

  • It isn't ideal to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time because burning fat requires the body to be on a caloric deficit while building muscle requires a caloric surplus. There can be exceptions to this but only temporarily and the results will only progress so far before hitting a plateau. People find this to be…
  • Everybody goes off their diet on Easter so don't even worry about it, cheat days are very healthy as long as they don't become a consistent habit. The fluctuation in calories will (very mildly) spike your metabolism so getting back on track should be easy as long as you put the effort in.
  • This is why there is so much obesity in America. It's in the norm to be lazy and eat like crap, but then the people who actually take the initiative to be self-disciplined are criticized and are even accused of being "obsessive."
  • I'd suggest to budget your calories throughout the day so you can afford to have a 200 calorie snack before bed, preferably with Protein, fiber, or both. I use to have this same problem so now I always look forward to having a mini meal before bed. I like TGI Fridays boneless wings cause I can have six-eight for 160…
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