Today I Will ______________



  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    I wish I could come back and say that I kicked the weigh-ins booty, but alas, I did not. Gained weight, it's done. I had a sneak attack from TOM, which showed up with a vengeance a few days early. That definitely had me dealing with more cravings. And all around I felt like my body was fighting to stay at it's set point. I'm about to head into some uncharted territory for this past year, so it was a struggle all week. This week won't be without challenges (going to my in-laws for 3 days for a family reunion) but I'm ready to start fresh and get rid of those 2 pounds I gained. I'm tired of talking about doing the right thing, so this week I'll focus on actions over words. Today I will shut up and get to work. I have calendar reminders and alarms set in my phone to review my goals, meditate, and read about the addictive nature of sugar/fat/salt. These will be things that will remind me why putting whatever in my mouth today is NOT okay.

    And to add something positive to the discussion, I went mountain biking for the first time yesterday. My 11yo had a sleepover, so the 7yo and I loaded up our bikes yesterday morning and rode trails for almost an hour. It was terrifying and wonderful! I was so glad that my clumsy behind didn't crash, there were some moments I squealed like a little girl! But it felt so good to experience those trails at a higher speed again. I used to run the trails all the time, and I miss that speeding through the trees feeling. It was great to feel that again!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Marielle, I like how you observed your friend’s natural behavior and felt how different it was from your regular life. I remember that from reading Beck Diet Solution. How other people seem to be able to have desserts and not have to count calories and plan their eating. How that can seem unfair. But the reality is I have a problem with overeating, so to LOSE weight, I must be more careful and constrained than I normally am. It will be wonderful if that behavior comes naturally to me one day too!

    Brenda, way to go on your 25 minutes! I’m excited to get a review of Piyo, many of my fb friends have been talking about it. I really need to get some yoga into my life regularly. But I haven’t always done well with pilates. I have an unstable pelvis and tailbone (they frequently get rotated/twisted out of place, which makes one leg longer than the other, which leads to my foot/knee problems). I have to adjust it almost everyday to keep it in place. But when I do pilates, all that lying down to sitting up stuff you do ends up wrecking my alignment. I eventually just gave it up for more pelvic friendly core work.

    Cindy, thanks for the warning on the cauliflower crust. Sounds horrible, so I doubt I would’ve tried it. I only like cauliflower in the winter, that smell of roasted cf just doesn’t seem to fit in the summertime for me.

    Lisa, that would be a rough calorie goal for me personally. I enjoy getting hungry before I eat a meal or snack. But when I start getting hungry an hour after a meal/snack, I get HANGRY (hungry-angry). I really feel that if you’re lifting heavy, you have to eat to support that. I had an online friend who was trying to cut back and found that all her gym workouts went downhill fast when she wasn’t eating. Could you make a list of safe foods to eat more of on lifting days (like chicken breasts, beans, kale, tuna, any non-starchy veggies) that would be allowed above the 1200 calories?
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member

    Aw Pam, sorry to hear you have been struggling. Hope you'll get yourself back up again, I'm sure with your positive attitude, you will!
    Love how you went mountain biking! I did a big mountain bike session in the mountains this time 2 years ago, for my hen party (or bachelorette party as it's called on your side of the world :happy: ). We had so much fun. In hindsight it was probably a stupid thing to do, as we fell lots of times and the wedding was only 2 weeks later! My wedding dress was knee length and I was covered in bruises and scratches :laugh:

    Lisa, I couldn't do the 1200 cals. I saw Johanne is only on 1200 as well and I admire ye for doing it! I need my 1500 + exercise calories, or I'd just wouldn't feel satisfied and am more likely to fall off and go on a binge.

    Emy, you're doing so well on the running and the exercise in general. Your body must be really toned at this stage!

    Don't think I'll be back here until early next week. Mam's arriving here this afternoon, until Monday and we'll be in the south of Ireland for the weekend, leaving tomorrow morning.

    So, have a great weekend all, and chat to you next week! balloons-smiley.gif?1292867552
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Marielle, have fun with your mom! I wish I was toned all over but I have a long way to go! I am definitely seeing a difference in the mirror though. The mountain bike session sounds fun, but surely you didn't include alcohol did you?!? LOL! I think most bachelorette parties here do! I didn't know it was called a hen party over there, love it!

    Pam, you've got this! Focus in on those goals and stay positive!

    Cindy, hope you conquered those hills yesterday at work!

    Lisa, Cindy recommended keeping plenty of baked chicken breasts available when we were doing cycle 1 of the 17 day diet. I was just reading an article last night that mentioned plain chicken breasts (no sauce, etc.) are one of the most filling, protein rich foods you can eat while on a restricted diet. The article said the taste might be bland but the chicken will keep you full for longer than other foods.

    I also had a sneak attack of TOM last night. My scale has been stuck since last Friday and then went up almost two pounds on Monday. It was back down yesterday and this morning, I was below 185! Yea!!! It might go back up again, but I'm definitely going to enjoy being under 185 for today!

