Today I Will ______________



  • summerluno2
    Happy Thursday….one more day and it's the weekend!

    Lisa, I'll check out the iSmoothRun as well - thank you.

    Emy, that Red Dress Run sounds like a blast -- something I'd need to do with a friend as it's out of my box, but would be humorous to participate in at least once! I didn't catch up enough to realize you joined an online nutrition class - great idea as it's so much easier to do at your pace. Where is this? I've thought of seeing a nutritionist, but don't when I'd make appointments, etc. Good luck with it!

    Today is a walk during lunch and a jog tonight. We have about 3 more months of nice weather so I'm going to get out as much as I can. Logging all foods again. And making today count!! Tomorrow is weigh in and I'm a little scared as for about 2-3 weeks I have NOT been good or cared. XXxxxing fingers, but it's time I hop on there and see where I'm at.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • summerluno2
    Hello again.

    Tonight I walked for 65 minutes. Didn't get my heart rate up as much as I wanted as I was with friends, but we did hills and got the hour in so I'm happy with it.

    Good luck on the scales tomorrow morning!!!!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Ok. Today I will......START POSTING AGAIN!

    I need to get back on the wagon here, it really does help me. Helps to put my head in the right place....if that makes sense. My evening snacking hasn't been great, I have been picking at whatever is there. This has always been my downfall.

    Got a new pair of running sneakers, my old time favorites - Asics Nimbus. I love these sneakers for running, I tried out the Brookes Glycerin last time, and they were good....but still not like my Nimbus. Can't wait to try them out, maybe today. There was a sale at Sport Chek where you could buy one pair and get the other pair 50% off. So...I bought a pair and hubby bought a pair.

    Got to take my cat to the vet this morning, nothing serious, but still not looking forward to it. Getting him in that cage is never fun!

    I think its a good idea to start up a new thead every so first I was trying to post in the old one and couldn't find the post button! lol

    Emy - the online nutrition sounds interesting.

    cindy - yup....rain here too. Yesterday there I woke up to some blue sky but now its foggy :( The running app that I've been using for the past couple of years is Runkeeper. I have every one of my runs logged since I got my iphone. lol Its kind of nice to go back and see how much I was running, how fast...etc etc i should check out ismoothrun too....I'm sure its also a good one.

    Lisa - hope you get good weather next week, and can get all of those pesky yellow jackets out of your camper!

    Well, I need to get off this computer and get something done around the house. Also need to go check in at the WI thread! yikes. not great today.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good Friday morning! I slept in a little this morning and it felt great! I did workout 3 from R4FL last night and it felt good. I'm so happy to be running! Today I will do weights.

    Lisa, I do hope the squats help with the knee issue. Problem is, I haven't had a knee issue before. I'm going to watch more videos on form this weekend and try to make sure I'm keeping good form while doing the squats. I feel like something I'm doing is causing the soreness. I will also pay more attention to my water intake. I've started upping the coffee intake at work the last week or two so I might be drinking less water than I think.

    Maureen, glad to see you post! New running shoes sound nice! I'm planning to treat myself this weekend to a new pair as well!

    Cindy, I called the group a class, but it's more of a coaching group. The coach is Jordan Syatt, and I think he's in your part of the world! He's very young, but he has so much knowledge and he's very motivating. The group started August 11 and goes for 12 weeks. He set up a plan for each of us and we email him our weight every morning. He also has a private facebook group where he posts daily videos and where we can interact. So far, it's great! I'm not sure how much more I will get out of it then doing this thing on my own. I do like the idea of having him watch my weight and progress and provide guidelines for me based on that. He also does one on one nutrition and strength coaching. I would love to do the strength coaching with him, but only have extra money right now for the nutrition group.

  • summerluno2
    Ok. Today I will......START POSTING AGAIN!

    I need to get back on the wagon here, it really does help me. Helps to put my head in the right place....if that makes sense. My evening snacking hasn't been great, I have been picking at whatever is there. This has always been my downfall.

    Maureen - completely agree, the posting and being accountable with each other really helps. I just started again this week and it's keeping me honest and helping me focus again. Glad we are back in it!!!
  • summerluno2

    Cindy, I called the group a class, but it's more of a coaching group. The coach is Jordan Syatt, and I think he's in your part of the world! He's very young, but he has so much knowledge and he's very motivating. The group started August 11 and goes for 12 weeks. He set up a plan for each of us and we email him our weight every morning. He also has a private facebook group where he posts daily videos and where we can interact. So far, it's great! I'm not sure how much more I will get out of it then doing this thing on my own. I do like the idea of having him watch my weight and progress and provide guidelines for me based on that. He also does one on one nutrition and strength coaching. I would love to do the strength coaching with him, but only have extra money right now for the nutrition group.


