miamigirl123 Member


  • Hey girl. I can totally understand why you're frustrated about this situation. A partner should be like a cheerleader and support you along the way. Maybe you can get him on board by finding an activity that both of you enjoy! We both started playing tennis recently, which is perfect for satisfying his manly desire to…
  • Sounds like you've been doing some pretty intense exercise there! Your body's natural response to this is to create inflammation in the muscle tissue. With inflammation comes water retention to heal he muscles so it's TOTALLY normal. Just keep working through it and it will improve! :)
  • Hey girl! Im 5'6 and my CW is 126, GW 118. We have pretty similar stats!
  • Hey girl! YAY for you! I tried the Dukan Diet for a few months and it's a high protein, low carb/fat diet. While the diet is ridiculously hard to maintain, it really made me realize how much processed foods I've been eating. My body truly feels better when I put good natural fuel into it! I'm a major snacker and definitely…
  • HA! This is an awesome thread! I'm a siwmmer and ripped/athletic kinda girl :)
  • Hey! I don't have much to lose. Just trying to cut some body fat. I'm 5'6, 126lbs and my goal is 118. I work out daily but my diet isthe problem.
  • Thanks for the tips! I just brushed my teeth and it helped!
  • All of these recipes sound awesome! I will def be trying them all soon :)
  • This is a great one! Trying it today :)
  • Something that helps me remember not to go overboard when I'm snacking is posting an fitspiration pic on my fridge. Having that visual reminder helps me remember my goals and why I'm doing this in the first place. PS: It's Jessica Alba in a bikini :)
  • Excellent post!!! There are two main reasons why people want to lose weight: to be skinnier or to be healthier. I find that using health as a motivator, makes weight loss a long term achievement as compared to just looking skinnier. I know this because I have had both goals in mind at some point in my life, and being…
  • NOS Cardio Cuts from GNC. It's awesome because it doesn't have creatine in it so I avoid the water retention and the bulky "pump" after my workouts. It's like crack in a bottle...I feel like I can run for days and swim across oceans when I drink it lol :)