Today I Will ______________



  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning everyone

    Loving my exercise class, I am feeling the sore. Its a good sore. We did lots of lunges last night, i guess thats what I'm feeling. Today I will run, looks breezy out but I guess that is what happens in the Fall. I'm thinking that I might like to get another long sleeved running shirt. I have a lot of tanks but not regular sleeve or long sleeve.

    Did good last night with food, stuck to the plan and enjoyed the first episode of Biggest Loser (although I only made it through 1/2, I will watch the rest tonight)

    Lisa - hope the shoulder feels better soon, stay away from those chlorine jugs! I am hoping to get an iphone 6 as well, not sure which one either. If you get yours first you'll have to let me know how you like it. I'm not sure if the bigger one would be just too big? The Cruise sounds fab!!

    cindytw - walking is great, congrats for talking yourself into getting out there, very good!

    Cindy - I live out in the the 15 minute power thing was just something they were doing to upgrade things where the power needed to be off. It does happen once in awhile but they usually call and let you know ahead of time. I think it was only out for about 5 min or less. I am eligible for an upgrade as well, (for my phone) but I'm not sure if the iphone 6 will be included in that or not. I hope so.

    Got lots to do today, I need to get into my bookwork! Have a great day everyone
  • summerluno2
    Happy FRIDAY!!!!! I love waking up on Fridays because then I know there are 2 days in a row I can sleep in (sleep in is only til 7:30 for me, but it's better than 5:30!!!!)

    You iPhone ladies are making me jealous -- ENJOY! Let me know how they are! I've decided if I can get to my goal weight by the time the Apple Watch comes out; I'm treating myself to it as a reward. Good motivations!!!!

    Lisa, careful at work this weekend. Always wondered about those foam rollers --- they do help??? You won't regret the beach at Nassua at all' it's amazing, do take the boat to Atlantis beach though - it's much nicer than the port beaches.

    Maureen, glad you are enjoying your class; always makes a difference. I've always stopped running once the cool weather and wind hit, but decided this year I wanted to keep it up until extremely cold. I'll need to invest in long sleeves or jackets as I have none --- any recommendations (materials, fit, etc?). I don't want to be cold, but I don't want to be too hot either….

    Cindytw, you're taking the right first steps by just don't something. Strange how in a week it'll be part of your daily routine and will miss it the days you don't have time to walk or exercise. And I really believe the check-ins here help keep us honest and motivated.

    Busy weekend ahead so will try to check in, but if not, I'll be back on Monday. I will log each day though as that is a Sept goal.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Lisa-Jamaica is great! It IS a poor country but the scenery is amazing and the resorts are as well! We are going back for sentimental reasons and maybe will go to Bahamas or something else when it ISN'T a milestone anniversary!

    Maureli-thanks! I am using th "Just Walk" to get myself going and do other things! Its working! How SAD is it my YMCA is right across the street from my work, 11 minutes from home, and yet I STILL struggle to keep on track! LAZY wit BOLD letters!

    (Fellow) Cindy- thanks! I DO get into routines and keep them. Unfortunately my great routines went on the wayside about a year and a half ago...or more. I am struggling my way back! I can DO it!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    I am just waiting for the rain to stop to go out for my run today. I think I will only have time for a 5K and I will have to do my long run tomorrow because I have to pick up DD at 10:30. My shoulder still hurts but not enough to cause a headache.

    I ended up taking almost the entire day off of work yesterday because I was so tired. I was not able to preorder my iPhone 6 because I it is a business account. Stupid. So now I wait until they get them in stock.

    Cindy: yes the foam rollers actually work. They are a bit of a workout to use especially to roll out hamstrings , but it is almost amazing the results you can get with them.

    Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Happy Saturday! Ran this morning and hope to get another 8,000 to 10,000 steps in. I’ll do laundry and house cleaning so that should be pretty doable!

    Lisa, I will be VERY jealous if you get that watch!! I love anything techy and would love to have one, but can’t really justify the cost! Not sure I would get the Apple Watch, but Samsung has one out that looks pretty nice. The cruise in January sounds awesome! Hope your shoulder feels better soon.

    Cindytw, I’m with you, I have to have an Android phone – have an HTC and love it! Jamaica sounds fantastic! Congrats on the 10 years! My husband and I have never had a honeymoon (been married for 13 years now), but neither of us are much for traveling.

