Weight gain from bad sunburn???



  • paotoa
    paotoa Posts: 6 Member
    This happened to me this week too! Although until reading this thread I would never have thought to link the mystical weight gain to a sunburn. Very neat, thanks!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    This thread is pretty old, but thought it was worth bumping since it's summer and many people are vacationing.

    I was at a pool party yesterday and got burned on my shoulders/chest. I'm definitely retaining water today and went to google and came across this thread. Had no idea a sunburn would cause water retention, but now I do!
  • Hoppev
    Hoppev Posts: 4 Member
    I got bad sunburn on my face chest and arms this Sunday and have put on 3lbs, your body will hold onto more fluid to moisturize the skin as it is still a burn. Mine could also be down to that time of month coming up as I use to retain a stone of fluid when I was 17 and the doctors didn't want to give me water tablets as I was still developing. Not going to get discouraged as have lost 11inches from my waist in total and 2 inches from my hips this week. :flowerforyou:
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    What the heck?? I gained 5lbs this week. I have been sticking like glue to food intake and even increased my exercise alittle each day. Does anyone know if its possible to gain water weight from a awful sunburn a few days ago? This ever happen to anyone? If so how long did it take to go away?

    Sunburn is a real burn and will entail you having fluid in the affected area. It is not real weightgain as such, once the sunburn goes, the fluid will dissipate.

    FWIW when I have come back from holidaying abroad, flights and sunbathing always mean I end up putting a few pounds on, this goes after a few days back home.

    Just continue with your weightloss the way you have been and look after your skin there, I hope the burning goes asap x
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Dang I didn't realize this thread was two years old....
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Yes when I was badly burned this summer my legs swelled up so much I couldn't get my jeans on! Went down after a few days
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Dang I didn't realize this thread was two years old....

    Oops me neither!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Dang I didn't realize this thread was two years old....

    Oops me neither!
  • swtjenny90
    swtjenny90 Posts: 21 Member
    Omg... This explains so much.... I would have never thought of that. I go from white in the winter to red all summer basically! You guys are so smart!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Omg... This explains so much.... I would have never thought of that. I go from white in the winter to red all summer basically! You guys are so smart!

    lol have you got the correct thread? What has this to do with gaining weight because of sunburn? :laugh:
  • squeakybuttcheeks
    squeakybuttcheeks Posts: 54 Member
    I know I am late to the game but I am so happy to see this post. I was googling like crazy haha.

    I went tanning on Tuesday at 165 lbs, on Wednesday morning I was 166 lbs then on Thursday morning I was 168 lbs! I didn't have a visible burn until Thursday night though. Has anyone seen the weight increase before the burn?

    I was freaking out until I found this post. I don't sweat when I tan. (I know I am weird) I wonder if that's what made me gain before the burn. I had no changes to diet or exercise so its the only thing I can think of. Since I am burnt now I am totally expecting a higher number until its gone.

    Upping my water, but will the three lbs gained just go away with the burn over the next few days or am I going to have to wait a week or two to see it gone?
  • cindymylou
    cindymylou Posts: 7
    I just stepped off the scale and I am up two pounds out of nowhere and I do have a bad sunburn so I so glad to hear that this is normal. Whew! I know it is al old thread just wanted to put my two cents in there for anyone posting now to this thread.
  • Laerai
    Laerai Posts: 495 Member
    I gained 2.5 lbs after getting a pretty decent burn yesterday - glad to see this thread, and I hope my body will let go of the water by Sunday - (my official mini-goal weigh in day!)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,898 Member
    Can I suggest reading this article, for even more info on the "weird water weight" subject, and more?


    It can potentially make scale-watching a calmer thing, by giving one a better idea about some factors that may cause misleading scale results, i.e., that aren't about fat loss but affect the scale.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    It may be water retention due to inflammation due to the burn.
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    It may be water retention due to inflammation due to the burn.

    Yep, that seems to be the consensus.

    So now I've got water weight gain, pain from the burn (bra and panty lines - ouch!) AND it's at the point in healing when it's started to itch. :p:s:D
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    It may be water retention due to inflammation due to the burn.

    Yep, that seems to be the consensus.

    So now I've got water weight gain, pain from the burn (bra and panty lines - ouch!) AND it's at the point in healing when it's started to itch. :p:s:D

    Aww man, hope you feel better soon!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,946 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    It may be water retention due to inflammation due to the burn.

    Yep, that seems to be the consensus.

    So now I've got water weight gain, pain from the burn (bra and panty lines - ouch!) AND it's at the point in healing when it's started to itch. :p:s:D

    Well... on the plus side burns and broken bones require more calories to heal... probably not the best way to increase your TDEE; but hey! [using some sort of anti-burn stuff may be of use and all that]