Second week of Sobriety - friends needed!

helens2304 Posts: 11 Member
Not entirely new here, been checking aina nd out for a while. Gave up alcohol completely a week ago and out weight on this week!! Have been drinking too much for years - Would love some support in my weightloss/sobriety challenge :-)


  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    Ah Im going for a 6 week Sobriety challenge myself from Sunday, request on its way :smile:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I quit a week ago too because it was putting my blood pressure up, making me gain weight an made me miss workouts. Doing great without but maybe one day when I'm fitter I can have a glass or two again. We'll see. Love to be your friend.
  • sharad79
    sharad79 Posts: 3
    Hey Guys same here.
    It's been 12 days since I started my Getfit and sobriety challenge. Request on its way too..
  • LouieShoe
    LouieShoe Posts: 9 Member
    This is something I really struggle with. I've come to the painful reailization that I can't meet my 1 pound a week weight loss goal and still drink. I usually don't have more than 3-4 drinks at one time, but those few drinks can add close to 1,000 calories to may day, not to mention that I loose all self-regulation over what I eat.

    What's so frustrating, is the mental battle I engage in over deciding whether I'm going to have a drink or not. During the week, especially, (even if I started the day out thinking - I'm not going to have a drink tonight) if the day gets stressful, the idea creeps into my head and it's on my mind for the rest of the day. On a Saturday, I'll admit, it's usually a forgone conclusion that I'm going to have a couple of beers while I make dinner. Monday morning is then a heart-breaker; to see that I hit my 1 pound goal Saturday morning, and have gained it back in just two days.

    I know I need to catch myself before the point of decision has already happend. Maybe others don't go through the metal gymnastics like that, but for me - that's my point of weakness. If I can intervene at that point, and decide with finality that I won't have a drink, I can make it through the night, I just have to get over the decision "hump".

    My goal is just to go seven days without a drink - I know I can hit the 1 pound goal if I can make that.

    I see I've turned this reply into being all about me instead of a response to helens2304! Sorry about that! Helens - I am sending you my first friend request. I would be very happy to friend anyone else who deals with this.
  • TheWorstHorse
    TheWorstHorse Posts: 185
    i have been sober for almost five years and on mfp for about six months. happy to have new friends who have figured out that drinking and trying to be fit doesn't work so well for them. the good news? exercise is a great support for sobriety! feel free to send me a fr.
  • helens2304
    helens2304 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Louis great to ahve you on board - let's do the nest week together - I find so long as I don't have a drink, I am fine - but I know it can be difficult at the end of the day - much of what you said mirrors my own thoguhts! I've replace my 'cooking dinner' drink with a galss of cold water flavored with lnatuaral lemon juice and lime juice - I found I needed something that sets my tongue alight adn it's good for your liver too :-)
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Right there with you. No need to apologize.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Right there with you. No need to apologize.
    I meant to address that to LouisShoe
  • Alannah780
    Alannah780 Posts: 32
    add me too!
  • deebee36852
    deebee36852 Posts: 8 Member
    I am new to this form if you could add me to your friends thanks.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    I also struggle with this, and I'm one that just a few aint even worth it to me.

    A few things that help me: when that little voce says "let's relax and have a few drinks!!! Come on you've been working hard"

    I say "We're in trianing, not now. We have a 10K on Saturday, we can have a few after that." then on Saturday, I will say "nope, not today, we are in training, and tomorrow, we have a softball game. After the game we will have a few with the team on Sunday night. Then on sunday night I will say, "only a couple beers, no hard stuff, we have to run tomorrow morning "WE ARE IN TRAINING!"

    yup, I just go ahead and treat myself as if there are two of me.

    works for me.

    So, count me in! And, that means on Sunday Night I have to skip the couple beers, because I am part of this bunch, and I'm IN TRAINING!

    love love
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Stay strong and power to you.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Exercise really does help immensely so do some most days. Walking or running is great for stress relief so you don't turn to a drink to relax as much. Sparklng water is a great substitute. I bought one of those soda stream makers and most of the time don't add any flavourings to it.
  • Ronni66
    Ronni66 Posts: 43
    Good for you! My boyfriend was a hard core alcoholic for 25 years and has 2 years sober. It can be done, but it's a hard battle and I tried to help him with the emotional mood swings and learning to cope without alcohol and it was a hard uphill battle but Sooo worth it!

    He dropped 50 pounds without dieting or exercise when he stopped drinking alcohol..though he craved sweets and still to this day eats them..he lost weight because he was putting way more sugar into his body with the booze then a Twinkie ever could!

    The two should go hand in hand...and i bet you will lose weight. If you get the urge to drink have something sweet like fruit , granola bar or even a few pieces of chocolate, preferably dark chocolate so you can get the health benefits from it.

    Good luck and we are rooting for you!
  • helens2304
    helens2304 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all your comments, tips and support! Another day down and looking forward optimistically to the weekend - Even surviced my son's birthday, without opening a bottle of wine (any excuse used to do!) I am sleeping better, although that took a few nights and some valerian to get into a pattern. Feel so much better in the morning now when I get up. My memory is also improving. Let's do this together TEAM SOBRIETY!
  • hawksboo84
    hawksboo84 Posts: 5
    feel free to add me too i also need to make some big changes...not as easy as it looks though :smile:
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    Not EASY is right! So after a 2 hour softball practice last night, we went to our sponsor's, a bar, and I "automatically" had a beer!!!


    then I thought of this thread, and how "I AM" It killed me not to have more alcohol. I wanted another beer, and a double shot so friggin bad!! I was going nuts inside. I knew I had to come here and be honest, and that led me to thinking well I may as well just GET IT ON!!! But I didn't

    So, I tripped, but I didn;t crash and burn.

    Today is a new day. Hope you guys faired well.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Feel free to add me! After a weekend of heavy drinking plus starting a new exercise plan this week, I need all the support I can get!
  • barbb1234
    barbb1234 Posts: 1
    Great thread! I would like to be added too!. It's so easy to pop open a bottle of Chardonnay at the end of the day.
  • helens2304
    helens2304 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all

    Almost at the end of week 2 HOORAY! It's been really tough some days and really easy others - not sure why BUT no alcohol and although I still haven't lost any weight - I am feeling pretty damned pleased with myself!
    Much Thanks to LouieShoe, who has kept me on the straight and narrow (and me him!)

    Todd - don't beat yourself up - step back on the treadmill and start again! Try to find something you can drink without alcohol (and enjoy) - I drink water with pure lemon juice or lime juice - it's quite tarte and makes me pay attention - good for the liver too! Many of the low/no alcohol beers are hafl decent too - don't worry about what others think you are doing this for you not them! (and you can buy stuff where you are - I can't - nowhere to shop!!! I know that sounds extreme but I live on St Helena Island in the South Atlantic - If you are interested in knowing what it's like to live on a volcanic rock - have a look at my Blog!

    How's everyone else doing? be great to hear from you
