Today I Will ______________



  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I ran, I ran, I ran! Woohoo! It felt good. I did not lose any fitness by taking so much time off. I will get new shoes today & a Garmin viva active watch. I still want the apple watch but the Garmin one is better for running & exercise. Maybe someday Apple will add a gps to the watch so that it works better. Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all! So awesome you got your run in Lisa! I'm jealous about the VivoActive watch. You'll have to let me know how you like it. Been thinking about getting one.

    Maureen, running in hot, humid weather is definitely no fun so kudos to you for making 8k! I too am noticing my clothes fitting better and definitely feeling stronger. I did six real push ups yesterday (not on my knees)! Before I couldn't even do one!

    Today I'm going to do Turbo Fire Fire 30 and abs. Got to work on the abs......

    Have a great day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning girls!

    Great news Lisa! So glad that you got out there and felt so good. Such a great feeling! I would love an apple watch someday too. I have a fitbit, my kids bought it for me for my birthday. I guess the Vivoactive watch must have a gps does it? I would love that. When I run now I use the Runkeeper App on my iphone.

    Brenda - Good for you with the pushups! I still can't do more than a couple. Which of the Chalean workouts are you liking the most? I find Phase 1 workous 2 and 3 hard.....but butt is always twitching when I'm done. LOL

    Today I am going to run, no idea what the distance will be. I am working a full week this week but today I go in from 2-8 so have all morning to myself.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Morning all! Got my workout in first thing this morning. Was finding that if I wait until afternoon on weekends to workout, it just never happened. Ran 4 miles and did the Turbo Fire Core 20 workout. I really like that one! I think I like the Phase 1 workout 3 the most. It's the most challenging for me and I always like a challenge! Will start Phase 2 on Monday. I'm excited to see how that will go!

    Have a great weekend!

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Ok back at it again. At least I keep getting back at it. I have just under 7 months to reach my goal. We are going on a cruise on January 30th & I want to be proud of our family picture this year. I am trying to book us a really active/expensive tour in St. Kitts & I want to enjoy it. It is mostly about the pictures though. I can pretty much to everything but don't like how I look in pictures. Lol. Happy Canada day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning everyone! A new month has begun....its like Mondays when a new week begins only BIGGER! haha I never lost anything in June....stayed the same all month. So....I need a kick start for July. The exercise is there...but I guess I need to do something different in the food department.
    Yesterday I ran 5K, debating whether to run again today or do a Chalean workout. Brenda, I have not tried the core 20 workout out yet, maybe I should give it a try. Are there lots of planks? I just hate those!

    Lisa, glad that you are back at it! I also have a trip planned and hope to be where I want to be, but we are going the end of October. I KNOW that I have plenty of time to do it....but I need to get started NOW. good luck!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Part of my problem is usually sleep related. Last night I could not sleep due to work stress, I finally fell asleep some time after 3:45, so I slept in and didn't run. I planned to go for a walk at lunch time, but our store was too busy. I did well on the eating front, even though I was tired. I will run tomorrow no matter what. I don't have any real stress today, so hopefully I will sleep well. I have got to drink more water. I know how to do this. Just have to be consistent.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I hope that you slept well last night Lisa, I had a bag night sleep wise the night before last. Makes for a long day thats for sure. Yesterday I did a strength workout (chalean 1/3) and today I am planning a run. I have to go in to town this morning to get groceries and its my youngest sons birthday and I need to get him something....NO IDEA WHAT! Probably some clothes and money.
    I need to drink more water too, as you said....i know how to do this too...I just need to do it!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all! Yep, beginning of a new month and things need to change. I'm like you Maureen, exercise is going great, but the eating needs a LOT of help! The Core 20 has about 2 minutes of plank exercises at the end, not too bad really. I'm not a plank fan either, but they say it's the best way to strengthen your core. I'm going to start a plan challenge I found on Pinterest today. Starts with a 20 second plank and at the end of the month a 240 second plank. We'll see how it goes!! I started the Push circuit of Chalean - am quite sore today, but love it!

    Lisa, hope your sleep is getting better! Yep, makes for a rough day when you can't sleep at night. A friend of mine runs at 8 pm every night to relieve stress. She says she sleeps like a log!

    Have a great Sunday!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning!
    Had a very busy weekend, my brother and his daughter were visiting and we had friends over.....and visited friends, all which included wine. EEK. Still got some runs in, took the day off yesterday though.
    I think today will be a chalean workout. Got tons to do today to get the house straightened up.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    We went camping for a few days. It was fun & relaxing. Got lots of walking & biking in, but also lots of camping snacks & drinks lol. Back at it (yep, again!) today. I got my run in & so far I am on track with eating. Somehow running reduces my appetite so I really should run every day :)
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Glad you had a great camping trip Lisa! Sounds like fun! I've actually had a pretty good week. Strength training three days and running one day - 6.5 mile run, it's my farthest yet. Also started a 30 day challenge with squats, push ups, plank and crunches. It started on day one with 50 squats and increases by 10 each day. 70 today and my legs are burning!! Will be very interesting at day 30!

    Have a great weekend!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning! Can't believe that its already the 29th of July. This summer is going to go way too fast. I wish winter would fly by too. lol
    We also went camping last weekend Lisa, did some running on the beautiful trails, and some biking and swimming....but of course camping means treats. I didn't overdo the food too much but I had wine each night.

    Brenda, sounds like you have good good exercise regime on the go. I am going to do some strength today, and the running is coming along. Slow but sure!

    I had company arrive yesterday, and from here til August 16th will be very busy. We are going to Quebec as my hubby is doing and Ironman in Mont Tremblant, so that will be a nice little trip. After that not sure what I will have on the go.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all! Wow, the Ironman - so awesome! Have a great trip!

    On Day 28 of the 30 day challenge. We are up to 190 squats, 140 crunches, 19 push-ups and a 1min 50 sec plank. Can't believe I've made it this far! Feel great though! Starting another 30 day challenge tomorrow with the same group so for two days will be doing two daily challenges. I also started a challenge for myself on Ifit to run 2.5 miles every day. Started that yesterday (actually ran 5 miles yesterday though!). Hopefully if I stick with this I can continue to exercise daily through the winter! We'll see how it goes!

    Have a great weekend!