Those of you with a Weight Watchers Scale



  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Yeah it was SUPER annoying. I returned it (without the box) to BBB and got an Eat Smart one from Amazon. Tomorrow is my second weigh in with that scale. I also have the analog scale as a fail safe hahaha.
  • RealMattHopkins
    RealMattHopkins Posts: 75 Member
    I am having trouble with mine. The weight fluctuations are pretty radical sometimes and it makes me wonder what the truth even is? After nearly three weeks on this plan, I don't know if I started at 332lbs or 326lbs... and I don't know if I really weigh 320lbs or 323lbs... either way, the whole thing irritates me.

    I do feel better and can feel a slight difference in my clothes though so I suppose that should be enough. I just wish I had a scale I could trust 100%.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Our Weight Watchers does exactly the same thing. That's because it's a complete piece of crap cheap scale that the manufacturer paid a licensing fee to slap a WW sticker on it. My wife picked it up when she was on WW.

    The important part, though, is to have a comparison number. I simply weigh myself on it and take the FIRST reading regardless of what it is. I'm sure it's not completely accurate but I don't need medical-grade accuracy to measure a trend.
  • sarrylove
    Mine did that when I first bought it. I changed the battery and it has been consistent ever since and doesn't do that anymore.
  • ixchel78
    ixchel78 Posts: 57 Member
    My WW scale works fine. Once or twice it's thrown a funny number at me, but I just zero it out and get an accurate reading. I have noticed that if my feet are hanging over or I don't position myself in the center it will be off though. Also make sure it is on a flat surface. I also don't leave it on the floor, It is sitting on its side until I'm ready to use it. Then I place it on the floor and zero it out for an accurate reading.

    I know it is accurate because I weighed myself and later that day at the doctor I got the same scale reading. I also only weigh myself at the same time every time of day (first thing in the morning). If I weigh myself later in the day it will go up a pound or more sometimes depending on what I've eaten, water, exercise, etc. But in the morning it's back to normal.

    It is an electronic device, that isn't to say there isn't a batch of lemons out there!
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    I haven't had a problem with mine--I always put it in the same spot on the floor (but our floor is wooden and there are no bumps to make it not-level). I have "User 1" set to be me and it never stores my weight. I just tap User 1, wait for it to flash to 0.0 and get on. I wonder if, like other posters mentioned, it is the battery?
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    You must make sure you're on an absolutely flat surface. My WW scale used to be all over the place until I found somewhere completely flat for it.
  • happythermia
    If your floor isn't pretty much perfectly even, you'll have this problem. I know I do! I weigh myself and when I get a consistent number multiple times, I log it
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    I don't have the fancy ww scale yet.. but I want one, I have just a ww glass scale that tells me my weight. I notice when I share it with other people like my husband it isn't very accurate. I take the batteries out step on it one time and then one more time and then it is seems to be accurate.
  • nataliexxxx
    I have one and its rubbish, I go to slimming world now so dont use it but if I do weigh myself at home it never tells me the same weight and tells me different weights straight after each other, take it back
  • licialorraine
    the same thing hapenns to me:/ i always weigh myself once, then wait for it to turn off then weigh myself again. it seems to be the most accurate
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    iv got weightwatchers bodyfat one too and mine can varie so i thought i might try the omron one when i can afford them
  • ultim8fury
    I used to have a basic WW glass scale. I used to weigh myself 3 times and average the result. I found that it seemed to latch onto a weight but if you got on carrying a heavy weight it would cause it to forget your last weigh in and the next time you get on it it would actually give you a reading.

    I chopped it in for a withings scale last month - much better.
  • akirazumbale
    akirazumbale Posts: 2 Member
    my scale gives me the same number...down to the decimal ever week....It cant be!!!!
  • jmyrtle
    jmyrtle Posts: 44 Member
    My WW scale does that too I have to re weigh myself multiple times and take the number that comes up more. I even have a Taylor digital that does this too. Thinking I need a newer one. Very disappointed when your working hard to lose and see it the same or a gain. Surface and time of day are consistent as are clothes. Any ideas?
  • stiobhard
    stiobhard Posts: 140 Member
    the same thing hapenns to me:/ i always weigh myself once, then wait for it to turn off then weigh myself again. it seems to be the most accurate

    this is what i do. so is it defective? alot of people are having the same issue.
  • Gaylekaye
    So glad to find this thread because I have been wondering about my WW scale. Last night I got on it and I had gained 4 pounds. I way. how do you eat less and gain that much weight weight??? I reset it and and tried again. Then it showed I only gained 2 pounds. It fluctuates all over the place. If I weigh myself 5 times,I get 5 different weights. This is REALLY frustrating!!!!! I have had it a while and no longer have the box. Is there a better scale that I could buy?
  • bodytoblood
    Mine is all over the place. It can vary between 5-6lbs in an hr. I have to step on it a few times before the number becomes accurate. It's a cool scale but even on a flat surface I can't rely on this darn thing
  • hillonwheels40
    hillonwheels40 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the WW scale and I’m hating the inaccuracies. Yesterday, I ate 1210 calories, walked 15,673 steps, and I went up .8 lb. I reweighed myself three times and got the same weight. There’s no way I could have gained. My scale has not moved, I wear the same thing every morning when I get on the scale, and it’s on a flat surface. I may donate it to Salvation Army.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    MIne seems consistent and predictable. What I've noticed, however, is that it weighs me about 0.2 to 0.9 lbs. less than a new one I bought, a Withings Body+ Body Composition Wi-Fi Scale. Since I began my current fitness, health and wellness journey with the WW one, I'm continuing to use it as my "official" scale until initial weight goal is achieved. Then, I'll switch over. I do use the Withings one to notice the continuing trend of being higher than WW.

    I think the WW scale is good value. Bought mine at Costco a couple years ago and don't believe I paid much more than $20 for it. It, along with a tape measure, is all that's really needed for those on a budget.