    Maureli, what kind of exercise class do you take? I’ve been thinking about getting a gym membership and taking a class after work before I head for home. I’ve been going in to work early so could leave early to fit that in. I’m having trouble keeping myself motivated to do anything except run and I know I need to get in strength training. Thought maybe having to pay for it would help as a little motivation:smile:

    Cindy, that’s quite the commute! I travel 20 minutes in to work each day, can’t imagine 1.5 hrs! Hope your son is feeling better. The Apple Watch reward is an excellent goal motivator – great idea!!

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    Quick Saturday Hello! Got my 3 miles in this morning before all the rain came. Used the rest of the day to clean, clean and clean a bit more. Was great to get it all done.

    Brenda, my commute now is 50 mins, company is moving to Boston April next year and that will be my new commute! :( If I didn't love my job, would be easy to know I need to leave …. but I do love it. So, I'm going to give it a trial run (40 of commute is drive and rest is train). Will try for a few months and figure it out from there.

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone :)
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I had a 4 day streak of over 10,000 steps, and broke it today with only 7700. I had bad sinus issues today and still went to work and grocery shopped with a bad headache, so I consider it a success anyway. This is weather changing time here in Upstate NY and it never bodes well for me with allergy/sinus. Went from sweating to freezing in less than 24 hours! If I am feeling better tomorrow, I plan to work on my running again and do 3-5 miles of intervals. I can do 5+ miles fine hiking so I should be OK to do that if I do short intervals. Monday will be cleaning and prep day, and possibly an oil change. I love Sunday Monday off, I would not trade it!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all! I did my run this morning. Beautiful Fall day, perfect for running. I ended up finishing my run in with the terry fox 5km, walk I think, as everyone was walking. There was a huge crowd going down my street. I am going to meal plan, get groceries & cook ahead for the week. I prefer to shop on Mondays but I am going to make an effort to really get my paperwork under control at work this week while I still have staff.

    Have a great Sunday!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning! Today is my rest day, but I just found a new Jillian Michaels DVD, Beginner Shred (it's a 30 day exercise program), so might try out the first session today. I've been hearing she has a new "BodyShred" program like her Body Revolution one coming out in the fall - I'm pretty excited about that!! I was going to do the 90 BR again starting October 1st, but I might wait now for the new one.

    Lisa, how do you do your meal planning? Do you use an app?

    Cindytw, hope you are feeling better.

    Have a great day all!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    No app for meal planning :). I used to but find I waste too much time. I use a pen & paper & a magnet so everyone sees it on the fridge.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning!

    Decided not to run today, and did a HIIT workout in my basement instead. Not sure why I didn't feel like running, I guess I needed a change. Anyway, it was a pretty good workout and I think I will do some floor/mat exercises this afternoon.

    Cindy - great idea to reward yourself with the iwatch once you're where you want to be, what awesome motivation that would be!

    Brenda - the class that I take is kind of a mix of cardio and strength. We do some plyometrics, some squats & lunges with hand weights, just whatever she puts together. Kind of a full body workout, arms and abs. I like the class most when it focus' on the strength part, I guess I get my fill of cardio with running. but, I always get a good sweat going so they must be good for me. lol

    Lisa - great plan....getting your groceries and figuring out the week in advance. I could use a few groceries myself. Hmmm...maybe tomorrow. Great job on all the running!

    Cindytw - hope you are feeling better today, Did you get the intervals done? I haven't done them in awhile, I should do them soon
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi all and thanks for the well wishes! Unfortunately I am still not feeling well, so exercise is not happening. I am staying in calorie range though. I had to go to the store, and the farm stand for some produce, then my next priority is food prep. Setting myself up right for the week is essential! I otherwise fall into bad habits very easily. My house is a disaster, but dirt can wait for the hubby to help me!

    Hope everyone else is doing great today!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Yesterday was a yucky day for me. I didn't sleep during the night (again!) so I was exhausted. I wish I could figure it out. I am not stressed, I am exercising, eating right.. must be stupid hormones somehow... You know, my body should be exhausted after running a 10km & shopping! So no exercise yesterday, but I did move a lot at work, and when there were no customers I jogged from place to place in the store rather than walked. LOL

    I didn't get everything I wanted done on Sunday, so I cooked ahead yesterday for my lunches & 2 suppers & rice for the week. It will make my life easier.

