themusicdude Member


  • Wow, that's the kind of loss I'm hoping for! I had a bad pig out meal a few weeks ago and ordered exactly the amount I used to eat and I couldn't finish it! That was a good sign, but I still have a hard time with food goals. Congrats on your hard work!
  • I reLly didn't have any body image issues before I got started working out. It was just, "Oh, round is a shape..." Now I admit that I'm more critical because I see the scale numbers drop but not see enough of the results I want. Most of my shirts are too lose in the chest now, but still too tight in the stomach. My…
  • Yeah, I've still got a long way to go and I'd really like to hit 300 by the end of the year, so 3ish pounds a week would do that. I do cardio (29-90 minutes) six days a week and do Stronglifts 5x5 three days a week. Most of my cardio is the treadmill, but I've started riding a bike some as well.
  • I'm trying to lose more weekly than MFP will allow me to select, so I am trying to do the math; you'd suggest setting it back to sedentary?
  • I do enjoy the cardio, but I don't want to overdo it or injure myself. I've also heard that doing cardio after weight lifting isn't a good idea, which is a concern if I'm biking back and forth from the gym. My diet has significantly improved (I'm still tempted and have fallen off the wagon a few times) but I've gone from…
  • I've got a One and it's fine. I love the tech integration (since I'm a nerd) but as far as results a cheap pedometer probably would have worked as well. Right now I'm planning on buying a Polar FT-60 to track my heart rate and calorie burn rather than how many steps I'm taking... I don't think the Fitbit is very accurate…
  • I'm currently weighing myself every Monday, after I get out of the shower post workout. A friend of mine has suggested I do it first thing in the morning (post morning fecal deposit) instead, so I might try that starting next week.
  • My clothes are definitely looser, although I certainly wouldn't call them baggy. I had a pair of pants fall right off the other day, but I suffer from an extreme case of "white guy pancake *kitten*" and even with pants that fit they'll idle down. These came right off.
  • Swapped out the batteries and tried again. Read the same. I checked on my scale (Taylor 7516) and it's rated to 440 pounds. My last visit to the doc was last Sepetember and I definitely didn't do anything to change my diet or fitness level until March. I've got no freaking clue what's going on... Guess I'll just log with…
  • Fell off a bit this weekend. Had a surprise gig schedule pop up and ended up eating fast food three times. I made a conscious effort to eat less of it than I normally would, but looking at those values plugged into the calorie tracker still hurt. Yesterday I managed toget to the gym for about 20 minutes; I was tired and…
  • I definitely don't mind the rest, but sports and cars have never done it for me. I do like vintage motorcycles though.
  • Consider moving to Ohio. They're EVERYWHERE.
  • Do - Complement me on my guitar playing and singing abilities. Don't - Be that "cool" gal that is into sports and wants to watch football every Sunday. Instant turn-off.
  • So I had a biscuit with lunch today and was shocked at how I felt afterward. Sleepy and kinda bloaty. I kicked *kitten* at the gym, so I don't feel bad about it psychologically, but physically it's not a great feel.
  • I looked it up after you mentioned it and it's there in my iPad. That made me feel a lot better to see how I'd been eating over the last seven days.
  • Had a great workout today... did three miles on the treadmill. It was really tempting to quit at the two mile mark, but it just said to myself, "Eh, it's only 20 more minutes. Just try it."
  • Getting a late start this morning, but I'm still getting ready to hit the gym! Just blended up a smoothie and as soon as the ipod finishes charging it's a go!
  • Thank you for the book recommendation. I'll check it out!
  • I drink a LOT of water. I don't even bother to track it anymore, because I'm drinking constantly. I refill my 32 oz bottle about five times a day, plus I drink about 64 oz at work. I actually like it plain.
  • Well, that's good news. It's storming pretty fierce and driving to the gym doesn't sound to enticing. I'll make sure to hit the cardio really hard tomorrow since I slacked a bit today on both cardio and food amounts. Sadly, I'm still hungry tonite.
  • Well, my sister's "healthy" meatloaf was tasty, but when I plugged it all into the calculator... it wasn't really. :-/ Ended up overshooting my calories for the day, so I'm at the dilemma of going back to the gym for another 30 minutes before bed, or just shrug it off and eat smarter tomorrow?
  • Thanks everyone. FWIW, I am using a food scale and weighing out everything. One thing I did not mention was that I have arthritis and have since I was quite young. I try to work slightly more low impact when possible, because my last major setback was when I was doing kickboxing... I was making great progress through…