bhox3 Member


  • I'm still here! Working out six to seven days a week and still working on nutrition. Hope the baby toe heals quickly!
  • Hi all! Wow, the Ironman - so awesome! Have a great trip! On Day 28 of the 30 day challenge. We are up to 190 squats, 140 crunches, 19 push-ups and a 1min 50 sec plank. Can't believe I've made it this far! Feel great though! Starting another 30 day challenge tomorrow with the same group so for two days will be doing two…
  • Glad you had a great camping trip Lisa! Sounds like fun! I've actually had a pretty good week. Strength training three days and running one day - 6.5 mile run, it's my farthest yet. Also started a 30 day challenge with squats, push ups, plank and crunches. It started on day one with 50 squats and increases by 10 each day.…
  • Hi all! Yep, beginning of a new month and things need to change. I'm like you Maureen, exercise is going great, but the eating needs a LOT of help! The Core 20 has about 2 minutes of plank exercises at the end, not too bad really. I'm not a plank fan either, but they say it's the best way to strengthen your core. I'm going…
  • Morning all! Got my workout in first thing this morning. Was finding that if I wait until afternoon on weekends to workout, it just never happened. Ran 4 miles and did the Turbo Fire Core 20 workout. I really like that one! I think I like the Phase 1 workout 3 the most. It's the most challenging for me and I always like a…
  • Hi all! So awesome you got your run in Lisa! I'm jealous about the VivoActive watch. You'll have to let me know how you like it. Been thinking about getting one. Maureen, running in hot, humid weather is definitely no fun so kudos to you for making 8k! I too am noticing my clothes fitting better and definitely feeling…
  • Happy Saturday! Gained a pound this week - I say it's muscle not fat :# Been doing mostly Chalean Extreme this week. Maureen, I tried that ab workout from Turbo Fire and holy cow! Felt that one for a couple days. Yesterday I did the one from CE. That wasn't as bad so I think I'll stick with the Turbo Fire one - feels like…
  • Hi Maureen! Just got my Chalean Extreme DVDs yesterday and tried out the first Burn Circuit - loved it! Also did Turbo Fire Fire Starter - still have hard time getting the moves down - I'm not that coordinated!! I'll get there though! It is fun and that motivates me to get it done every day. I've also lost 2.5 lbs this…
  • Happy Saturday all! Long weekend so very happy about that! I'm on the last day of 21 DFE and gained one pound this week. I am so not liking the containers! Will start logging food again tomorrow. Need to get that last 10 pounds off. Starting Turbo Fire tomorrow, but am thinking I'm going to get Chalean Extreme and mix that…
  • Hi all! Yep seems pretty quiet around here these days! I haven't logged in....I seriously can't remember the last time I logged my food :/ Finishing up my second week of 21 Day Fix Extreme so using the containers to track food. Don't like it, so will be glad when it's done and I can start tracking calories again. Need to…
  • Evening everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. I ran a St. Patrick's Day challenge in Dublin today on iFit. Made me think about Siannah! 3.79 miles through the streets, was beautiful. Lots of stores and restaurants. Was fun! Trying to run three to four days a week. Want to get in some strength training, but seems hard to…
  • Good morning! Lisa, sounds like you have a busy household! My son has been sick this past week. Threw up last Saturday, but still has a really bad cold. Husband had it three weeks ago. I'm hoping to avoid it!! So for so good! Will run today. Ran on Wednesday and had my best time - 11:55 for 3 miles. Have been doing a…
  • Good morning! Back to running - yeah!! Ran two miles yesterday and it felt awesome. Will run again today then take a couple days off and only do a little strength training and yoga. I've been doing yoga pretty much every day and it's amazing how I am so not flexible! Hopefully with enough yoga I'll get there! - Have a…
  • Yoga today for me. Started a new upper body workout yesterday and am feeling the awesome pain today! Still having hip issues so no running until I get it worked out. Have a pinched nerve that just won't budge. Haven't ran since last Tuesday and I REALLY miss it! :'( I too have been mindlessly eating. Today wasn't good at…
  • I'm 45 5'4 SW 155 April 2014 CW 125 Maintaining goal far
  • Yep. All rings true with me as well. Highest weight was 155. I'm 5'4. CW 125 and holding for the last three months. I'm 45 and have never felt better! It's frustrating to hear those comments, but I'm glad I didn't listen to any of them!
