Today I Will ______________



  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Hopped on the scale this morning and was very happy to see the 140's again. 149.5, I have had a good few days and it does show on the scale. I know what I have to do....I just have to KEEP DOING IT.

    Not sure what I'll do for exercise today. Possibly run, but its not that nice out. I haven't done a Jillian Michaels workout in awhile, so that is a possibility. We'll see.

    Lisa - enjoy your heat and sun today. Here it is windy and grey, I think we're going to have showers today. I really don't want winter to come, last winter was just too long.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello all! I've had a pretty good week. Only ran twice this week, but got in a lot of steps. Cindy, I love my fitbit as well. It makes me more mindful of exercising and I try to get in at least 5000 steps on work days (since I sit at a computer all day, that gets tough!). I try to get 10,000 on weekends. I hate it when I forget it - and it never fails the days I forget it, I end up doing a lot walking and stairs at work!!

    Fall is definitely coming, got down to 48 degrees last night. I'm not ready for the cold!! Today I ran and will try to get 10,000 steps. I'll be making salsa so there will be a lot of standing, but will try to move around as much as possible!

    Have a great day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all! Happy Saturday.

    We had a super storm yesterday that cooled the temperatures down to reasonable.

    I went for my run this morning, in the rain. I am working on getting 25 miles in as per my challenge group, and I skipped my Thursday run so, I had to go, or somehow get 18km in tomorrow. I am not ready for that! As it is I will have to run 11 to reach my goal. It will be my longest run yet, but a challenge is a challenge! lol.

    I am working today, in between taking DD to dance. Kids activities are in full swing :)
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning!

    Hope you're all having a good Sunday morning. I slept in late, after drinking 2 glasses of wine last night I have a wee headache. lol We watched a good movie too, The book Thief. I have the book downloaded on my Kobo, but now that I've seen the movie not sure I'll read it. More than likely there is more to the book though.

    I ran yesterday, 6km, not sure what I'll do today. I am thinking a workout in the basement. Don't think I'll run though.

    Lisa - your challenge group sounds interesting. Good motivation I'm sure. Good luck with your 11 miler (I think that's what you meant)

    Brenda - oh how I love homemade salsa! Yum. enjoy...and hope you get those steps in :)
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning! Today is my day off from exercise although will try to get as many steps in as I can. Did pretty well yesterday, so hope to do that again today. It was beautiful outside yesterday so my son and I spent as much time as we could enjoying the warm weather while it lasts!

    Maureli, I too imbibed a little too much last night so got up a little late this morning. Good thing it's my day off!

    Hope you had a good run yesterday Lisa!

    Have a great Sunday!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    LOL :) I guess I was a little confusing yesterday. I was at work & pressed send before I had checked it. By the time I got back to it, I couldn't edit anymore.

    I ran just over 5 km yesterday & 11 km today. Managed to reach my goal of 25 miles (40.23 km for the week) & burned over 3500 calories by exercising. Good week for exercise.

    I would like to grumble about all the "good jobs", from the thin, fast people, I got on the trail. I really need to lose this weight. I just find it so condescending to tell the heavy lady she is doing a good job.. A good morning is all I want to hear. I doubt they will say it to me when I am a size 8, so I don't think they should say it now. It is awesome that I run as much & as far I do, and I am proud of myself. Maybe I am wrong, and will feel silly when I am a size 8 & out for a long run & get lots of "Good job" comments from strangers.

    Have a great day! Pretty sure I am going to do nothing for the rest of the day as 11 km is really far to me & now I am exhausted!
  • summerluno2
    Happy Sunday … Where do those weekends go?!?!?

    Brenda, great to see you again. That salsa sounds so yum; love homemade salsa, but I don't have enough discipline to stay away from the chips or so it's far and few between I make it.

    Lisa, your runs still amaze me. Remember Is started C25K in May, well I'm still on week 3 :) Sorry the comments bother you; don't let it ruin your time though. Try to beat them with a 'good morning' next time and maybe they will respond with a good morning as well. Sucks feeling like that, but like you said, you run awesome - probably better than some of those size 8 people out there!!!

    Maureen, got to indulge here and there; makes the rest of logging okay :) I didn't see the movie, but read the book and really liked it.

