April5785 Member


  • i'm in...tried it about a year ago and couldn't make it through it...hoping to now!
  • I'm in!!!! Never done a challenge...super excited! My goal- 25 miles. How do I get a ticker for it?
  • WOW!!! I am proud of you! You give me motivation to kick it up! I haven't been serious and I keep getting so frustrated with how I look and feel. Thanks for the inspiration. Keep at it (and keep us updated!)
  • I personally have not finished the program but I have friends who run 1/2 marathons now from it. I have started it 3 different times and didn't complete it. I am not into running and didn't have music which I believe was a huge obstacle. One time I had to quit because of an unrelated injury. I plan to start again when I…
  • Definitely True!!!! I'm a coke-a-holic and I have to drink extra water because I get dehydrated easily from all the coke I drink!
  • its common when you first start exercising. over time your period should be less painful and less heavy/long if exercise is continued. the irregularity so even out over time though; if not i would call your doctor.
  • I love my nook color....i have a 2 year old and it reads the kids books to you! played on a kindle a little, but i love the nook. i think it doesn't matter; whichever one you get is the one you will get accustomed to using and will like. gl!
  • thanks!:happy: