brilliantwords Member


  • There's an option when you're logging exercise for breastfeeding. No, it's not exercise, but what it does is shows that you that you have an additional 500 left for the day in your diary. OR instead, you can also customize your calorie goal to any amount that you want when you go to "Goals -> Change Goals -> Custom". I…
  • I can't help with the amount you need for a goal, but if your concern is milk supply, then the recommendation I've always read is a minimum of 1800 calories/day. Some women may need more in order not to negatively affect their supply though! It really depends on the person. Honestly, I'd try starting out higher, then…
  • I'm not sure what to tell you as far as exact amount your body needs, but I have always read never to go below 1800 while breastfeeding. Usually at LEAST 1800 is recommended. I have an almost 3 month old and now that my supply is established, I recently set my goal to 1800 net.. so I do eat back my exercise calories in…
  • I've done intermittent fasting (Lean Gains 16:8) and really like it. I stopped when I got pregnant last year though. I think it's beneficial for some people, for example, if you're a person who prefers larger meals over smaller frequent ones. That way you can have your larger meals while maintaining the calorie deficit…
  • I'm not new either (probably 4-5 years between two accounts), but I'm just starting to try to lose weight again after having a baby almost 3 months ago. I stayed active and healthy during my pregnancy but it definitely put weight loss on hold. I am also an all or nothing person. I don't do moderation very well! I lost 100…
  • I was 22 weeks with the first movement. It took until around 24 or 25 weeks before my husband could feel it very faintly from the outside. Now, at nearly 30 weeks we both JUST started to be able to see the movement, and he can now feel it without having to ask me "was that him?" like he did at first when it was…
  • I am 25 weeks tomorrow, and have been able to resume my normal workouts for the most part, but with less frequency throughout the week. I usually try to keep 4, but for the past few weeks I've been having some fatigue and have only gotten in 2-3. I hope to pick it back up though. I still run some days at the gym. In fact…
  • Hey all, I havent been around here in a little while. I FINALLY felt movement in my 22nd week, and only a few times. Im now 24 weeks, 3 days and still very minimal flutters. I found out my placenta IS posterior, so it's not cushioning movements towards the front, however he appeared to be facing my back, snuggling face…
  • I found out today we're having a little boy!! We were both SO sure it was a girl when we caught a glimpse at the ultrasound, since where I live they can't tell you at the ultrasound and have to wait to see your doctor.. but in the technicians report it said otherwise! It's definitely a boy! My husband will be finding out…
  • I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks... I can't imagine being this far along (almost 20 weeks) and not having seen the baby yet, or not having it confirmed that it was just one baby in there! Surely they would have noticed two heart beats if it were twins though. Mine was a dating ultrasound that my doctor sent me for even…
  • Hey, just checking in since I haven't been here that much. I'm 19 weeks currently, and have my 20 week ultrasound in 6 days! Here in Canada, at least in my province, they cannot and will not tell you the gender during the ultrasound, and will also not tell me if everything is going well or if anything is wrong. I have a…
  • I just read your previous post.. that sounds so terrifying, and I'm sorry you've already gone through a loss. :( I hope you get results that are healthy and positive! Keep us posted!
  • Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about that! It's been a long time since I checked in. You're keeping a great attitude about it it seems, which is awesome. :smile: Things seem to be going well here.. just a little paranoia every time I get cramps or any aches since it's my first baby and I'm not sure what is normal when it's…
  • Pre pregnancy- 229 5 weeks- 229 6 weeks- 230.2 7 weeks- 229.1 8 weeks- 232.3 9 weeks- 231.6 10 weeks- 232.1 11 weeks- 229.4 12 weeks- 231.7 13 weeks- 231.5 14 weeks- 231.8 15 weeks- 231.0 16 weeks- 229.1 Total: + 0.1 lbs Definitely a lot less than I expected I'd gain by this point! Shouldn't be a problem staying within my…
  • Pre pregnancy- 229 5 weeks- 229 6 weeks- 230.2 7 weeks- 229.1 8 weeks- 232.3 9 weeks- 231.6 10 weeks- 232.1 11 weeks- 229.4 12 weeks- 231.7 13 weeks- 231.5 14 weeks- 231.8 15 weeks- 231.0 Total: + 2.0 lbs :smile:
  • Pre pregnancy- 229 5 weeks- 229 6 weeks- 230.2 7 weeks- 229.1 8 weeks- 232.3 9 weeks- 231.6 10 weeks- 232.1 11 weeks- 229.4 12 weeks- 231.7 13 weeks- 231.5 14 weeks- 231.8 Total: + 2.8 lbs I'd like to aim for 20 lbs or less, as I started out about 50 lbs overweight pre-pregnancy. Considering I have escaped most morning…
  • This. I don't even know why the term flexitarian exists to begin with. The term "pescetarian" I can understand slightly more since it does describe a person's dietary limitations. However, If you eat meat, whether it's seven days a week or only once in a while, you're not vegetarian. There isn't any dietary restriction.…
  • Pre pregnancy- 229 5 weeks- 229 6 weeks- 230.2 7 weeks- 229.1 8 weeks- 232.3 9 weeks- 231.6 10 weeks- 232.1 11 weeks- 229.4 12 weeks- 231.7 13 weeks- 231.5 Total: + 2.5 lbs
  • Pre pregnancy- 229 5 weeks- 229 6 weeks- 230.2 7 weeks- 229.1 8 weeks- 232.3 9 weeks- 231.6 10 weeks- 232.1 11 weeks- 229.4 12 weeks- 231.7 Total: + 2.7 lbs Not bad considering I haven't had morning sickness with the exception of a couple weeks off and on, which means still needing to control my big appetite. I'm almost 13…
  • This is my first pregnancy and I am 10 weeks today! Due April 3rd. :) Always looking for friends! I'm actually feeling great considering I thought I'd be a mess. I had bad nausea for week 6 & 7, then it seemed to ease off. I still get an episode of nausea 1-2 times per week and I just take ginger capsules when it hits and…
  • Sounds like the exact same thing that happened here! haha, congratuations!
  • Yeah, I know. I just read that beyond 4 days, the chances lower a bit. It doesn't really doesn't surprise me since many people conceive from being intimate 4-5 days before, but we also used a condom which obviously must've broke (which we're both happy about now). I just found it funny that we tried for two months starting…
  • TOFU! And normally I love it! I'm only 7 weeks but I cannot stand even the THOUGHT of eating it. It's usually in our fridge because we're both vegetarian but I haven't been able to go near it for weeks. Also eggs and vegetables. I was eating eggs daily before I got pregnant, then BAM, can't eat eggs anymore. I was eating…
  • I am due April 3rd! I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow.This is also our first baby. Anyone feel free to add me. :)
  • Im going to add you! My husband and I just started TTC, and we're HOPING we'll have good luck and succeed the first time this month. IF Im lucky, I'll be due a month after you. I know it's rare for it to happen the first try so Im not getting my hopes up, but fingers are crossed! Congratuations!
  • I'm currently TTC my first, and I've done my research on epidurals, and it TERRIFIES me, but so does the pain of going natural. Thanks for all the input... it's helpful for me as well since I'm trying to decide. The idea of the needle in my back, as well as a catheter freak me out more than the pain of a natural birth,…
  • Adding you as well because I'm going to start TTC this month. :) Is there a reason for stopping protein powder? I understand supplements in general, and will avoid them, however I haven't seen anything on whey protein powder, where it's just derived from milk and doesn't have anything else in it. Is this something I should…
  • You're right about there being a TTC group but it looks very inactive. This seems to be the only one with a good amount of members and recent posts. I'm in the same boat as OP, but wanted a more active group to join. :)