I guess I want to stick to a habit of one snack a day as a way of life. If I want to maintain my weight I need to be able to go between meals without having a bit her and there and grazing constantly. I have lived in London for almost 5 years and have a daily commute of 3 hours per day. Every time I am tired of it I…
Thanks PrincessMarie I like the idea of zip bags. I'll try that. Well done on your progress!
I'm afraid I cant throw things away at home as muy husband who is 6 5" would starve! :) I'll increase my protein intake I'd forgotten about that!
Amazing! Congratulations! I complain because I struggle with losing 12 lbs! I should come back to your profile page more often for inspiration :) Well done!
I love the BBC's Good Food website. It has lots of healthy ideas: