

  • I'm probably not the best person on this to give advice, since I'm still trying to lose weight, by what I interpret from bulking is, what ever your daily calorie intake is to maintain weight, just eat over by about 250 calories, and start lifting heavy weights, where you get exhausted and tired between 8-12 reps. so by…
  • well guys, I enjoy reading all this posts, MOST INTERESTING ;p But guys, I'm gonna hop in the water room and get things ready for my first day of work tomorrow morning. But keep em coming, I'm enjoying this more than a perv with a new pair of binoculars.
  • *off topic* I'm up for the marijuana legalization.. Always have been, used to smoke all the time in College, weird thing is, I was in awesome shape all through college, but when my wife got pregnant, I quit, because after college needed a job. I always enjoyed it after a day in the gym, helped me relax, and play music ;p.…
  • quoting the first part of your post, not the NASM part. My goal is to hit about 195 and maintain, since I'll still have fat to turn to muscle, because my main goal is this, where I'll be working at a prison, say for instance, if an inmate tries to screw with me, and I end up grabbing him by the arm, I want his first…
  • That's actually a very nice weight for you at your height. But since you lose weight around 2150ish, I'm wondering why MFP told me my goal is 1750 =/ and I am 215 pounds and 5'10"... Starting to wonder if the calorie thingy is truly correct, unless it's telling me that because I'm shooting for 2 lb's a week instead of 1/2…
  • Well, as far as the protein shakes go with the muscle milk, it gives me loads of daily micronutrients based on the nutrition label, loads of vitamins, calcium, etc. So by drinking 2 of those a day at least, a long with my veggies to get VC and the other vitamins I need, I believe I am doing alright on that part of things.…
  • I weight 215, 5'10", 25, listed my activity as lightly active, since I don't get to get to a gym regularly, and I take long walks (that's what it said under lightly active), clicked wanted to lose 2 lbs a week, and it said my goal was 1750 (I could be wrong, maybe I need 2800 to maintain weight, not sure exactly, but I…
  • dunno, I've been manually putting in what my pedometer says. and the one lady was right, I burn about 245 calories on that walk, and yes, it takes me about 40-45 minutes as well. Dunno what's more accurate, a pedometer counting steps and miles, with my current weight, height and age, or what MFP gives. Either way, one is…
  • you may be right, I have a pedometer that counts steps, miles, calories, and minutes, and I put my weight in at 215, and when I get back from my 2 mile walk, it was actually like 2.3, and it says.....wait, just went and got it, your right, I was looking at the wrong thing, 2.3 miles I burnt like 260 calories it said, so…
  • gonna let my wife on the comp, so if I don't send any replies that's why, but I appreciate all the Helpful feedback I've gotten, unlike some of the rude ones. Not everyone knows exactly what to do when dieting for the first time in their life. That's why it is nice to have helpful advice, and not douchy ones. It's real…
  • Sounds good, so a white castle microwavable burger every day should be alright then ;p
  • I only started dieting last month, and lost 15 pounds with my diet, and I got my answer from psych, just mix up the way I make my food, and still eat the same times I do daily, just add a little more calories to the meal. I just can't eat a super clean meal, get full, then realize, oh %$#$, my calories are to low, I'm…
  • Wow, you pretty awesome! I like the sound of that, haven't even thought about doing that. Only thing, I don't have a chicken stuffer! lol, I could always melt some cheese on it, and fry some back on in olive oil and just lay it on top of it like a healthy half version of the KFC Double Down I suppose ;p
  • well, to maintain my weight I need to eat like 2300 some calories a day, to lose I need 1750, but since I switched to the complete healthy eating, all the foods I eat make me full, but barely get over 1000 calories, like I said, I have to make myself eat a protein bar or two a day to get over 1300 net for the day, before…
  • now that looks freaking yummy! And it's hard to hit because all the food I heat, like grilled chicken, baked fish, and all greens and some fruits is all I normally eat, and by the end of the day, I gotta eat a protein bar and extra protein shake to get to near 1300 (and that's before exercise) I find it hard to eat to…
  • wonder why it shows my levels go up on the calorie counter when I put that in on here...?
  • I do like ice cream, and I enjoy lifting weights to, but wont get to start regular in a gym til tomorrow, start my new job, and there's a free gym up from it, so I'll be hitting the weights 3-4 times a week, while still doing some walking, either on elliptical, treadmill, or a couple miles from the house. Should I post on…
  • the reason why is when I started my diet and walking on March 27th, I weight 230 pounds, I've already dropped 15-18 eating clean, like the foods I've posted (sometimes I do different kinds of fish,but always have my greens, and sometimes some fruit), and the last time I ate some food I used to eat, I got real sick when…
  • tried the olive oil, and do use it when I decide to fry my foods, but when I find it under the calorie food finder, my sodium shoots up. Don't want a lot of water retention, as I've lost a lot of my gut so far this past month of diet and walking before creating my account on here.
  • here's an update real quick, forgot to mention, when I walk 2 miles of the morning I burn an average of at least 345 calories walking carrying my 15 lb weight, and of the evenings after lunch or dinner, I walk for 3 miles, and burn about 460 calories, by doing this my calories remaining are going to be about 1200, and my…
  • I completely missed the part about cows LOL Very interesting.
  • thanks for the replies. when i see my wife fix foods she likes, i just go make my own food now unless she cooks it for me ;p I do miss mcdoubles though lol, but if i feel like that after eatin cheese sticks and chicken tenders i dunno what to expect lol.