Today I Will ______________



  • MORNING :)

    Maureen, glad you are keeping at it; gives us incentive to do the same. Have a great visit with your son!

    Brenda, the dvd set is Focus T25 and we did cardio today. I did low-impact and wasn't too bad. A good sweat and only 25 mins which I loved! Maureen, is that the same as you?

    I've got salads, veggies and chicken prepped for the week. Went grocery shopping and the worst thing I bought was blue doritios for my son (hate those so i'm okay there!), and chocolate covered pretzels (I'm hoping to have 1 or 2 at 3:00 with some tea) … serving size is 6 so I don't feel so bad doing the 2.

    Funny how 3 days of eating right makes a huge difference, having lost weight but the bloat is gone and I feel good!

    Back to work …. talk soon!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good evening! Well, I believe I'm giving up on JMBR. I don't have any trouble getting up on Wednesdays when it's my run day, but can't seem to get the motivation for JMBR the rest of the week. I'm going back to running four days a week and try some new dvds for strength workouts two days a week. I've heard of the Focus T25, will have to check it out.

    Have a great rest of the day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Well I started the month really well, then I caught the cold that is going around the house. My nose was running, I was sneezing, & coughing. Bleh! I think I am finally better &'will get back to the gym tomorrow.

    How is everyone doing with christmas shopping & preparations? I started wrapping today & have most things bought. Our tree is up & our house is decorated.

    Brenda: have you tried fitstar? It is an app that has short workouts that get progressively harder. I tried it before I started heavy lifting. I Iike heavy lifting & running more. With a lot of workouts I feel like a freak jumping around, doing things that I don't enjoy (like burpies & mountain climbers!)

    Good job Cindy on the meal prep. That always helps when I am working.

    Only 13 days left u til Christmas!
  • Hi Hi …. there is something about running Brenda that seems 'easier to do'. Maybe it's the one less step of putting a dvd in the player; ha ha :p

    We had our work team holiday party yesterday and went bowling - was fun and actually feel it in my legs today; guess it shows i haven't been working out as well as i should be :( i did finally bring my steps up 2 nights ago and have been 'stepping' during tv shows for 30-45 mins. The T25 is fun, but hard to find time to do at work and my friend owns the dvds so I may need to invest.

    Lisa, we are decorated as well. My shopping is 90% done and this is the first year that I've actually wrapped everything I have so far. Usually I do that 2 days before Christmas and curse myself.

    Lots of different holiday parties coming up so need to figure out a strategy to stay good. And get my exercises in.

    Stay warm … catch up this weekend!!!!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning, its the weekend again, where is December going!?? I am not finished my shopping yet either, I am stumped on what to get my mother in law. What do you get someone that has everything?
    I have had a very good week, I feel like I am really getting a lot out of the Chalean Extreme videos. I'm using more weight than i would at my exercise class and the way she does the reps (very slowly) really makes a difference. So, I've been doing a lot of those and running on alternate days. I am down this morning to 149.5, very happy to the 140's but its Saturday and my hardest day. I need to be really good today and make this coming week good. I have pants that I want to feel good in at christmas :)

    Cindy - I need to get wrapping! I really need to go through my stuff and see what I have, sometimes I forget things and end up with too much. lol My staff christmas dinner is this thursday, but I'm not "too" worrired about it. I have heard of the T25, it is suppose to be a great workout.

    Lisa - I am with you on the burpees and mountain climbers. lol not my favorite things! Glad you are feeling better and hope you got back to the gym :)

    brenda - I think sometimes you just get tired of doing the same thing and its good to do or try something else. You might get back into JMBR later on. Good luck with your running and strength videos...that is exactly what I have been doing.

    Anyway, I'd better send this, I've been all morning typing it out...getting interrupted a million times. Lol Have a great weekend everyone!

  • Happy Saturday. I'm getting ready for holiday party … just ate some fruit to hopefully stop me from eating too much later. Am also wearing white so the scare of spilling of me may help too - ha ha.

    Maureen, what about a mani/pedi for your mother in law? Gift Certificate for a lunch place she goes with friends? Audio Book. From there - you're on your own :)

    I have to say I'm sucking at this work out thing and I'm doing okay on the eating thing. So basically I'm 1.5 steps behind my 2 good steps. Something has to give … and that something is me!!!!

    Going to pick up a snowblower tomorrow; hopefully that will mean it won't snow this year. :)

    Great job to you all --- keep it up. And slap some sense back into me!

    Talk with you all later!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    lol, too funny Cindy, my friend's snow blower is at the repair shop and she says if she gets it fixed it won't snow, and if she doesn' will. So...shes option to get it fixed. Lol

    Hope you had a great party, and the fruit did its job...I am having a glass (or 2) of wine tonight, but I'm not wearing white so if I don't matter! haha My sister has been visiting today, which is a rare thing so we had a glass at supper and I'm having a glass now. My mil might go for he GC.....she's not technologically I was thinking of a Coles/indigo one...she reads but not with an ereader. They just have everything.

    I did get out for a run today, it felt great....quite mild, I was way overdressed. I think tomorrow might be an off day....not sure yet. But anyway...hope you have a great weekend :)
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all! Yes, December if flying by! I have the house decorated and most of the Christmas shopping done. I'm a "wait til the last minute" to get things wrapped so none of that is done yet. I'm like Maureen in that I forget what I've bought and usually end up with too much!

    Cindy, hope the holiday party went well. I only have two this year and one is a breakfast buffet so will just eat fruit at that one.....okay....maybe two or three pieces of bacon - hard for me to walk away from bacon!

