mend and still smiling!!! <3<3<3

    Miriam so happy everything is straightened out and the adoption is almost complete! What are yours and the girls favorite colors? <3:)<3

    Katla hope your husband is out of his funk and more pleasant to you. Is it you who told us he has trouble this time of year? <3

    Vicki your family must have been in a panic when they heard what had happened. Our police officers do not get enough thanks from the communities they serve for putting their lives in harms way everyday. My heart hurts for the family of that fallen officer. Hugs to you and your family. <3<3<3

    Rori being a caregiver, especially when we have never been trained to be one, is truly difficult. I've been one more times than I ever thought would happen. There are excellent articles on caregiving from AARP and support groups for those who are caregivers. It can be

    I'm sure there were many more things I wanted to comment on but just can't remember and didn't write it down this time. To those of you who are hurting physically or mentally I send you hugs and well wishes. <3 To those with successes - Wahoo! For those of you traveling be alert and safe! B) For those of you with heavy hearts I hope you find peace. <3


    Gloria in WA

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    Carol - was it the tube stabbing you were referring to? Awful thing, but most likely a crazy person. So sad. :'(

    Sunday morning - nice and quiet. :) I did close the bedroom shutters last night as there were a group of people talking at the end of the alleyway, but that sorted it. B) The bells are ringing now. I might pop into the Mass next Sunday, just to have a look. We are 2 minutes walk from the cathedral.

    Off now to buy fizzy water and milk.

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,829 Member
    morning ladies~
    this junk has moved down into my chest, feeling yucky,,,, but onward and upward.. I do have to go see DFIL ,as I havent been the last 2 days and we wont be here for almost 3 weeks.
    will wash my hands real well and wear a mask that they provide down there..
    then I have to go to walmart and get 3 gift cards to send out to wisconsin, and then stop at dollar tree and get some cards to send them in, will send Taliah 10 in a card as my DD wants me to have her room all set up for her when they move so that will be my present..
    going to send an Omaha Steaks package to my DB aND DSIL .. so that will be it for buying for Christmas.. then come home and lay low... have to work full day tomorrow for Zina as she is using her last vacation day before I leave
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Busy day at home, no exercise for me today because my knee is starting to hurt and i dont want to push too much. Cookies, cards, cleaning, and laundry, thats the to do list :#
    Big concert week for my students, i am going to embrace the joy of it, not the chaos of it, hope i can get the parents to sit back and enjoy rather than record on their phones! I understand the reason for recording but wish we could simply sit and listen, live in the moment you know?
    Karen from ny
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Everybody is soo busy on their posts. Make time for yourselves, relax and enjoy time with family and friends. Wishing everyone health, wealth and happiness. Strength where needed and support from your friends on this site. I am enjoying a little relaxation with my mum. My sister has put mums christmas tree up, decorated it and put out all the christmas ornaments. Everything looks beautiful. Just have to get around my husband to get my christmas decorations out of the loft. He thinks it is too early. My answer is it is never too early to bring the child out at this special time of the year. Enjoy.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member

    Barbie I can't imagine having that pain everyday. Everyday I think about how lucky I am to have good health - my grandpa would say it is my Greek blood - my only problems are my knees that need to be replaced but not causing me unbearable pain and chronic eczema & psoriasis which I have pretty much had my whole life. I can't remember if your docs have ruled out neuropathy or if that is one of the things the nerve conduction test was for? I hope they figure it out soon and you can get back to you normal life. <3


    Gloria in WA

    :)Gloria, This made me smile and remember something I read a long time ago that said that if we all threw our troubles in the middle of the table and then chose which ones to take, we'd all take our own back.....I have considered myself fortunate to not have knee pain and the prospect of knee replacement....and I had a bout of psoriasis about 15 years ago and feel myself blessed that after a few months of intensive treatment, it hasn't come back. Yes,peripheral neuropathy is one of the likely possibilities. The next neurologist may be able to find out more.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Now, breakfast is completed and there are dogs waiting for their chance to walk again.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Beth, I almost spit coffee on my computer at your comment about fattening up the mice! And then Joyce chimes in! No wonder this group is so uplifting!

    Gloria, I love the Richard Simmons workouts! I had them all until that blankity blank doctor told me no exercise with my bone on bone knees. The only one i kept was my edited version of my favorite songs. The longer I work with my PT the more I want to use it! Well, not now since standing hurts my foot. And Becca, Brick House is great for moving! I often put on good music to dance to. But my 11 year old hates it when I shake my booty! It embarrasses her! My boys knew to expect me to be jiggling if music was on. My sister, their grandmother, is a much more sedate, controlled person.

    Had the grandkids overnight and the DGS was up vomiting all night. So I am feeling a bit ragged. I need my sleep!