    I will run an easy 5km today this morning. I think I am going into work late & will run it after the kids go to school. Pretty sure this is my last week with employees during the week, so I am going to take advantage, especially since I will probably be working most of this weekend.
  • summerluno2
    Good morning :)

    Well I blew September goal by not logging in Sunday/Monday …. not sure how or why, I just didn't get to it :( I ate right both days so won't beat myself up over it. I still have 3 other goals that I'll do my best to complete!!!

    Lisa, I like your new profile image. So true!!!

    Maureen, what is HIIT workout?

    Cindytw, hope you are feeling better. Cute pup - take him for a little walk to get something in.

    Brenda, have you started 30 day shred? I used it before and within 2 weeks could see a big difference -- and at the time I wasn't eating properly -- so it works well. My only downfall was my knees started hurting so I put it to the side, but otherwise, it was great - 30 mins and big results. Good luck with it!

    Have a great Tuesday all :)
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Still feeling somewhat tired after a nights sleep, thought I'd slept good so not sure why I feel like this. I know....I must need another java! haha

    Last nights strength class was good, feeling it this morning. We did a lot of abs, and this outer thigh thing....feeling that a lot. Going to run today, not sure how far. I'm kind of missing the warm summer temps...its breezy today and cool right now. Only 13*C (55*F). I need some new fall running shirts. I can run in capris forever, as long as my torso is warm I'm all set.

    cindy - so you didn't log for those 2 days, but you did eat like you said, don't feel too bad about it. Better than the other way around! An HIIT workout is "high intensity interval training". You do a minute or two of really intense work and then you kind of cool down. Its up and down throughout the workout and is suppose to make you burn a lot of calories.

    Lisa - sure hope you get some sleep soon! Very frustrating. great job on the 10K run! I haven't done a 10K'er since the race I did in August.

    Cindytw - get well soon!! Great job in the food prep....definitely a great help. I did some this week mysefl, but could do more.
  • summerluno2
    Morning all!

    Maureen …I would love my thighs to hurt … hips and thighs are my biggest issue. My running has helped hamstrings and glutes, but time for me to do something to hit the hip area. I'll be into Jillian Michaels dvds within the next few months now that fall/winter are upon us; so hopefully that will tone me up all around.

    Hope your java kicks in soon :)

    All - have a great day and stay good!!! :)
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Afternoon! Started my JM Beginner Shred on Sunday. I think I'm supposed to do it everyday, but man my thighs hurt on Tuesday!! So...skipped Tuesday. Will run today and probably do the Beginner Shred. Should have gotten up this morning to run, but wanted to get to work early to prepare for our annual meeting today. Meeting is now over for another year (thank goodness!!) and I'll be leaving early today - woohoo!

    I've read a little about HIIT. I have a built in program on my treadmill that utilizes that, but I haven't tried it yet. It's a 45 minute workout and I usually only have 30 to 35 minutes in the mornings (unless I get up earlier than 5:15 am - NOT!). Might have to try it out on a Saturday or Sunday when I'm feeling extra energetic:laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    Brenda - stick with the Jillian - it will work!!!

    Ya 5:15 to work out is NOT happening here either :):)

    Walked for about an hour tonight with my friend. Was great to be out … but I do miss the walk/jogs so I'm going to get that in tomorrow.

    Have a good night all!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi all! I am feeling better, thanks for the well wishes! I got in over 12,000 steps and that was quite the accomplishment today just getting back to work and life. I was out of commission yesterday, slept a ton, and now I have insomnia! So it will be little sleep tonight, and hopefully a reasonable amount tomorrow!

    I have a workout video called Metabolic Aftershock, that I have had for a couple months and just haven't gotten into it! It's only 15 minutes, but I just...put it off!! Its a HIIT workout, that is supposed to keep burning fat after you are done. I did 1 week, saw decent results, went on vacation and never picked it back up. One of these days, I will get back into the swing of that too!
  • summerluno2
    I love hearing about new exercise programs --- get back into it cindytw and let me know!

    Tonight my friend and I are doing pedi's and then dinner…..funny how I dread going out to eat now. I actually just texted her and asked if we could do dinner first so we aren't eating late and just go to this earthy crunchy place so we could get salads instead of the italian place she suggested. Feeling better about that choice!

    Have a great day all … .weigh in tomorrow morning - good luck!