    Looking this up --- thanks!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Emy: I checked out his website & I think he has some really good info. I will see how you enjoy the 12 week coaching & if he does another one I may join. If you don't mind me asking, was it expensive? I am going to show my mom his 3 day per week strength program. We may use some of his stuff. While I am camping I will read his free ebooks. Kind of exciting to learn something new, but it reenforces that my mom & I are on the right track.

    My next step is to get food under control again, increase my protein & start losing again.

    Hope everyone had a great Friday. Here's to hoping the rain stays away so that I can go for my long run tomorrow!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member

    I will send you a message with how much my program is. I think he has some great free stuff available and his email updates he sends out are really interesting to get those just for signing up on his mailing list.

    Have fun on your trip!

  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello all! Well, it's been a week (I believe) since I've posted. I've only exercised two days this week and ate crappy pretty much every day! Logged every bit of it though, but what scares me is I was okay with it! That's so not good!! Need to get back on track and start planning meals. I think that is my biggest issue - planning meals. If I don't plan my lunches - I eat bad foods, then I'm pretty much done for the day. My son starts school on Monday so that is going to my new "start" date, eating healthy and back to exercising six days a week!

    Lisa, hope you have a great camping trip and find that nest!

    Cindy, that zucchini pizza sounds great! Definitely going to give that a try this weekend.

    Emy, I checked out the Runkeeper program - looks like a really good program. Have to get through c25k first, but will keep that in mind when I finally graduate! I'm looking for a new treadmill. Mine is 10 years old. Want something durable but fun - not sure that exists!

    Have a great weekend!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Not too bad a night last night in the eating department....I did have a glass of wine though. This weekend dh is in a triathlon (on Sunday) and I am volunteering. I sometime do it as part of a team but not this year, I would have if I'd have been asked but I guess noone needed a runner. So tonight we won't do much, hit the sac early probably.

    Did a 5K run in and loving my new sneakers.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I think we found and destroyed the yellow jacket nest, so fingers crossed that DS doesn't spend the next 3 days getting stung! We are very close to packed up & I can't wait to spend the next 3 days relaxing at the beach. I packed my running clothes as the weather is supposed to be perfect. I am also going to do some squats (when no one is looking?) so that I don't end up in pain from missing out on weight lifting.

    I am working on doing push ups and planks everyday, but I don't think that I will be able to do them while camping.. I have packed healthy food (even made turkey burgers!) so it should be a good, active 3 days (except when I am lounging at the beach).

    I won't be able to check in. I tried last time but would write out a message & it would never post. So have a good week & catch up on Thursday!
  • summerluno2
    Lisa --- have a GREAT week! Nice job packing foods to help you. Enjoy the time with family and time for you!

    Brenda, don't you hate those weeks. I was there 2 weeks back and since I started logging and writing in every day I feel like I'm back in the game again. Wash that bad week away and start fresh tomorrow! Good luck to your son starting school :) We have another 2 weeks here.

    Maureen, wine sounds nice. I know it's not a 'bad' treat, but I try to do nothing after 7 so have missed that. So enjoy for me too!!!

    This weekend we had my niece's going off to college party and I treated myself to a key lime cupcake - oh my so delish!

    On a side note, an old friend (sons were friends back in the younger years) has seen me do my walk/jog and stopped me the other day asking if she could go. So Friday we started off together and we started the C25K from scratch. I know it puts me back a few weeks, but it's great to have someone to do it with. And I'm amazed at how easy week 1 is for me now --- I remember the struggle. But I'm glad to have a partner - definitely helps. After we do the run, we walk for another 20-30 minutes and do the streets with the big hills.

    Monday starts again tomorrow. Off to cook up my chicken. (Every Sunday night I cook 3 boneless breasts of chicken so I can have either chicken in salad or I add bbq sauce and always have lunches planned -- it's my one saving grace!)

    Nite ladies!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Morning! Just back from a 10K run, So glad to have gotten a longer run in today. That is what I was hoping for, didn't feel too bad. I always feel tired by the end, but I usually can tell by 3-4 kms if I am going to do 10 or not.

    I am working the rest of this week, so at least I got a good start on the exercise. If I can even get a 5K run in 3 more times I'll be happy. I am doing a bit of baking today, I needed stuff to put in the boys lunches this week and I'm tired of going out and buying stuff. Now I just need to stay out of it! lol I guess I could have a blueberry muffin, but I really want to stay out of the cookies.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! I so did not want to come to work today!