    So my fitbit. Went to the sports store with my son and his friend/family. The boys were getting weight sets. So we spent 30 mins talking with the associated on the weights, which to get, etc. After we decided (800 between both families), we asked for a discount. Waited 30 minutes for a manger to say 'no'. (loser) … but anyways, long story short, got to the counter where the fit bits were, picked it out, put it on the counter and they lady never rang it up or bagged it. Got home and have none! Kinda funny, but not really as I wanted one!!!!

    I most curious to how many steps I walk a day and started looking for apps that have it until I get back to the store. Found out that my mapmywalk counts steps (but I only keep it on when I do my walk/jog). I find that the days I walk longer I'm hitting 7500 steps, so I wonder if the other 12 hours I'm up I do 2500 steps? I'm actually thinking no. Lisa/Brenda? How many steps do you do when not exercising? I guess I'm realizing how much the fitbit will push me to do more!!!

    Well, I've chatted enough :) Talk in the morning.

    Have a great week all!!!

    Oh, btw, glad for the September goals, as it's kept me honest so far. Only 4 days since I posted my goals, but I am going to make my September goals this time!!! How's everyone doing on theirs???
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all!

    I have already been to the gym, lifted weights, planked & did push ups. It was hard to do after my long run yesterday. My body isn't that sore, just a little tired I think.

    Too bad about your fitbit Cindy. On a normal day, with no run I usually get about 7500-8000 steps, if I am working and have a mix of customers & paperwork. If it is a paperwork day, or a day lounging around home (watching Netflix) I can go as low as 2500 steps in a day. That's when fitbit takes away calories so I don't get to eat as much.. I don't like that, so I try to avoid that.

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2

    Too bad about your fitbit Cindy. On a normal day, with no run I usually get about 7500-8000 steps, if I am working and have a mix of customers & paperwork. If it is a paperwork day, or a day lounging around home (watching Netflix) I can go as low as 2500 steps in a day. That's when fitbit takes away calories so I don't get to eat as much.. I don't like that, so I try to avoid that.

    The 2500 is probably me. I have a desk job and more often than not work through lunch, so I would be in trouble. I'm going to end up ordering one online today as I don't think I'll be back to the store anytime soon (40 mins away from home, so not a quick and easy trip).

    Thanks for numbers!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Hi! I am new here, and just reading some of the posts here. I have a Fitbit and love it! I got it cheapest on Amazon, actually had to replace it because I lost it due to wearing it on the wrong place! I really missed it when I didn't have it! I average about 3000 to 5000 when I don't work out and just do my normal routine. It does help motivate me, although not enough lately!

    I used to be a runner, and am trying to get my mojo back! I am really starting from scratch, so its frustrating knowing what I used to be able to do. I do best in colder weather so I am looking forward to fall!

    Struggling to stay on track lately with diet as well, but I won't give up! Glad to be here!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    good Morning!

    I had every intention of posting here yesterday and never made it. Oh well, here I am today.

    Ran 6K yesterday, after taking a rest day on Sunday. Had a very productive day yesterday too, mowed the lawn, whipper-snipped, we have a big lawn so it takes awhile. Today I am going to clean out the air-exchanger and clean the filters etc etc. Also happy that our Treadmill is going to be fixed today! We have a maintenance agreement on it through Sears (and believe me....we have used this agreement MANY times) and it broke down in April. We are just NOW getting the darn part, almost 6 months. I really thought they weren't going to fix it this time, I've heard a lot about them going out of business etc etc. So...I'm happy that it will be fixed in time for the winter storms!

    Pretty pumped that my exercise/toning classes start up tonight! She stops them in the summer becuase not many people go, so tonight will be the first since probably June. I imagine I'll be sore tomorrow.

    Welcome Cindytw! Glad that you joined us here, hopefully we'll keep the conversation rolling, it has been a little bit slower lately. Good luck with your running...slow and easy to start!

    Brenda - we also had a gorgeous day here yesterday, it was hot! I talked to my son who is 2 hours away and he said it was quite cool there all day. I am hoping to maybe do some weeding today, hopefully it will warm up again.

    Lisa - wtg on your running mileage!! Fantastic :) I agree with Cindy....don't like the "good job" get you down! I do know what you are saying though. Someday you WILL be a size 8 out there!

