

  • I've been doing CrossFit for a year. Three weeks is just getting things going. Give it some time yet. The scale isn't all that reliable when gaining muscle and losing fat. The scale might not move, but the inches will come off if your diet is good and you're taking in enough calories to feed your body. Keep up the good…
    in Crossfit Comment by M2DandA October 2012
  • I agree it can be very discouraging if you focus on the scale alone. Muscle takes up more space than fat, so you can weigh the same, and still be thinner. :)
  • I got some from my twin pg. They have faded a lot which is great. The weight loss has helped too. I've never been comfortable wearing a bikini, so that's not an issue. My man doesn't mind my 'pregnancy stripes'.
  • I like chest hair or bare. Either way is fine with me. Not a fan of 'sweaters' or back hair though.
  • Divorced (but in a great relationship now)
  • I hear ya! I'm a single mom to 3 yr old twins and work full-time. Still workout when I'm dead tired!!
  • I'm in SE MN. :)
  • Good for you! I'm registered for the May 19th TM in the Twin Cities (12 miles - 29 obstacles). But I don't think I'm quite ready yet (registered months ago). :( I was hoping I'd be further along in my running. They already have the schedule up for 2013, and it's back in MN in July, and I WILL be there. No if's, and's, or…
  • I had a c-section with my twins 3 yrs ago. Thankfully with my weightloss and working out CrossFit), it is definitely getting better. :)
  • 5'3" here. Wouldn't mind being a few inches taller, but it's all good since I wear heels a lot. :)
  • Since you don't do CrossFit, then you're set! You don't HAVE to see these women and all of their so-called injuries. WTF. Extremely heavy lifting? I lift what I can and I'm darn proud of it. Good thing you weren't there recently to see me hit my personal record of 225lb deadlift. My SMILE was huge. I don't have pulled…
    in CrossFit Comment by M2DandA April 2012
  • There will always be people for and against ANY topic out there. If CrossFit (or whatever) isn't for you, then move on to another topic. To the original poster, I've been doing CrossFit for seven months and have seen amazing results. I use my head and common sense. If I'm not comfortable doing something, then I don't do…
    in CrossFit Comment by M2DandA April 2012