

  • My clothes started getting loose after maybe a month. I have only lost 3 pounds total but everything fits better. I was not loosing many inches until I started drinking more water. Like 5-6 16 ounce cups a day
  • Way to go! I need a scale also!
    in new scale Comment by MissJanay May 2011
  • Great guys! Thank you so much!
  • Thank you! I will for sure use this. And what is "bump" I see it all the time
  • yes MIO still counts as water. Anything that is actually water counts. Water with a tea bag in it, water with MIO, water with crystal ligth.
    in Water Comment by MissJanay April 2011
  • I have seen tons of people from my town but not that I know. I hope I dont find anyone I know :o)
  • It also has less sugar! I didnt know what greek yogurt was, I am not a huge yogurt fan at all . . . but I was going to get some since I am eating better and the greek had less sugar so I pick it and OH MY! Its amazing. I have been getting the Dannon Greek. I like the honey. The bottom of the cup has real honey and its so…
  • Mmmmm the new Quaker Oatmeal cereal is AMAZING
    in EW Comment by MissJanay April 2011
  • I was diagnosed with IBS several years ago. As you start to eat healthy, go get some fiber. Benefiber or anything works. I was given a prescription Miralax, but I think its over the counter now. It made my weight jump several pounds from day to day. I would get very discouraged. It takes a little longer to show the results…
    in IBS Comment by MissJanay April 2011
  • Yayyyyyyyy! Good job! Keep it up
    in Yay me! Comment by MissJanay April 2011
  • Yayyyyyyyy! Good job! Keep it up
    in Yay me! Comment by MissJanay April 2011
  • I started MFP 2 weeks ago and had NO idea how much crap I was consuming. I am totally blow away! When you actually sit down and start logging it just makes your head spin. I was probably eating double what I was supposed to daily also! Anyways, I am not a breakfast eater at all. If I drink coffee, I usually do not eat…
  • You guys are all so nice! I am excited about this site and all the people! :o)
  • I use Acai berry. I havent noticed anything as far as weight loss, but it gives me tons of energy and makes me focused. I have friends that use it for weight management
    in Acai Comment by MissJanay April 2011
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