    Cindy, that's so great that you have a friend to do C25K with! I think going back to the beginning is good because you can really see how far you have come!

    Maureen, I have new new running shoes, too! I'm loving them! Even though everything I read said to invest in some from the beginning, I really didn't think there would be that much of a difference. I did suffer a hit to my vanity though. I've always worn either a 9 1/2 or 10 sized shoe, and I've always disliked that fact. My foot is bigger than my dad's! Anyway, the person fitting me decided I really needed a 10 1/2 (New Balance apparently runs small?!?)! Ugh!!! I was not happy, but my little toe on my left foot is very happy now! I've been noticing some squeezing going on down there lately, and that is no longer a problem with the bigger shoe.

    Brenda, so far I like the R4FL program, but this week is the first week of intervals. I'm a little bit nervous about them! I will update on here on how it goes.

    Lisa, hope you are having fun!!! Glad you found the nest and did some prepping for healthy meals. It really sounds like everyone is doing great right now with the meal planning and resisting temptation!

    I'm really happy with my coaching program so far. I lost 3 pounds this first week. Nothing really different from what I was doing before, but he does have us alternating calories based on activity. I get 250 additional calories on the 3 days per week that I lift. Otherwise, I'm eating 1500. I don't think I would have gone as low as 1500 on my own. I really like 1600 better, as if 100 calories really makes a difference! I have to do some serious planning to get in everything that I want to stay under 1500 and not feel hungry. I like the results, so will try to stick with it as long as it is working.

    I'm planing to do weights tonight. Pretty excited that I squatted 50 lbs last time. It was the first time I really felt like I was lifting "heavy" even though I know 50 lbs is not very much for most people.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Very quick post from moi this morning.

    Not sure what I'll do after work today, not going to run but possibly swim. Tomorrow I'll try to run after work. Got my lunch all packed and supper figured out.

    Emy - so glad that you got some new running shoes that you like. When you first get them you just feel like you're running on clouds. haha

    Have a great day!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning! I did the first set of intervals last night from R4FL. Wow! They were killer, but I really improved my overall time. I think I'm going to really like this program!

    Maureen, great job on prepping meals! The new shoes are like running on clouds, but I have a blister on the back of my heel. I'm thinking I should not have listed to the salesperson and gone up in size. I really went along with it because I didn't want my vanity to get in the way of buying the best fitting shoe. Turns out, maybe I've been right these 44 years in buying a 9 1/2 or 10.

    I'm planning to do weights tonight. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Another great read by the same author:

    These two articles really put things into perspective for women, at least in my opinion!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Good morning and happy hump day ladies! I am sorry for being awol for so long. I felt like a fraud after awhile, coming in and saying that I was committing to get back on track, then still making the same poor choices. I ended up gaining weight for 3 weeks in a row, not more than 4 1/2 lbs total, but I was pretty angry about throwing my long term goals out the window for three weeks straight.

    I have had a solidly good week now, lost 4 lbs, and just finished week 1 of c25k. I was very happy with the weight loss of course, but I'm over the moon about running again. Over the past month, I've felt like my foot injury was reaching a stable and happy place. Not 100% recovered, but not getting as sore after workouts and activity. I feel like I'm walking more normally than I have in months. I had made a deal with myself that I would not run until I was in the two hundred teens because I felt like it wouldn't be good for my joints. But my oldest son needs to train for soccer which is starting up again. My youngest is always running everywhere, but my oldest leads a lazier life in the off-season. My husband and I decided that doing c25k would be a good way to improve his conditioning before the practices start. My husband was going to do it with him, I even bought him new shoes, but he kept putting it off. So last week I said, WTH, I'll do it! And I did, I ran and it didn't hurt my foot much. I'll be really sore by the end of the day, but the next morning I'm good to go, no lingering pain. What a relief!

    Today I wrapped up week 1 with a super-humid run. And with temps hitting 97 the rest of the week, I likely won't run again until the weekend. I guess I could try the treadmill at the gym, but that would be torture. Hate treadmills, and I had a bad fall on one while running years ago that wrecked my knee. Anyway, I'll try to catch up on the goings on around here this week. I'm happy to be back and I hop you are all well.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Up and ready for work. I picked up a salad at sobeys yesterday on my way home from work, it has strawberries in it. Managed to go for a 5K run after work, only got home around 5:45, but I told myself I had to do it. Hoping to do the same tonight.

    Pam - glad you're back!

    Emy - I will definitely check out those links!

    Sorry I don't have time for more, I am so not good at getting "everything' in when I am working. If I worked all the time I would probably be good at it. lol