Easter Indulgence

I am proud of myself. I had a healthy choice filled weekend. Friday I went to boot camp and finished under my calorie limit. Didn't get to the gym on Saturday but ate very well and again under my calorie limit. Even today, I had a healthy breakfast,took very small portions at lunch today even with the big meal. only took a bite of the lemon meringue pie not a whole slice. It was a very rewarding feeling! Then I got home and made a plate of leftovers. feeling guilty about it, because i know i could have been way under for today (771 unused calories before the leftovers) but i then indulged. When I look at it from a larger perspective, i cant decide if it is something i should be feeling guilt over, or if this is an example of enjoying calories that you don't normally eat but once in a great while its okay. Thoughts?


  • chelseasans
    chelseasans Posts: 73 Member
    Do not feel guilty at all! Its Easter! Its important to eat the foods you crave every once in a awhile and indulge because if you avoid them for too long you will just binge. Also, it will jump start your metabolism.
  • Gingerkid05
    Gingerkid05 Posts: 60 Member
    I saw your diary and you did great. Holidays are tough but you didn't bust your calories that bad. It's still better than it would have been before. One holiday does not a habit make. Great job!
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    771 under what is already your deficit? Good! Use up those extra calories for holiday deliciousness.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I don't ever feel guilty about my food choices, even when I go WAY over (like yesterday). I make a conscious decision to eat something or not eat it (with my daily/weekly calories and nutrition in mind), log it to the best of my ability, and then move on.

    It's not just about coping with holidays and special occasions while you're losing weight, but also about learning how to moderate your lifestyle and your food choices so that you can meet your goals next Easter, and the next Easter, and Easter for the next 10 years. It sounds like you made good choices and ended the weekend in a deficit, so I see no reason why you should stress over it at all. :smile:
  • WhiteTan
    WhiteTan Posts: 4
    Everybody goes off their diet on Easter so don't even worry about it, cheat days are very healthy as long as they don't become a consistent habit.
    The fluctuation in calories will (very mildly) spike your metabolism so getting back on track should be easy as long as you put the effort in.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Holidays should be celebrated by those who chose to do so and no one should ever feel guilty over their food choices. You are not a robot and your life will not be the same day after day. If you are on track most of the time, a day here and there will not hurt you.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Holidays should be celebrated by those who chose to do so and no one should ever feel guilty over their food choices. You are not a robot and your life will not be the same day after day. If you are on track most of the time, a day here and there will not hurt you.

  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    I had a HUGE supper yesterday, and began wondering: When did Easter become an "eating holiday" akin to Thanksgiving? :huh: When I was growing up, we didn't cook a big meal for Easter. I preferred it that way...the indulgence of it seems to be in stark contrast to the spirit of the day, IMO. :ohwell:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    guilt should never be associated with eating while still in a deficet.
  • spdoughe
    spdoughe Posts: 51
    guilt should never be associated with eating while still in a deficet.

    this is a problem I am struggling with. I feel guilty over EVERYTHING I eat! I always think to myself, I could be doing something better. I am trying to grab this bull by the horns because I know this is the very thought that throws me off every time I try to get healthy.. its a LIFESTYLE change, and I am so hard on myself all the time. Anyone else struggle with this?