

  • If you like Hunger Games and GOT, then I suggest you read A Great and Terrible Beauty series, it's quite good. It would fall under the YA category but It has enough depth for adults to enjoy.
  • Prepping meals has helped me lose 3lbs in 4 days. For me, the first step is admitting that I am lazy, which is an ugly word. I don't spend hours prepping or any of that nonsense, seriously it took about 30mins. Make Tupperware your best friend. When I come home tired it's so nice to go into the fridge and grab my already…
  • Mine is all over the place. It can vary between 5-6lbs in an hr. I have to step on it a few times before the number becomes accurate. It's a cool scale but even on a flat surface I can't rely on this darn thing