

  • Hi All - I'm momof4xxs on CM - altho I'm now momof4xxsand1xy :) I have a membership at the Y, but my primary cardio is running, now that my PF is finally starting to heal ...or is that "heel"? :p Anyway, I need to lose about 10 pounds, but would be thrilled to lose 5-7. Along with that, I need to firm up b/c I jiggle…
    in Hello!!!! Comment by ajdx5 January 2013
  • I'm training for a marathon & usually take 1 day completely off & another day I will just walk for 30-60 minutes. I think the body needs one full day of rest a week - sometimes 2, depending on how hard you're hitting it the other 5 days... Forgive me for asking, but did you just have a baby? (I love your profile picture.)…
  • all of this - & make sure you get your long runs in - I've run a half dozen or so & am training for a full...it's no big deal to miss a weekday run, but try not to miss the weekly long one. :) Also, don't try anything new the night before or on race day morning...decide if & what works best for your tummy in training. (Me…
  • I'm nursing my last baby & I just wear 2 Champion bras from Target .
  • My oldest & I have it & it's been a blessing in disguise - it has really forced me to watch what I put into my body...that said tho, I do miss wheaty bread, Kashi cereals & Quaker brown sugar instant oatmeal! :-p
    in Runners - Comment by ajdx5 May 2011
  • awesome advice everyone! I eat a lot of greek yogurt topped with gluten free granola- - I have celiac (with no symptoms - go figure), so anything with wheat in it is a no-no. I can't eat before I go b/c I have 5 kids - - I roll out of bed @ 5am & have to hit the streets before I have to get the older 2 out the door & then…
    in Runners - Comment by ajdx5 May 2011