    Did weights last night, walking this morning, and will do my run tonight. Hope everyone has a great day!

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all!

    I am happy that you all make me feel normal. 1200 is near impossible on days that I exercise. I do get "hangry" around 4:30. It is not a good way to be when customers are showing up at 4:59 and we close at 5:00.

    Marielle: Have a great time with your Mom. Hope you had a good kid free week :) Love the choice for your hen party. Made me chuckle :)

    Pam: Good suggestion about safe food. Veggies & hummus seem to work most days or pistachios, so I will allow them. I also plan to try to the dark chocolate, but yesterday I forgot, even though I bought it!

    Cindy: I had thought about the cauliflower pizza crust, but never got around to it. Maybe I will wait until you try the recipe from Emy's friend :)

    I going to run 5km this morning after I finish my coffee & before I go to work. Last day of July, gotta make it count :)
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313

    Lisa, Cindy recommended keeping plenty of baked chicken breasts available when we were doing cycle 1 of the 17 day diet. I was just reading an article last night that mentioned plain chicken breasts (no sauce, etc.) are one of the most filling, protein rich foods you can eat while on a restricted diet. The article said the taste might be bland but the chicken will keep you full for longer than other foods.

    Lisa, I would bake my chicken with some chicken broth (keep it moist) and use kosher salt/pepper. It had enough flavor that it wasn't too bland.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Today I will make it through. Been a hard week for me - and a hard one coming up. This weekend marks the 1 year anniversary of losing Luke. I've been trying to 'play normal' and keep going on with life, but last night I realized how exhausting that is and how drained I am. Today I've decided to just do the best I can each day for the next few weeks. No goals to fail and disappoint myself. So today and this weekend I'll just take the days as I can.

    Last night I texted my friend at 9:00 to meet me for a drink and appetizers. I spoiled myself with a martini and a chicken broccoli ziti. I will say all the heavy food actually helped me sleep last night. First night in a week I got some rest. Not that I will eat past every night at 9pm, but …

    I'll pop in here and there, but hopefully be back in full swing in another week or two.

    Until then; good luck with your goals and motivations….
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member

    My thoughts and prayers will be with you this weekend. With such an amazing mom, I know that Luke must have been a very special young man. It's only right that you allow yourself the time to focus on dealing with his loss during this time.

  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I went back to try to find the article I mentioned about staying full longer. I think it is a pretty good one. Here's the quote on the chicken breast. I'm like Cindy, some chicken broth or something makes it taste better, but apparently dry is a good thing???
    "Yes, it’s bland and boring but boneless/skinless chicken breast is low calorie, high protein, and when eaten dry is bizarrely satiating. While perusing some forums I came across the following epic quote by Martin Berkhan discussing the benefits of dry chicken:
    “If you’re looking to go low calorie, very high protein and low everything else (i.e. PSMF or similar), 250-300 g of dry chicken breast is something you might wanna add to your menu. I’ve tried every protein source under the sun and haven’t found anything that will satiate you more calorie for calorie.
    Key point is to not add stuff to it. It should be dry and boring, and it will take you a long time to finish it because the meat is so damn solid. Jaw muscles get a solid workout. Ain’t exactly a meal you’ll be seeing on Top Chef any time soon but it gets the job done on PSMF type diets or similar very high protein setups designed to be short in duration and cause fast fat loss.”"
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Wah! So busy! We're about to leave for Nashville this weekend. My husband's family has a family reunion tomorrow with a lot of relatives we haven't seen in over 15 years! It should be fun, thankfully it's a quick trip which will minimize a negative impact on my weigh in next week. I've been doing great the last few days. Big workouts, smart eating. Time to keep it healthy and sane this weekend.

    Hope you all have a great weekend too!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Well, another day without a workout. Good thing my Piyo challenge starts on Monday! Hopefully that will get me back into the swing of things; working out everyday and with some double workouts (I want to keep up with my running). I am loving the Piyo. Did another one of the workouts yesterday and it really made me sweat! Felt awesome after.

    Pam, have fun in Nashville! Great job on the workouts and eating well!

    Cindy, my thoughts are prayers are with you.

    Lisa, I too struggled with the 1200 calorie diet when I first started it. After a month of being "really good", it actually became a "norm", but I wasn't doing heavy lifting and I'm sure that makes a big difference! I'm adding calories now so I can maintain, but am having difficulties eating the right foods.

    Marielle, that link you posted for the Piyo video - yep, that's Piyo! That is actually the Sweat workout that I did early this week and it was an awesome workout! You probably won't read this until you are back from vaca, so hope you had a great time!!

    Emy, your daughter sounds like my son - he's flexible as well. He likes to workout with me once in a while. He'll do the splits and say "Mom, do this!" Yeah right!

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning everyone! I missed checking in yesterday because I felt pretty yucky all day. Anxiety ridden, tired, grouchy. I think it was because I didn't sleep during the night & then I didn't go weight lifting. Anyway :) Today is a new day.

