LouieShoe Member


  • Name: LS Height: 5'11 Starting Weight (3/9): 160 Goal Weight: 150 3/9: 160
  • Jinxkychick; I don't have any experience working with a therapist, but I do think, for me at least, there is a psychological component to why I over-indulge when I eat too much. I think there are many people here who struggle with the same issues you do; if we only ate and drank strictly to satisfy our hunger, many of us…
  • Way to go helens2304! Three weeks is an inspiration. I just made it through last weekend without drinking and I thought it would kill me. I'm going to try to make it through this weekend as well. Thanks for your support along the way - you've started a thread that touches a lot of people.
  • Here's the update I promised yesterday. I was able to make it through the night without a drink and without overeating. I couldn't have done that without those of you who responded to the post. I really appreciate your support. It's a great relief to know there are people who understand out there in your corner. Thanks…
  • Thanks Todd - it's good to know you're out there watching! I appreciate it bro.
  • This is something I really struggle with. I've come to the painful reailization that I can't meet my 1 pound a week weight loss goal and still drink. I usually don't have more than 3-4 drinks at one time, but those few drinks can add close to 1,000 calories to may day, not to mention that I loose all self-regulation over…
  • I want to echo what CA_Underdog said; my family (my son particularly) likes burgers. We did cut back on going out for that kind of food, but when we did go out, I would bring a simple sandwich and carrots or something else that's fast to prepare and healthy. Once you get over feeling weird about bringing your own food to…