tmandras Member


  • I would try eating back your exercise cal just to see if it helps. I upped my protein & lowered my carbs & saw better weight loss. I always eat around 1600 cal now & I am 5'7''
  • honestly, all the prepackaged meals is pushing the # up. Try to cook your own night or day before for lunch/dinner, better for you overall! Fruit always throws me off but I just try to have it early in the day. I use stevia or xylitol in my oatmeal, yogurt, etc. to sweeten
  • my diary is open too... are you logging your food/exercise? How tall are you, how much do you have to loose? Its possible you may need even more,higher protein/carbs.
  • I agree! I make sure to look at the meat markdown section in my grocery stores for deals too, even if it expires that day...take it home & cook it right away! Aldi is great for veggies too!
  • yes, more! my diary is public, take a look if you want some ideas... I eat every 3 hrs - 6 meal/snacks a day, no matter what! I have a hard time reaching my calories somedays but they are set at 1750! I am NEVER hungry if I make myself stay on schedule. If I am I eat a handful of almonds or spoonful of PB. Good Luck!
  • baked/steamed tilapia with zucchini (seasoned w/ lemon,garlic,pepper )over brown rice
  • mine is public & I fill it out daily (not been active for 1 week proir but look back ), you can add me, I share recipes on my blog occasionally if someone asks
  • how many times a day are you eating? I eat breakfast at about 7:30 & have a snack around 11-11:30 ... usually a protein shake, almonds or greek yogurt w/ fruit. I eat between everytime meal! breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner & if I am hungry before bed I will have a spoonful of PB
  • I stay away from all artificial sweeteners personally & I just use real sugar. I have tried truvia & stevia (in true form) & didnt care for it, other than that honey or agave is the only things I can think of ... unless you can drink it black (yuck! :) )
  • all yogurt has some types of probiotics in it already ... you can always buy some powder probiotics to add to whatever you want or even take pill form
  • ^ yeah that & for me I find it easier to drink more with a straw so I use those reuseable straw cups (like this: )
  • I will try this tomorrow! I make similar & love them! I use 1/2C quick oats, 1/2C cottage cheese (1%), tsp vanilla, dash cinnamon, 4 egg whites. I cook them thin like crepes & put just a small dab of preserves down the center & roll them up to eat! They are yummy, have NO cottage cheese taste & are high in protein!
  • I agree! love & I use sweet potatoes in place of pumpkin muffin recipes. I also replace oil with applesauce. I make muffins & ad choc chips & my whole family loves them! Havent added my recipe to see the nutrition here yet though
  • prenatal (Rainbow Light is my fav brand), fish oil, calcium.magnesium, extra probiotic every other month or so (it was in my prenatals) for ongoing yeast/thrush problems
  • I agree w/ 'lilredrooster' points! and I craved sweets & carbs too! I would make myself goodies to satisfy like WW breadsticks w/ marinara for dipping and WW (banana or pumpkin) muffins w/ a few choc chips :) I never counted calories either just choose healthy things I knew would keep me full the best!
  • some normal good meal options for me were, breakfast: eggs w/ cheese on a wheat deli flatbread omelets w/ veggies & cheese steel cut oats w/ raisin, nuts (also great for milk production) cereal sometimes w/ 2% milk, not a big cereal person snack: greek yogurt w fruit hummus w/ pretzels or carrots banana/apple/orange string…
  • I have BF 3 children & each time my weight loss was different even with a healthy balanced diet ... my last baby (after I was 30) was BF until 15 months & I did not loss much weight at all until she weaned. I think its just different everytime. Make sure you stay well hydrated & eat every 2-3 hrs even if its just some…
  • are you tracking your fiber intake on the food diary? I add a fiber supplement to my diet most days, I typically eat high protein and need extra fiber to stay regular
  • ^ this! drink lots of water, eat smaller portions, more often and add some strength training to your workouts, cut down on sugar ... patience with all of the above , it takes time for change & for your body to get used to it ;)
  • Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
  • wondering the same! anyone??