    Cindy - well that sucks on the fitbit! you will just have to go back and get it! Thanks for the reminder about the September goals. I am going to post mine this morning. I don't think I did any for August.

    Well, need to get my butt in gear. I don't think i will be exercising this moring, I'll just wait for my class tonight. If I do end up doing something this morning it will probably be a short bike ride.
  • summerluno2
    Morning ladies.

    Welcome Cindy; thanks for steps detail on FitBit … everyone that has it; just loves it so I'm going to make it work. Tonight my son is going to a concert with friends and I have 'stay at the concert duties' this time around so I'm hopeful there is a store nearby that I can run into and grab one while I wait 3-4 hours for the concert to end.

    Maureen, what are your toning classes? Type of exercises? Barr classes are becoming popular around here, but I live so far away from everything, it's a chore to get the classes, but I'm really getting jealous hearing of them so may see if I can find something near my work.

    Lisa, I did my walk at a local walking path last night and I made sure everyone I say I said 'good evening' too and nothing else :) Although at this point of the game, I'm sure I'm the one people are saying 'good job' to :):):) But we are out there, and you know what - we are doing a good job!!!!!

    Oh, my yeah moment yesterday. Somebody put Reese Peanut Butter cups out to share (yum!). I had one knowing that I would remove a fruit and carb from dinner; I was cool with that. 1/2 hr later I took another and had it on my desk. Then thought about it and put it back. Would have never done that so I was pretty happy with myself!!!!

    Brenda, Emy, Johanne, Mariselle, hope all is well and we hear from you soon!

    September goals … another day down …. another day being able to say I did what i said I would!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello all! Well, didn't exercise this morning. Son was sick yesterday/last night and didn't get much sleep. Will have to figure something out when I get off work, probably a short Piyo workout.

    Cindy, bummer on the fitbit! I have a desk job and work through lunch most days as well. I get about 2500 to 3000 steps in a day usually (not counting exercising/running). I try to walk around the farm when I get home, but don't always get a chance to do that and that will end as well once winter hits. I've been trying to get up and move more at work, but it's difficult when everything I do depends on a computer! Great job with staying on track as well!!

    Lisa and Maureli - you both amaze me with your long runs! I've set a goal on Runkeeper this month to run 32 miles - baby steps!

    Welcome Cindytw!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Yesterday I was exhausted. I did not sleep well the night before & dragged my butt all day. Even at work, I spent the day watching (& waiting for) the Apple announcement. I am getting the iPhone 6. My contract was up in August & I can't wait for that. I am also desperate for the iWatch lol :) Most of the time I don't really care too much about gadgets, but these 2 I really want. The phone is a business write off & hopefully I can figure out a way to make the watch a write off :laugh:

    Today I will run! I should be going to the gym, but my mom did not sleep, & I would rather run, it burns more calories. I must say, all of this heavy lifting has changed my arms. I have some nice biceps happening. I guess not dieting in August had its advantages as I gained some muscle. Now I am ready to reveal all that hard work! Today will probably be my last morning run that the temp is in the 60s. Long range forecast says we are in for more fall like weather. I love fall weather, it is a great time to run! I just don't like the season that comes after, although I am booking a January cruise today so that is something to look forward to!

    Welcome Cindytw!
  • summerluno2
    Lisa I think I got your exhausted today …. but I was up late waiting for the boys to leave concert. Unfortunately, the dragging stopped me from working out. So tomorrow I'm going to have to be extra good. Oh the Apple Watch … I'm DROOLING! I can only imagine what it will cost, need to figure that write off and make me super jealous!!! :) Enjoy the iPhone 6! Congrats on cruise - where to??? Even more motivation to stay focused in the cooler weather.

    Brenda, you are the third to chime in on the low steps during a non-workout day --- I am definitely getting this fitbit thing!!!!!!!! I'm thinking with the fall/winter coming up, it will definitely help keep me more honest about everything. Hope your son is feeling better today and it doesn't spread through the house.

