

  • having a post workout shake is just a trendy thing to do because its easy and tastes good. it is good for recovery as well. however, a better idea is to eat more of your carbs after a workout with some protein or recovery powder. fueling your body up no later than 30min after a workout with carbs to burn and some protein…
  • with all prepackaged foods you should always always always look for the simplest ingredients. for peanut butter, if the Ingredients list anything besides: Raw Peanuts/Roasted Peanuts, sea salt -- dont get it! Raw is always good but easier to find as raw almond butter. A couple of GREAT brands to look for:…
  • non fat greek yogurt and agave nectar or fruit or jelly non fat cottage cheese with fruit couple servings of raw unsalted nuts/seeds protein bar 2 cups of salad with low cal dressing
  • be weary of sugar free drink mixes.... artificial sweeteners are not better than sugar just because they have 0 calories. boo aspartame
  • best advice is just to try and set a goal of oz to drink in a day. get a water bottle with the volume printed on it. (most do anyway). start with one bottle a day, ~24oz. every few days, increase the goal. no one really needs more than ~90oz a day since you will get plenty from foods and your favorite drinks anyway.…
  • one serving of 0% plain greek yogurt with any kind of fresh fruit, jelly or even agave nectar. add some ground flax for extra calories. take some fruit (one banana is perfect) into blender with some nut butter, almond/soy milk, ground flax, protein powder and ice. the less carbs 4ish hours before bed, the better.
  • judge for yourself: