New Diet Pills (Belviq vs Qsymia)



  • cindymylou
    I am never going to learn how to post on a forum. Pshhhh! I can't even figure out how to QUOTE. God help me.
  • cindymylou
    To me it comes across as bullying, because the opinion hurts the people who were not asking for that opinion specifically. I think the original poster was looking for specific information and if they needed help otherwise they can speak to their doctor directly. Getting jumped on by a bunch of people who don't follow her way of life could potentially be hurtful. Just like if I jumped on you for your way of life and just expected that you should take a pill. I would never suggest such a thing.

    I am just too much of a softie, I suppose. It is like with any other opinion…I just feel that the original poster is not looking to be understood and heard, validated, listened to rather than having the opposing view pushed.

    I do congratulate all of you who are able to pull off the weight loss the good old fashioned way. I have done fairly well in keeping 30 of the 40 that I have lost off over off since I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2009. I just struggle with getting the rest of it off.

    I would like to know of the long term success also because I am one of the ones considering going off the Qsymia and trying Belviq. For me, I am not looking for some magic pill. I realize what it takes. Weight loss is not even about looking good cause I look pretty darn good. It is just my insides that don't look that great. ;)

    I'm confused......which part of my replies did you think was 'bullying'? I don't appreciate being labelled a bully when I'm not !

    Ok, I think I am doing this right this time as far as the quoting goes.

    Congrats on your six pound loss. I am sure you are fine and it's okay. I certainly don't want to start a big old ruckus on this poor lady's post. I just was making the point that she came here for specific info. I would, however, also like to know what the progress was! Because I need that information myself. Maybe I can just look up the studies on the medication, myself, and skip the entire forum idea all together. I just thought it would be more interesting to hear from *real* people who are currently using the medication and their experiences or long term experiences.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Whenever I hear the side effects of diet pills, even those under a doctor’s care, it scares the living shzzt out of me. For those who take the pills, are you at all concerned about developing serious side effects in an effort to gain control over your eating? It seems very drastic.

    Have you ever read the possible side effects of ANY medication? They all pretty much read like that. The FDA requires them all to be listed out, no matter how rare. :smile:

    Yes, I have read the side effects of a lot of medication and it's scary. However, I see a big difference in cases such as taking a risk in order to keep breathing, keeping the heart pumping, balance insulin, etc. as opposed to gaining a false sense of control in terms of eating.

    It's not a false sense of control, if it truly works. As improved health is generally the purpose of prescription medications, I would say that losing weight needed to improve health make it a worthwhile medication. Yes?
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    In many cases, the weight comes back so in my opinion, it's a false sense of control. Isn't losing weight for better health the common goal among those who want or need to lose? What is the difference between learning self-control now as opposed to six-months from now barring any immediate life and death situations?
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    These are prescription drugs, prescribed by physicians.

    I am interested in these other drugs you mentioned, because Phentermine has a pharmacology similar to amphetamine, which is not something I consider healthy.

    I looked these drugs up. I had never heard of them. One is mixed with Topomax, an anti-seizure medication, so I wouldn't want to take that. The other seems to be some kind of SSRI, and it can interact with other SSRIs. I take a small dose of Prozac. Also, the BMI needs to be over 30, or over 27 with another health condition. My BMI is 27.6, so that probably leaves me out.

    It is also used for Migraines and my best friend had taken it basically kills your appetite so you barely eat, she had stopped taking it after about 2 months and never used it again.
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    Boo. If diet pills worked you would only need them once. But they don't teach changes in behavior, they just suppress appetite temporarily. Boo. Not worth it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    In many cases, the weight comes back so in my opinion, it's a false sense of control. Isn't losing weight for better health the common goal among those who want or need to lose? What is the difference between learning self-control now as opposed to six-months from now barring any immediate life and death situations?

    I think Texsox's situation is a pretty good example: "I can take Belviq and lose weight or I can take statin to mitigate the effects of being overweight."
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    To me it comes across as bullying, because the opinion hurts the people who were not asking for that opinion specifically. I think the original poster was looking for specific information and if they needed help otherwise they can speak to their doctor directly. Getting jumped on by a bunch of people who don't follow her way of life could potentially be hurtful. Just like if I jumped on you for your way of life and just expected that you should take a pill. I would never suggest such a thing.

    I am just too much of a softie, I suppose. It is like with any other opinion…I just feel that the original poster is not looking to be understood and heard, validated, listened to rather than having the opposing view pushed.

    I do congratulate all of you who are able to pull off the weight loss the good old fashioned way. I have done fairly well in keeping 30 of the 40 that I have lost off over off since I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2009. I just struggle with getting the rest of it off.

