I'm both amazed and discouraged at the sheer amount of unmitigated insanity in the form of jealousy portrayed in this thread. Seriously, stop worrying about male or female and pick your friends/contacts based upon whether you find them interesting and/or think you might have something in common with him/her. And, to those…
You'd think that basic nutrition would be covered at some point in pre-med training/coursework :) Anyway, yes, you can lose fat with dieting alone least to a certain point. I would say that once you hit the 'normal' range, then it might get a lot more difficult or impossible without at least some exercise. But, if…
I think I can say with confidence that a single bowl of ice cream wouldn't cause you to gain an entire kilogram in a day.
Water is the way to go for drinks. If you have a hard time transitioning to "water only", perhaps start by putting a lot of squeezed lemon or lime into the water to give it some taste. After a year or so, you'll only want water at meals! (I went from a "no water"/"coca-cola only" diet in 2004 to "water ONLY" now. It took…
I'm astonished at the amount of misunderstanding with regard to weight vs. volume in this thread. Didn't everyone have a slew of worksheets on this topic when they were in elementary school? I remember all kinds of worksheets on imperial vs. metric weight, volume, etc.. etc.. It was about the same time we learned about…
Is the 'binge eating' in the evening taking you over your allotment of calories? If not, then I wouldn't worry about it. People worry too much about "when" they're eating during the day. In my opinion, the "when" doesn't matter, only the "what". Otherwise, I would suggest eating really "filling" foods in the evening. For…
Yea, I think the most successful folks are probably those that had a very harsh "reality check" all at once. That's what happened to me (with a set of photos.) I find that the "success stories" (especially those with photos) here on the forums are the best motivation. There are just WAY too many on here to simply say it's…
The sodium thing can be a challenge if you use anything from the supermarket. It amazes me sometimes how much salt they insist on putting into things. For high-fiber, I suggest anything with beans. Kidney beans or even black beans, for examples, have a ton of fiber and work really well as part of chili. I also find the…
Is this program similar to what I referenced in ?
I suffer the same affliction. I mean, I'm still fairly critical of what I see in the mirror; however, it's 10 times worse than photos. Even video isn't as bad as photos! To be honest, it was actually seeing a few candid photos lately that made me decide to get serious and lose some weight. I just visualize it and it keeps…
I was considering getting this as well and would love to hear a few testimonials :)
I'll do some testing with the Jawbone UP when it arrives. I agree with most of the sentiments in this thread: rehearsals are not much of a work-out. Obviously, it depends on the piece I'm working on and the "goal" of the rehearsal, but I doubt it adds up to much. But, performances are something entirely different. I work…
You're talking about something like the Jawbone UP, right? Yea, I just ordered it so it should come in a few days :) I guess that will answer my question -- I don't know why that didn't occur to me!