    I'll have to check out the fitstar app, Lisa. I know I need to strength train, but I really hate all the cardio (yep, hate those mountain climbers and burbees as well!!).

    Have our church Christmas program tonight so need to run through lines with my kid!

    Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Wow! Guess everyone as been busy this past week! Hope everyone is doing well. I only got two days of exercise in this week, but eating hasn't been too bad - lost a little over a pound so not all bad!

    Have a great weekend!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello all! Hope everyone is doing well. All my presents are wrapped and have baked six different kinds of cookies (I've only taste tested three of them!). Have two more kinds of cookies to go and then done. I've worked out every day since I've been on vacation - I'm loving it!! Got a new treadmill on Friday - that helps a lot!! Got to run in Hawaii with an incline of 8 - whew - felt my muscles burning!

    Have a Merry Christmas!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Wow! I guess I am not the only one that has been super busy. I hope everyone had a great Christmas!

    Everyone here had a stomach virus so that put a damper on the festivities. DH was so sick he has not even unwrapped his presents yet. We told the kids about the cruise & they are excited. We leave in 3 weeks. I can't wait!

    I wasn't as sick as everyone else so I think I will get back to exercising today., after I get the house cleaned up. Amazing what one day of not cleaning because you are sick can do to a house!

    Hope all is well & everyone starts to come back to post again!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good evening all! Well, back to work tomorrow :'( . Have been doing really well with exercising while on vacation and am determined to keep it up once I get back to work. Also going to eat better!

    Hope everyone is doing well. Night!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Happy New Year! Wishing you all health, wealth & of course the energy to exercise!

    In 2 weeks I will be heading to the airport hotel, so that we are ready to take our early morning flight to go on our cruise. It is crunch time!

    I have been slacking, but I am going to clean my house today & get everything ready so that I have no excuses. We have family coming over today for our annual New Years Day potluck.

    I love the New Year. I liove setting new goals, reflecting back & seeing the progress I have made with the old ones. Gotta try to be positive when not all goals are met.

    Here's to a great one!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all! Hope you enjoyed a nice New Year's Day.

    Today I am back at it. Veggie soup will be on the stove after this message & I will go to the gym to at least run this morning.

    I have joined a group of people that are going on the cruise. Someone set up a time to run. If I don't get out there for the next 2 weeks I won't be able to join them as I am not going to,spend my vacation with new exercise soreness!

    Who else is running today?
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning! Lisa, it's so exciting your cruise vaca is almost here! I'm jealous! I joined a challenge yesterday to walk/run one mile every day in January so am adding that to my regular workouts. So far so good with exercise, now just to getting the food back on track.

    I'll be running today!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Well,it took me a little longer than planned to get back at it. But today I am ready. I have been to gym (my poor neglected muscles are complaining),back to smoothies for breakfast, veggie soup for lunch & a reasonable supper. No wine until we hit the hotel & start our vacation. I only have 11 days to get rid of the bloat from the past month of neglect.

    Hope everyone is doing well
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Happy New Year ladies! I've been quite a stranger lately but I'm working on being consistent this year and spending more days treating my life like the gift it is, rather than doing my best to sabotage my health.

    I haven't gained any weight in my absence (since summertime), just bounced up and down in a 5 lb. range. This morning I did my weigh in, measurements, and even took some scary before pics to help me fully grasp the reality of my situation. Nothing like the rear view in a bathing suit with my new "too many megapixel" camera. Gah!

    Glad to see some familiar faces still fighting the good fight. Lisa, I love your profile pic. A cruise sounds like a lovely treat this time of year. Brenda, that challenge sounds great. In December I was good about getting up and walking before breakfast when we had some nice weather, that was such a beautiful way to start each day.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Thanks Pam! Love your new one too. Looks like you have a new hair style?

    Things have slowed down around here. I love it that everyone still pops in though. Hopefully we can get the momentum going again.

    I did not exercise today. I took a full month off and now can't really walk, from lifting yesterday lol. Tomorrow I will run and lift weights, and keep at eating properly. I am not in full diet mode, but would like the bloat to go away for sail away pictures. There is only so much I can hide behind kids :smile:

  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good to hear from you Pam! Glad all is going well.

    I ran today and did my one mile challenge. I am loving my new treadmill. Using ifit is awesome! Makes running/walking on the treadmill 10 times more enjoyable and keeps me accountable because I schedule my workouts. Also loving the new Jari Love dvd for my strength workout. All weight lifting, no jumping around with arms flailing (yep, sorry Jillian, I've moved on to Jari)! My son told me that Jillian would be sad that I've changed "trainers" :D .

    Lisa, hope the muscles feel better soon! Always tough getting back into things, but I know you can do it!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    I am bracing for the cold northern winds coming our way today. I know we have very little discomfort compared to those of you up north, but single digit lows here require complaining or I'm not a good southern woman!

    I got out and walked on Monday while it was still warmer, yesterday I got on the roof to remove the Christmas lights and wreaths. And I also did Zumba to a DVD that my library had. It's a huge box set of DVDs, and I really loved it. Doing latin dance moves to loud music in my living room is preferable to driving to the gym on these colder days.

    I've been tracking my food and I feel so much better throughout the day these past two days. I think my withdrawals are over. I love being free of that nagging "eat more sweet stuff" feeling I had over the weekend.

    Lisa, the hair isn't really new, I just straightened it for a change. Keep up the good work ladies!