

  • I just stepped off the scale and I am up two pounds out of nowhere and I do have a bad sunburn so I so glad to hear that this is normal. Whew! I know it is al old thread just wanted to put my two cents in there for anyone posting now to this thread.
  • Ok, I think I am doing this right this time as far as the quoting goes. Congrats on your six pound loss. I am sure you are fine and it's okay. I certainly don't want to start a big old ruckus on this poor lady's post. I just was making the point that she came here for specific info. I would, however, also like to know what…
  • I am never going to learn how to post on a forum. Pshhhh! I can't even figure out how to QUOTE. God help me.
  • Congrats on the six pounds you have lost. I am sure you are a fine and it's okay.
  • I envy the backpacking! I have osteoarthritis in my upper back that prevents me doing some of those outdoorsy type adventures. My husband was very serious into backpacking at one point in time. I wish I could admit to as much exercise as I was doing previously. I had been doing water aerobics faithfully, which…
  • To me it comes across as bullying, because the opinion hurts the people who were not asking for that opinion specifically. I think the original poster was looking for specific information and if they needed help otherwise they can speak to their doctor directly. Getting jumped on by a bunch of people who don't follow her…
  • This is my first time posting. I have to say I was completely taken back by the anti-pill bully comments. I understand that each person is entitled to their own opinion but it just isn't fair to a person who is prescribed a medication by a knowledgable physician and whose healthcare and weightless is being followed by a…