Sugar addiction!

I'm such a sugar addict!!! I usually give in to cravings and it's usually for cake or ice cream! How do I control my sweet tooth? Other than the sugar, my diet is pretty decent. My lack of self control with sugar is ruining my progress! Do you guys have any tips for how you curb the cravings? Or how you satisfy your sweet tooth without ruining your diet?


  • aussieems
    aussieems Posts: 14 Member

    I dont claim to be able to resist my temptations, but I have found that brusing my teeth when I have a crazing stops them. the thought of chocolate and toothpaste - YUK! Mints/ chewing gum could work the same if brushing your teeth is inconvenient.

    Just a thought...

    Look forward to hear other responses to this!
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    When I have a craving I force myself to earn it by guzzling 12 oz. of cold water. The craving doesn't go completely away...but the water fills me up pretty good!
  • miamigirl123
    miamigirl123 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I just brushed my teeth and it helped!