  • I'm in, Lisa! I definitely need to refocus, mostly on my food. Have been eating crap and not logging. Monday it is....a new start!
  • Good morning all! Lisa, glad you got you mojo back! Haven't been very good this week. No exercise since Sunday :\ . Work has been crazy and it's been a busy week at home, but still no excuse. I'm going to run today and tomorrow and then get back on track. Lost my 290 day logging on MFP this week too! Bummer!! Have a great…
  • Hi all! Lisa, since I've started stretching more before and after running (doing yoga after running actually) hips are much better - thanks! I'm the same as you - take a break from strength training and then sore again. Someday we will learn :) Haven't ran in three days - miss it. I've had a head cold - head pounding - so…
  • Good morning! It's pretty quiet around here - hope everyone is doing well! I will run today. Trying to get in 10 miles a week. Have a goal set to run 40 miles for February. Have a great weekend!
  • Thanks Lisa - will give the hip flexor stretch a go - starting today! It's getting annoying! Nice job on the running! I've scheduled all my workouts for the month of February. Put them in my calendar so it beeps at me every day! Hopefully this will keep me on track. So far having IFit has really helped since I schedule…
  • Welcome back Lisa! Sorry to hear your hubby was sick part of the cruise. How awesome though to be in all that sun! I've been working on getting back to my 10 minute mile - stuck at 12:28 though. Not a big deal because I'm enjoying my runs and that's what counts. I've been running about four miles three times a week. My…
  • Happy Saturday! Been pretty quiet around here, hope everyone is doing well! I've been doing okay with exercising; walking a mile every day and running three miles three times a week. Need to get my strength training now and all will be good! Son decided he wanted homemade pancakes this morning and of course when we make…
  • Happy Saturday! Kept up with my one mile walk every day thus far and have been running three days a week. Pam, I'm having the same problem with getting up in the morning to exercise and have to fit it in when I get home from work. I'm going to attempt this week again, 5 am! Need to get in strength training as well, missed…
  • Good evening! Got my mile walk today. I've been doing the mile walk after work and like it, relaxes me from the stressful day. My usual workouts will be done in the morning still, back to being up at 5 am to get it done! Have my Fitbit waking me up - seems to get me out of bed. The buzzing gets annoying! Have a great rest…
  • Good to hear from you Pam! Glad all is going well. I ran today and did my one mile challenge. I am loving my new treadmill. Using ifit is awesome! Makes running/walking on the treadmill 10 times more enjoyable and keeps me accountable because I schedule my workouts. Also loving the new Jari Love dvd for my strength…
  • My goals for this month: 1. Walk/Run at least one mile each day 2. Eat more veggies and fruit
  • Good morning! Lisa, it's so exciting your cruise vaca is almost here! I'm jealous! I joined a challenge yesterday to walk/run one mile every day in January so am adding that to my regular workouts. So far so good with exercise, now just to getting the food back on track. I'll be running today!!
  • Good evening all! Well, back to work tomorrow :'( . Have been doing really well with exercising while on vacation and am determined to keep it up once I get back to work. Also going to eat better! Hope everyone is doing well. Night!
  • Hello all! Hope everyone is doing well. All my presents are wrapped and have baked six different kinds of cookies (I've only taste tested three of them!). Have two more kinds of cookies to go and then done. I've worked out every day since I've been on vacation - I'm loving it!! Got a new treadmill on Friday - that helps a…