

  • Have you had your thyroid checked?
  • I would say that you need to eat back enough so that you don't have more than a 1,000 calorie deficit, which is the point at which you go into starvation mode. I am loving the cycling because on the days I don't feel so hungry, I just don't eat as much, and on the days I'm hungrier, I get to eat a little more. Been doing…
  • Glucomannan!
  • Actually, I like Glucomannan. When I can remember to take it before meals, it really helps me to feel fuller. It is the same stuff that's in the diet pill Lipozene but I buy mine from www.vitacost.com. I get a really big bottle that lasts for awhile. Since it's just fiber, it's pretty harmless and it does help to "keep…
  • Somewhere down the road you believed the lie that you are ugly (where ever it may have come from). You are not.
  • I've lifted weights all my life, nothing has toned my back up like using a kettlebell.
  • This is probably gonna sound like psychobabble but the fat is just a defense mechanism. It is what you have control over. The good news is that you also have control over letting go of the fat. Start logging everything you eat- I promise it will motivate you to eat less. Make that one commitment and you will succeed.
  • The only problem I see is possibly the mandarin oranges- don't they have sugar added? I agree that fruit sugar is very different than refined sugar. If it's natural, it's usually healthy as long as it's in moderation.
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