alishaspringle Member


  • In the Springles vs the Yard, the Springles have a hard-fought victory. This is only today's count! Yesterday was a 300 calorie win!
  • I over ate my calorie count today, but . . . I finished a 40-minute kick-butt kickboxing workout. This is progress! RespecttheKitty, way to go on the C25K!
  • Hello, again, Cool Kids. It's been months since I checked in - a combination of adding a part time teaching load to my full time teaching load, and beginning my doctoral program have done a real number on my weight. Fortunately, I've managed to keep up with yoga fairly regularly, so I an still bend and balance, but my…
  • Ok, and it posted just fine! Aaarrrrrgh!
  • Hmmm. The interface with my phone doesn't seem to be working well. The last post didn't include the Flickr link, and this one wants you to turn somersaults. Sorry, y'all!
  • Hey, y'all. Nice to see a bit more activity, although I admit I've been lurking lately too. Larro, I want you to come garden for me! I have good intentions and unplanted seeds. I've maintained over the last week, and been able to ramp up my workout intensity a little, and I'll take both of those since I'm still less than a…
  • Beautiful pictures, alf. I'll add mine - went to see a Mecican naval training ship while it was docked in Norfolk this weekend. I'm still not used to living so near the sea!
  • 3furballs, in the process of prepping for my surgery last week, U got weighed on 3 different scales in 3 different medical facilities in the same day. The totals were 4-12 pounds different! So don't worry about it at all. Just go by yours, and by how you feel. My scale has me down another 2 lbs this week. 8 lbs from my…
  • First exercise session since surgery last Monday (very mild mobility/range of motion workout). Yay! StephannieL, I had the same lack of time issues when we moved for my new job. My solution was once-a-month meals and it's working fairly decently. Of course, I have 3 kids and a husband old enough to be assigned a week night…
  • Hey cool kids. I'm down another two pounds, but I had major surgery on Monday, so I gave myself a day of eating ice cream. I'm sure those pounds will be back soon, lol. However, the surgery went well, and I'm up and moving pretty well, and going to work a partial day tomorrow! Y'all will have to exercise without me for a…
  • Gm3rGuy, What a nice walk with such a cute pup! Ruby, I hope you can get that close to the babies too! Y'all keep on being awesome!
  • Okay, Take 2! The web ate most of my earlier post. Jackie, That's a lot of dog walk. I can do one walk, but then I just take my two furbabes to the dog park to romp with their friends. Way to go! Curious, I feel the pie temptation from here. You can do it! Moderation and health, here we come. AllenPriest, I wore my…
  • Happy Weekend, Cool Kids! Larro, I am so jealous of your ability to actually garden! I plant a great mental one, though.
  • Someone, many posts ago, asked what the Daily Burn is - I'm finally going to answer! It is a subscription workout streaming website/app/service. I'm horrible about going to a gym (it takes too long), get bored with my own routines (right-brained) and need encouraging options for cardio (my nemesis). I'm really pleased with…
  • Happy Friday. No loss, no gain. And it is starting to get old. Oh, well - I am drastically increasing cardio, so we'll see how it goes. :|
  • Just for the record, the hanging garden was right side up to me. You all need to stop walking on the ceilings!
  • I hate, hate, hate being tied to a particular time for aerobics classes. With 3 kids (2 teens!), 2 dogs, a husband, and - oh you get the idea - I'm never on time and then end up skipping. I've started tuning in the Daily Burn on my iPad and think I may stay. Anyone else have comments on Daily Burn? On a related note, this…
  • KellySue, That's awesome! Enjoy the success!
  • Hello, cool kids. Just popping in to see that you all are well and share my newly discovered azaleas with you. (I had mostly ignored the nondescript greenery in front of our house since we moved in in August.). Happy Thursday
  • I'm continuing on my bulk cooking plan. No pretty photos, because I'm too tired to take them - but here's what's prepped and refrigerated or frozen as appropriate: Herbed chicken with rice and peaches as sides; Italian sausage soup with French bread; Apricot glazed corned beef with roasted sweet potatoes; Chili with…
  • 3furballs, Yikes!! I can't believe you kick-BOXed later that day! You sure you're not Wonder Woman? Emmalusmom and Kelly, you both have beautiful pictures of your Easter Sunday. Larro, Technically the 'river' was the Dismal Swamp Canal (I don't find it dismal, but then I'm not trying to homestead in it), so that actually…
  • Beautiful Easter Day.
  • Happy Friday. No loss - no gain - no problems with that right now.
  • How on Earth do you all keep up?!? I'd like to respond to everyone, but lately I only have time to lurk. I'm still rooting for you all, though! I'm light on exercise today, but I figure it's okay because tomorrow I chaperone 5 eighth grade girls walking all over Washington DC. I'm pretty sure that will provide more than my…
  • Landfish, I don't eat clean intentionally either. I have a Moscato periodically, and treat myself with popcorn weekly, and any quality chocolate whenever! The rest of my food, I work hard to balance protein, carbs, and fat - choosing the real fruits and veggies where possible - because it tastes better that way. For me…
  • How hysterical! Look what I bought last night!
  • Hey, welcome newbies! HatFullofSky, I love your book, I mean screen name. I'm mourning Sir Terry, as I'm sure you are. I hope your caretaker meltdown gave you some emotional release, Caramel, and maybe helps with impetus to set up plans to take care of yourself without guilt. I also wish I could help. Curious, my daughter…
  • KellySue, That's wonderful! I've been lifting your family up. And, hey y'all - I may be back - just finished my first cardio since my daughter entered the hospital February 22. It helps that this week is Spring Break for me, and I can catch up on tasks and rest. Wow, Larro. And I was feeling ahead of the curve because I've…
  • KSue - I hope you live in an area where 80 miles means 80 minutes. Here in the eastern traffic zone, 10 miles routinely takes 40 minutes. Be safe on your travels. FEves - thanks for sharing your struggles. I understand them, and you've reinforced my decision to go ahead with my surgery at the end of this semester. I don't…
  • I think you can have wildlife sightings or sitings, curious and 3furballs. It just depends on whether you are looking at them or locating them (you - Stay!). Thanks for the positive thoughts. It's not real great now, as she has been admitted inpatient with an uncertain diagnosis and at least several more days stay. But…