    I am going for my long run today since yesterday was a do nothing day. Winds are calm & temp is 64F so it should be perfect. I will probably do 10km again, and keep doing it until it gets easier & faster.

    I do not think that 1200 calories is a good calorie range for me. Maybe net, but not when I am exercising. I have to much to lose to be down that low. Thanks for the tips about the chicken, but I don't want to eat dry yucky food lol. Even if I only lose 10lbs a year eventually I will get there lol :)

    Have a great Saturday!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning everyone. Pretty quiet here, everyone must have enjoyed their weekends away. Yesterday I gardened, cleaned up a sandbox the kids haven't used in years, took the dog for a walk and enjoyed an awesome relaxing day.

    I am heading to the gym soon, and then going to a local beach. I haven't taken the time to do this is years. Hopefully it is as awesome as I remember.

    Have a great day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well today is the last day that my relatives are here. It has been a nice week, lots going on and the kids had a good time too. But, you know its always nice to get back to the routine. My eating has been off so I am looking forward to getting back to my regular eating habits. I've still been getting my exercise in, running most days.

    Just peeked through some posts, I have lots to catch up on.

    Cindy - I am sure that this is a terribly hard week for you, stay strong and rely on friends and loved ones to help you when you need them. ((big hugs))
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello! I moved offices and added responsibilities at work so I haven't had time to post this morning. Hope everyone is doing great!

    I ran a 5k yesterday for my run (on my own not a race) ! Pretty excited. I finished it in just over 45 minutes which is better than I was expecting. Did my early morning walk today and will do weights tonight. I signed up for a 12 week online group nutrition coaching program with Jordan Syatt. It starts August 11th and I'm pretty pumped about it.

    Hopefully I will be able to get caught up on what everyone is doing later today. Have an awesome day!

  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    We had a nice, quick trip to Nashville. The reunion was great, met a lot of relatives I hadn't ever met before. The boys had a blast, and we got invited on an October beach trip with my in-laws. It's the week before our annual camping trip with friends to Virginia, but I absolutely cannot turn down a free condo at the beach. So we'll be in Orange Beach, Alabama one weekend and camping out in the cold mountains of Virginia the next! When it rains it pours. We went over two years without seeing the ocean and we'll have 3 different beach trips this year. The next one is 2 weeks away! Always motivating to eat clean and workout when you're going to be spending a few days in a swimsuit!

    Lisa, I love your attitude about losing. When I get desperate to make up some ground and lose quickly I have to reel myself in and say the same thing. Best to lose gradually over long periods than go so drastic that I rebel and gulp down a bowl of brownie batter when the going gets tough.

    Emy, congrats on your 5k time! I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how your time improves as the weather cools off. Will that ever happen? Lol! They say the optimal temperature for running is in the 50s. I certainly found that I was always a faster runner in the winter.

    Maureen, welcome back to the program!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Quick hello from me, will try to catch up this evening, busy busy in work now!

    All good here anyway, mother's visit is over and done with, she left with our girls yesterday, so they're holidaying in the Netherlands now. I'll be heading there myself on Sunday. Only a three-day working week for me (hence the busyness), so this week should fly in.
    Haven't been tracking since Friday, but haven't gone too overboard, so reckon I'm fine.

    Have a good day my lovelies! bunny-smiley.gif?1292867562
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    My relatives have left, sad to see them go but will be good to have routine back. My boys were also off work all that time so now they have gone back to work. It will seem like a quiet day here, but I have lots to do!

    I am hoping to have a perfect eating day today. Dh and I went to pick up some groceries last night so i have what I need to do that. Got some fresh green and yellow beans and am going to bake some chicken. Or....grill it on the BBQ....not sure. Also am either going to run or do a strength/cardio workout. I haven't done any strength/toning in quite awhile so I really should do that today.

    Yesterday I ran 5k.

    Emy - great job on the run!

    Pam - glad that your trip and reunion was good and sounds like you have lots of fun to look forward to!

    Siannah - hope your 3 day work week goes quickly :)
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    HI All!

    I must have some raging hormones this month because I am not in my happy place. I think this might happen every year after the rush of spring at work settles down & I am doing paper work most of the time. oh well.. Hopefully TOM will arrive soon to clear this miserable mood.

    Today I went to the gym & did weights. Looks like a beautiful day outside so I will take the dog for a walk tonight after supper. He loves it, and it is needed so that I get my 10 000 steps on weight lifting days.

    Hope everyone is having an awesome day! :flowerforyou:
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Quick post tonight. Work has been crazy. Hope it settles soon! Am running and doing Piyo, somedays both. Going great so far, just wish I could get my eating a little healthier.

    Great job on the run Emy!

    Pam, glad to hear you had a great reunion. I have a small one this Sunday. Will see some aunts, uncles and cousins I haven't seen for many years!

    Gotta run, have a great rest of the day!