    Cindy & Laura - welcome again - join us in conversations :)

    So a side story for today. As I mentioned before my company is moving to Boston soon. Today my department had a 'trial run day', we got to do our commute, go into town, get lunch and do an activity with our team; all on the company expense. Super nice of them. So anyways, I get up, drive 45 mins to the train. Take the train into Boston (another 40 mins), get off the train and walk 10 mins to meet my friends. Sit down with my tea and the school nurse calls me and my son is sick and I have to go home to get him. UGH! He drives and we are only 1.5 miles from HS so I asked if he could drive himself home and she said he didn't look good at all and she wasn't comfortable with it. So I basically took 1.5 hrs to go into Boston to get a tea to take another 1.5 hrs to get home. Hopefully, I got the bad out of the way for the years to come!!!

    PS: Keep on your September goals. I was too tired to log today but reminded myself I am doing each of these goals this month, so just logged.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Quickie from me this morning. I am up and ready to go to work, and we are having a scheduled power outage at 7am for 15 minutes. so.....I'm getting all power-required things done before it goes out. lol Went to my exercise class on Tuesday night, she really took it easy on us as it was the first in a long time. So, I wasn't too sore yesterday. Did a 6K run yesterday morning. Tonight, hopefully class again, I should make it home in time, I do need to pick up a few groceries after work.

    Oh...and I am planning on getting the iphone 6 too!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all! I gotta get myself out for a run today, but the wind is 55km/hr. It would be fun to run with the wind, but the way back would be horrible! I wonder if I can convince DH to drop me off 5km away from home. Maybe he will do that, or else I will try when I get home from work.

    I got the cruise booked. We are going to St. Thomas, Nassau, San Juan (Puerto Rico) & Antiugua. I told my daughter that I looked at our finances and we will be not be cruising this year. We will tell them at Christmas, if I can manage to keep it in that long. Everyone kinda gets sick of hearing me talk about it anyway so this way they will only have to listen to me for a month. I get a little obsessed learning about the ports & trying to find activities for us to do.

    This means that I am going to work really hard to get this weight off! I have 18 weeks. If I work hard I can lose 36-40lbs. I would be much more comfortable at that weight.
  • summerluno2
    Maureen, glad exercise class went easy. What type of exercises do they have you doing? 15 minutes with no power - is that a city thing or work thing??? Interesting! Enjoy the quiet time of it all. Another one making me jealous on the iPhone 6! Work pays for my phone so I have to wait til I'm eligible for an upgrade (next April)

    Lisa, congrats on the cruise!!!! I highly recommend at Nassua, you take a boat ride to the islands and walk over to Atlantis. At Atlantis you could either see the aquarium which is really nice, do the water slides (huge!) also $$$, or for free go over to the public beach which is gorgeous and the water is amazing! Antigua is the next island on my list - never been, but hear it's amazing!

    Johanne, saw your post on the doctor; glad it was a minor scare. Take it easy and get better.

    Enjoy your day all … weigh in tomorrow!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    Thanks for the Welcome everyone! I have been turning it around this week from lazy by just talking myself into walking...I have made my 10K steps a day and beyond, done some running (intervals), and some weight training (hate it)! Once I shoe-horn myself into the Y, I am good! :laugh:

    I cannot add to the Iphone discussion, I am a diehard Android girl, and I just got a new phone plan for $25 a month that does everything I need! Can't beat that! Looking forward to officially dumping Verizon on the 25th!

    lpeltenburg-congrats on the cruise! We are going to Jamaica 10/4 for our 10th anniversary. We went there for our honeymoon and have been trying to get back ever since! I don't do well with pressure to has done no good, and in fact I gained back some. But I am trying now to at least not feel so dog gone BLOATED! :noway:
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Ok. Heavy lifting done for the day. Not my best work out. My shoulder hurts and it kept me up last night, causing a headache. I rolled it using my foam roller & it got a little better, but still not great. I will try to avoid lifting chlorine jugs at work. Those buggers are HEAVY!

    Cindy: Thanks for the advice on Nassau. I think we are just going to do a beach day. We are in port from 7-3 & I don't want to spend a zillion dollars on Atlantis.

    Cindytw: I have never been to Jamaica. Maybe next cruise :) I don't usually do well with the pressure to lose weight either. I fortunately think I am in the right spot in my head to lose it. It won't ruin my trip even if I don't lose it, but it would be nice if that happened. The only challenge would be that I would need all new clothes.. hard to find summer clothes in January, but I am sure I will figure out something!

    Pre-ordering my iPhone 6 today. WooHoo.. still not sure if I will get the 6 Plus or just the 6
