wsbri4 Member


  • I would like to lose 30 pounds by the end of September. Had lost 30 but have gained 7 back and am stuck. Doesn't seem to want to come back off.
    in Welcome! Comment by wsbri4 June 2012
  • Weekends are the worst. I try but then temptation gets in the way. Will just have to do better, drink more water, and brush it off and do better next time. Just stuck right now and need a little jump start!!
  • Please add me! Facebook name is Wanda Almony Brickey :)
  • :glasses: you are doing great and don't let anyone get you down!!!
  • Put it in a steamer bag and steam it then add little bit of butter and pepper. Very very good
    in Asparagus Comment by wsbri4 April 2011
  • You are doing great and I have always liked to see what others do so that I can get ideas. Just because you are losing doesn't mean it should upset others. Good luck!!!