    I would like to know of the long term success also because I am one of the ones considering going off the Qsymia and trying Belviq. For me, I am not looking for some magic pill. I realize what it takes. Weight loss is not even about looking good cause I look pretty darn good. It is just my insides that don't look that great. ;)

    I'm confused......which part of my replies did you think was 'bullying'? I don't appreciate being labelled a bully when I'm not !

    Ok, I think I am doing this right this time as far as the quoting goes.

    Congrats on your six pound loss. I am sure you are fine and it's okay. I certainly don't want to start a big old ruckus on this poor lady's post. I just was making the point that she came here for specific info. I would, however, also like to know what the progress was! Because I need that information myself. Maybe I can just look up the studies on the medication, myself, and skip the entire forum idea all together. I just thought it would be more interesting to hear from *real* people who are currently using the medication and their experiences or long term experiences.

    I don't want to get into a 'rukus' either. If you didn't value my opinions from before then feel to disregard them in favour of the opinions from 'real' people.

    You did state however that it came across to you as I politely ask again, which of my posts on here came across to you as bullying ?

    I could be wrong but I don't think that she was referring to a specific person. That being said I have read and re-read the posts here and I don't find any of the posters to be anti-pill bullies, just stating their opinions and honestly I have seen some posts that are a heck of a lot harsher then what is in this thread.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Honestly I think the only people that need diet pills are the REALLY fat I'm talking 300lb+. In that case it can be a good way to suppress their appetite and smooth them into healthier eating patterns at least that's how it was for me. I took Phentermine right at the start of my diet for two weeks. It allowed me to get through a one hour workout and suppress my food cravings. However once I felt I had started to form good habits I discontinued it immediatly. When I stopped I did gain a couple of lb's and my workouts became harder but I quickly got back up to speed and started losing again. That ladies and gentlemen is how diet pills should be used. Not taken by people who think it's a shortcut to genuine weight loss. Because it isn't. All you pill poppers will gain all that weight back. And you will be looking for more pills to throw money at.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,096 Member

    I am just too much of a softie, I suppose. It is like with any other opinion…I just feel that the original poster is looking to be understood and heard, validated, listened to by others who understand her rather than having the opposing view pushed.


    I don't think posters on a forum should feel obliged to 'understand, validate, not present any opposing point of view' lest their post be seen as bullying.

    If someone is asking about a really unhealthy option - eating 500 calories/day/ buying into some silly scam/living off nothing but carrots etc - then No, it is not bullying to state this is a bad idea.
  • marckromano
    Losing weight is something that begins in our brain and later in our body. Some individuals are determined enough to lose weight without the need of any drugs, simply by exercising and eating properly, others need help. There is nothing bad with recurring to supplements, both individuals are looking to lose weight and improve their health. We need to respect everybody's choice as what it good for me might not be good for someone else I am using a natural pill to lose weight and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    It's not just this thread where I have seen bullying. It's kind of sad. I have seen people reaching out asking for help, and get totally slammed. That's just awful for self-esteem, to ask for help, then to be bullied and have people be downright mean.

    Just my opinion, but I think these forums should be about supporting each other, and being each other's cheerleaders. And to be gentle if at all possible. Putting each other down doesn't help anyone. My goal is to not make you cry and feel bad about yourself. I just want what I say to you get you to laugh and to be your cheerleader.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    People, what you're not getting is that many times people lose weight then gain it all back. Over and over. It has nothing to do with diet pills. The reason I posted about my yo-yo dieting, is that is going to be a thing of my past. I intend on changing that. I never will let myself get heavy again.

    Says 90% of dieters that wind up gaining it back because they didn't change their habits, just disguised them as something else for a while before going back to them again.

    Not bullying, just a well known occurrence among yo yo dieters. Stating it in the written word does not make it mean. It is what it is.
  • jennibear22
    jennibear22 Posts: 95 Member
    When doctors and GP's begin prescribing "pills" for losing weight on the NHS, I will believe they work. If there was actually a pill that could fix weight problems the NHS would prescribe them instantly and save themselves £1 billion a year on obesity related costs.

    Do you really think if there was a "quick fix" out there, doctors would not be prescribing them to cure obesity to curb health costs?
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Oy vey, why did I even bother replying? People were actually getting realistic and kind. I thought it would last. Why am I surprised it didn't? Y'all have a nice ride on those high horses.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Losing weight is something that begins in our brain and later in our body. Some individuals are determined enough to lose weight without the need of any drugs, simply by exercising and eating properly, others need help. There is nothing bad with recurring to supplements, both individuals are looking to lose weight and improve their health. We need to respect everybody's choice as what it good for me might not be good for someone else I am using a natural pill to lose weight and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

    I disagree with this approach. You aren't doing this under the care of a doctor to mitigate serious health risks. You are simply trying to suppress your real appetite instead of learning to manage it in the context of a balanced diet. This is going to make building a healthy lifestyle harder in the long run. It's not about weight loss. It's learning about how to sustain the healthy habits that lead to fitness over time.